As the three of them fainted, the gate of Jiang's house opened, and Jiang Fan's men quickly rushed out!

"Master, old rules?"

Wang Yi asked on the side.



Wang Yi waved!

Suddenly, Lu Bu and the others interrupted the arms and legs of the three people very skillfully, and then threw them directly into the dungeon like a smoke!

At this moment, Wei Tingzheng in the dungeon was boringly swiping his cell phone. Seeing the dungeon door opened, he suddenly shouted stressfully!

"Let me out! Let me out-huh? Is there a new one?"

He looked curiously at the three people dragged in by Lu Bu and others, but then his expression changed drastically!

"Well, this is Song Hong? And Song Zhe and Song Rong? You, have you even offended the Song family?"

"The Song Family is a shit! You should say that Song Family dares to offend us adults!"

The 13th sneered directly!

Wei Ting was startled, and then suddenly gasped!

That's right!

Indeed it is!

His Wei family has offended Jiang Fan, what is the end now?

Forced by Jiang Fan to go to war with Zhou's family!

This is Jiang Fan's view on the face of his student Wei Fuling!

As for the Song family, can you still have this kind of luck?

"Wei Ting, how have you been in the last few days?"

At this moment, Jiang Fan's voice suddenly sounded!

Wei Ting trembled all over!

Looking at Jiang Fan slowly entering the dungeon with a little horror, he laughed directly.

"Also, okay, okay!"

"Oh? If that's the case, then you continue to stay here!"

"Ah? Jiang Fan! No, no, Mr. Jiang, just do it, let me go! I, I'm a dog from the Wei family! It's useless for you to catch me!"

"Can I keep it as a pet?"


Wei Ting almost yelled at him angrily!

Listen, is this really human?

Treat a level 14 master as a pet!

Tianding's ten poles are not as wild as you are!

But thinking like this in my heart, I didn't dare to say that if I gave him a hundred courage!

"Mr. Jiang, you, even if you treat me as a pet, but a pet, there is a time to let the wind go! You, I beg you, let me go! I swear, I will do nothing for everything that happens here Speak out!"

Wei Ting begged bitterly!

Jiang Fan felt his chin for a while, and finally nodded!

"Well, who made me kind?"


Sir, don't you feel bad when you say this?

The corners of the mouths of the 13th and others twitched.

But Wei Ting was overjoyed!

"Thank you! Thank you Mr. Jiang!"

As he said, he smashed the lock of the prison door and walked out with a look of excitement!

The materials in this dungeon, let alone level fourteen, can't be shut down even at level ten!

Only those who were locked in by Jiang Fan didn't dare to escape at all!

All this is only because it is Jiang Fan's extremely abnormal strength that really imprisons them!

Wei Ting got out of the cell and was ready to run away!


"and many more!"

Jiang Fan suddenly smiled and said!

"You, what do you want?"

Wei Ting was taken aback, and asked cautiously!

"Wei Ting, the door lock was broken by you!"

"Ah? Ah! Don't worry, I will make up for it!"

As soon as Wei Ting spoke, the 13th and the others immediately covered their foreheads!


Does this pay for it?

The hapless old road of Qingyunmen Yunlou just because he scratched the wall a little, was forced by Jiang Fan to almost use his pants!

You, Wei Ting, stay in Los Angeles and work for Jiang Fan to pay off the debt!

Everything that follows is self-evident!

When Wei Ting left the dungeon like a walking dead and looked up at the bright starry sky, he felt that he had just entered a larger cell!

His task is simple, stay in Jiangzhai as a thug!

"Oh! Birth is not in time!"

Wei Ting sighed and went straight to the kitchen to find wine!

On the side of the dungeon, the three of Hongbo were poured with ice water, and finally woke up!

Only when the three of them opened their eyes, they saw Jiang Fan with a sneer on his face!

"Jiang Fan!"

The three of them looked angry and were about to speak, but at this moment, a maddening pain spread all over the body in an instant!

"Ah! Me, my arms and legs!"

"Asshole! You, how dare you do such a bad hand on us!"

"And put us in a cage!"

"We are from the Song family!"

"You are against the Song family by doing this!"

"You're done! Boy! You are dead! I must tear you apart!"

Several people ranted frantically!

However, Jiang Fan was just silent, just looking at them playfully with those eyes full of mockery!

It's as if humans are admiring a grinning monkey in a zoo!

Being watched by Jiang Fan's eyes, the clamor of the three of them became smaller and smaller, and finally stopped at the same time, all of them bowed their heads a little timidly!

"Hehe, it's funny, have you seen a bad dog?"

Jiang Fan suddenly spoke!

"The same goes for a vicious dog. The more you avoid it, the tighter it will follow and the more fierce it will bark!

"But if you keep staring at it, its voice will become smaller and smaller!"

"Even if you walk a few steps towards the evil dog at this time, the evil dog will be frightened and run away!"

"You guys are really like evil dogs!"

The three of them looked stagnant!

Then furious!

It's just that no one dared to stand up this time, just staring at Jiang Fan fiercely!

Jiang Fan's mouth turned up, and finally smiled!

"Very well, it seems that you are much smarter than evil dogs! In that case, it saves me from continuing to do it!"

Jiang Fan said, waving his hand directly!

Step forward when Curtiston!

"the host!"

"Lock their souls, let them be the living dead for a few days!"


Curtis grinned, and a miserable, weird skull appeared in his hand!

The reason is weird because of the two curved horns on the skull!

This thing is surprisingly the skull of a great devil!

At this moment, two groups of blue ghost fires were burning in the eye sockets of the skeletons. Just a glance at them made people feel that the soul had an illusion that it was going to be extinguished!

This thing is an auxiliary treasure that Curtis asked for help from Yuguangzi and Yuqingzi, and was activated by the power of the dead!

And its function is to attack the opponent's soul, amplify the opponent's pain, and hypnotize the opponent!

However, this thing is not of much use in battle. Its real function is a tool of torture!

Seeing Curtis took out such a thing, Hong Bo and others panicked!

"Jiang Fan! What are you doing?"

"I warn you! Don't go too far!"

"If you hurt us, the Song family won't let you go!"

"Jiang Fan, as long as you don't hurt me, let me do anything! Various postures and various unlocks! I promise to serve you comfortably!"

Song Rong and the others were all panicked!

It's a pity that Jiang Fan just made a gesture of silence!

"Don't worry, I won't take your lives, but you had better not resist, otherwise, in order to prevent you from waking up suddenly, then I will really have to cut off your limbs!"

A few people trembled!

Curtis had already taken the opportunity to make a move and suddenly pressed on the skull!

In an instant, the ghost fire in the two eye sockets of the skeleton suddenly revolved like a whirlpool!

But Song Rong and the three only felt a trance in their minds!

They were trying to resist, but when they remembered Jiang Fan's words, they suddenly hesitated!

And the next moment, a groggy feeling completely enveloped the three of them!


The three of them dropped their heads directly to the ground and passed out completely!

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