Along with Long Yan's narration, a past event that made everyone's heartbeat speed up, finally slowly emerged!

"Before entering the ruins, everyone was full of confidence."

"Although Night Demon was great at the time, for us, it was just a small character!"

"And Ye Mo saw that we were crowded and powerful, and he didn't stop him, and he actually took the initiative to speak, saying that the ruins are too big, and he just can't crack many places, and wants to join hands with us."

"The Night Demon has been operating in the ruins for a long time. It is obvious that he is the person who knows it best, so everyone has no objection at all."

"However, we all don't know. From the moment we promised him, everyone has already entered his game!"

"Later, the night demon went on and on, and kept bewitching us to take the lives of our competitors."

"When we finally reacted, everyone was injured and it was too late!"

"At that time, the night demon finally broke out of true strength, and almost all of the remaining people were killed by him!"

"but me--"

Long Yan said, suddenly unbuttoning his coat!

At the location of his heart, there was a scar that was torn and terrifying!

Everyone gasped at the sight of this scar!

Such an injury had obviously penetrated into the viscera, and Long Yan could actually survive!

"My heart was cracked by him at the time. If it weren't for the incomparable strength to support me, I'm afraid I would have been killed at that time!"

"Fortunately, he thought that I was bound to die, and went straight to chase another person, and I barely crawled into a grotto cracked in the ground."

"It's just that I didn't expect that under the grotto, there was a pool of water, and that water had magical healing powers, which saved my life!"

"After that, I barely escaped the ruins and returned to China."

"But everyone who follows me..."

Long Yan looked pained.

Others also turned blue when they heard it.

But at this time Curtis spoke curiously.

"Night Demon separates you. Didn't you think anything was wrong before?"

"Ha ha……"

Long Yan couldn't help showing a hint of mockery on his face.

"If it's Brother Fan who gives us the next game, even if you know what he is going to do, with your and my wisdom, do you think we can jump out?"

As soon as Long Yan spoke out, everyone's complexion changed!

Jiang Fan is an out-and-out pervert!

Even if he tells you face to face that he intends to sell you, you might still be grateful!

But that night demon, he would be so powerful?

"The most terrifying thing about this person is not the strength, but the same intelligence as Fan Fan!"

"All of us know what he is going to do, but we just can't jump out of his control, we can only follow his rhythm, step by step, and finally walk into a dead end!"

"That guy is a monster!"

Long Yan said bitterly!

Other people's heart beats even more!

But Jiang Fan, there was a ray of excitement in his eyes!

Interesting, he wants to see this night monster more and more!

"and after?"

"In that battle, the'Dragon Banner' was completely destroyed, and I was slandered as a deserter. For two years, I was locked in a dungeon in Los Angeles."

"It's a pity that although I am not dead, my vitality is greatly injured, and my strength has plummeted!"

"If you want a breakthrough, there is no hope for life!"

"I'm not reconciled. In order to find the Night Demon for revenge in the future, I cruelly removed all my skills and used it to rebuild the foundation!"

"Although it was broken and then stood up, the cathodic yang method I had previously understood gradually completed, but I didn't expect that the cultivation methods of this method were three times the usual!"

"So in almost two years, I was able to reach the tenth level, and I encountered a bottleneck!"

"Fortunately, Brother Fan mentioned something, which made me avoid many detours!"

Long Yan sighed!

At the same time, look at Jiang Fan gratefully!

Jiang Fan was startled, and finally remembered!

At that time, Wang Longwen hired countless masters to kill him with a billion bonus. It was at that time that he had a meal and said to JB that he didn't know how to let Long Yan get rid of it!

And Yue Jianhan's eyes brightened!

Cathodic positive!

This state, not to mention Jiang Fan, even in today's world, few people can reach it!

The so-called cathodic yang birth does not mean where the level is, but a state of realm, an insight into martial arts!

The most intuitive performance, first of all, is the strength far beyond the normal level!

No wonder Long Yan dared to challenge himself as a sword repairer at that time, he did have this confidence!

The lethality of the two is far beyond ordinary people, and they have the strength to leapfrog their opponents!

After listening to Long Yan's words, everyone was silent!

Long Yan is also ruthless enough, with all his skill, he can be transformed!

If it were them, there would never be such a cruelty!

However, in comparison, the Night Demon looked more and more terrifying!

"When Night Demon fought you, what level was it?"

Jiang Fan suddenly spoke.

"Level fourteen, it should have just reached level fourteen!"

"Level fourteen?"

Everyone was taken aback!

Not to mention Long Yan, there were definitely a lot of masters who entered the ruins at that time!

Even if it is seriously injured, it is definitely not without the strength to fight back!

But in the end, he was hunted down by the night demon who had just entered the fourteenth level. This... he was not Jiang Fan, how could he be so tough?

But Jiang Fan didn't have the slightest surprise, just continued to ask.

"What about his abilities?"

"I... I don't know!"

Long Yan gave a wry smile and shook his head directly.

"do not know?"

Everyone looked at Long Yan in surprise, and even Jiang Fan was slightly startled!

"Yes, although his body carries very powerful energy fluctuations, but that energy is neither vindictive, nor magic, nor is it a supernatural power!"

"That kind of energy is weird, but its power is surprisingly great! Let the speed and attack of the Night Demon reach the level of abnormality!"

"Besides, what's even more weird is that he is clearly blindfolded, but his eyesight is surprisingly good, and he seems to be able to see through all our moves!"

"I used Yin Jin to transform Yang Jin by half, and my speed has reached the limit of fourteenth level! But at that speed, he actually stopped all attacks with one hand!"

"Moreover, after being hit by him, my bodyguard was really useless!"

"The worst is a half-step master magician, the night demon actually penetrated the magic shield directly, tearing him alive in half!"


Curtis suddenly exclaimed!

The magic shield is the tortoise shell of the magician!

From a purely defensive point of view, it is definitely stronger than vindictive and true qi!

But the night demon can actually penetrate the magic shield?

For a time, his original passion for the ruins was directly extinguished by half!

The attack power and speed are all full, and the defense can be broken. The key is to see through the opponent's moves. The most important thing is that this was only a fourteenth-level primary night monster two years ago!

It was so fierce two years ago, how about two years later?

Everyone looks solemn!

Only now did they really know how strong their opponents are!

This is not even in the information of the Sword of Thorns!

Seeing everyone's complexion changed drastically, Jiang Fan suddenly frowned at this moment!

"No! Since the night demon has such a powerful strength, why should you let you kill each other? Wouldn't it be easier to kill you all by shooting directly?"

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