Seeing several people finished their shots, Jiang Fan's expression suddenly became serious!

Compared with the Headless Horseman, if the fatal attack is not counted, the strength of these people is slightly better than the Headless Horseman!

Obviously, this is definitely not the hole card of these people!

It seems that with entering the Grandmaster level, even between the same level, there will be a significant gap!

In fact, it is too much to think about, can be sent by these major forces to perform this task, they must all be the leaders of them!

It's just that what Jiang Fan thought of right now was not these people, but the upcoming job transfer mission!

The strength of these people is already strong enough, and what level should the more exaggerated transfer BOSS be?

According to past experience, it is definitely more terrifying than these people combined!

And just as Jiang Fan frowned!


The cruise ship has suddenly passed through the huge waves!

The picture that appeared before everyone's eyes made everyone stunned!

"Why, how could..."

Everyone looked at the picture in front of them in disbelief!

At this moment, the sea in front of everyone is calm and waveless, and the sky is even brighter!

A vast sea and sky!

It's as if the huge wave storm just now was just an illusion!

However, if you look back at this moment, you will find that there is a clear and incomparable boundary above the vast sea!

The place where the cruise ship was traveling before was still a huge wave, but at the moment everyone was in a moonlight and starry sky!

Such a sight is simply unheard of by everyone!

Many people have even rushed out of the cabin, looking at this strange landscape with shock!

"Huh? What is that?"

"It seems to be... Kojima?"

"No! It's a ship! What a big ship!"

"It's a cruise ship!"

The crowd suddenly pointed to the distance and shouted!

I saw that just a kilometer away in front of the cruise ship where everyone was riding, a huge and huge cruise ship was mooring!

This cruise ship is where the Night Demon lives!

It's just different from before. At this moment, on the huge cruise ship, it's pitch black!

If everyone were not masters, I'm afraid they would all regard this huge wheel as an island!

"Why is there such a big ship here?"

No. 2 and others are all shocked!

Only Jiang Fan sneered!

"It looks like you have arrived at your destination! Let's go, go to the deck!"

Soon, several people have arrived on the deck!

As soon as he saw Jiang Fan, Archibald jumped up!

"Hey, Mr. Bai Zhou, are you out?"

"Well, Mr. Archibald didn't take a break?"

Jiang Fan asked with a smile.

"No, people are old and feel less."

Archibald smiled, and suddenly pointed to the huge ship.

"Mr. Dayu, how could that great wheel be here?"

"If I guessed correctly, there should be the base of the Night Demon!"


"Night Demon's base?"

Upon hearing Jiang Fan's words, everyone's expressions moved!

The base of Night Demon must have many benefits!

Suddenly, many people started thinking directly!

And the masters of several major forces squinted their eyes one after another!

If you can kill the Night Demon here, it will be done once and for all!

Archibald's eyes brightened!

"Mr. Dayu, it's better than we go now..."

"Don't waste time, the Night Demon can't be on it! It's even impossible to leave the benefits on board!"

Jiang Fan's words were not only addressed to Archibald, but also addressed to several major forces!

Pampas and the others narrowed their eyes, and apparently understood what Jiang Fan meant.

However, the rest didn't care about that many people. There was even a small force that had put down the boat on the cruise ship and rushed directly toward the giant ship!

Soon, the voices of those who rushed to the giant wheel came.

"No one!"

"It's an empty ship!"

"Tea is still warm! Not long after I left!"

"Go inside, there must be something good!"

As their excited voices sounded, many people who were hesitant here suddenly had a heartbeat!

Several small forces followed suit, put down a few small boats, and rushed over.

Dun Techa narrowed his eyes and suddenly jumped up to a small boat that was about to set off!


Dun Techa spoke coldly at the little force that was about to set off.

The little force hesitated for a while, and finally did not dare to provoke Dun Techa, and reluctantly left the boat.

Duntecha smiled triumphantly, and rushed to the giant ship in a small boat!

How can such an advantage be missed by his uncle Duntecha?

At this moment, the few small forces that set off first have already boarded the giant ship, and they have rushed into the cabin as they flashed!

Duntecha was in a hurry, desperately urging the boat!

Just halfway through!


An incomparably tragic howl suddenly sounded from the great wheel!

Everyone was shocked!

The next moment, the glass in a room on the seventh floor of the Great Wheel suddenly exploded!

Two distorted corpses were suddenly thrown out!

And this is like a signal, in an instant, within the huge wheel, the horrible howling has already sounded in a film!

Everyone's expressions have completely changed!

"Not good! It's a trap!"

"Davis! Come back soon!"

"Fox Hunting Mercenary Corps, come with me to save people!"

"Damn it, too careless!"

The crowd was in panic and was about to rush to the huge wheel!


"Those people are not saved and don't want to die, you better stay here!"

Jiang Fan's cold voice suddenly sounded!

Many people trembled and stopped involuntarily!

But the leader of a small force smiled coldly!

"Stop **** fart! Don't stand in the way of Lao Tzu to save people!"

"Bastard! You are looking for death!"

No. 2 was suddenly angry!

"Forget it, good words can't persuade the **** ghost, let him go!"

Jiang Fan waved his hand gently!

And the little boss smiled proudly and got on the boat!

But at this moment!

The screams on the giant wheel suddenly disappeared!

Everyone was taken aback!

The scream disappeared, doesn't that mean...


A muffled noise suddenly sounded from the huge wheel in the distance!

Immediately afterwards, it was the second sound!




That sound is like an earthquake!

At the same time, a fierce and unparalleled aura actually crossed a kilometer distance and rushed to the cruise ship where everyone was on!

And a silhouette as majestic as a mountain, finally appeared from the deck of the giant ship!

The loud noise just now turned out to be the footsteps of this figure!

"Stab it~~"

The figure struck a thick match, and then slowly lit the cigar on his mouth!

And with this firelight, his full picture finally appeared!


Everyone gasped!

This guy who appeared is too strong!

It's a monster!

His height must be more than 2.5 meters at least!

On the scarred body, the muscles exude a metallic reflection like steel.

The most exaggerated thing is that his wrists alone are a bit thicker than ordinary people's waists!

And on his shoulder, he carried a huge anchor that was more than three meters in length and weighed at least five tons!


The monster took a sip of a cigar about the size of a normal person's wrist, and then suddenly expelled a thick mist of smoke!

Then, he suddenly laughed!

Slowly speak with a muffled thunderous voice!

"Everyone, you can call me violent, I represent the boss of the night demon, welcome you!"

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