After the second part of the Pirates of the Caribbean, Norrington took the heart of David Jones and gave him to Lord Beckett.

Beckett used this as a threat and asked David Jones to help him fight pirates.

On the other hand, Barbosa, Turner and others rescued Jack Sparrow and the Black Pearl.

In the follow-up plot, it was Barbosa that held a pirate meeting, intending to release Calypso, the **** of the sea, to counter David Jones and Beckett!

And there are so many pirate ships parked here in Tutuja Port, I am afraid they are all going to the shipwreck port to participate in the pirate convention!


The system is so caring, it directly gave me such a good opportunity to complete the task!

Jiang Fan suddenly got up and looked at a group of pirates with a smile!

"I'm going to Shipwreck Island. I don't know which one has vacant seats on the ship?"

Everyone shivered!

Carrying such a ruthless man on the boat is like carrying a boat with black powder that may explode at any time!

In case he gets upset by any chance, the whole ship will be broken by Jiang Fan!

Take him, do you want to die?

However, Jiang Fan's next sentence directly excited them!

"Of course, in return, if you encounter the East India Company, I can help you solve the trouble for free!"

The East India Company is exactly the power of Beckett!

It is also the strongest force at present!

Even without the help of David Jones, their powerful firepower is definitely not something the pirates can contend!

And since knowing that the pirate conference is about to be held, the East India Company's warship patrol on the sea has increased several times!

For the pirates, the most dangerous on the way to the Shipwreck Island is not the tsunami and storm, but the warship!

And with Jiang Fan, and nothing else, it's almost equivalent to an extra humanoid cannon that points to where to fight. This business is a bargain!

For a moment!

"Aha! Sir, we happen to have a seat on board!"

"Sir! Our Little Calf is the latest three-masted sailboat! Fast and stable, it must be the best for you!"

"Don't listen to them! Sir, we have fresh fruit and a boat full of rum on the One-Eyed Mermaid!"

"What's that! Sir, come with us! Not only do we have everything on the Coquettish Mary, there are also bed-warming women!"

"Damn it! Are you deliberately having trouble with Lao Tzu?"

"Hey, grab someone? It's up to you?"

"Damn! Copy guys, kill these **** on the coquettish Mary!"


"Oli here!!!"

Soon, the pirates who were vying for Jiang Fan directly picked up the table, chair and bench and started fighting!

The entire tavern returned to chaos again in an instant!

Jiang Fan shook his head and grabbed the captain on the little calf!

"what's your name?"

"Sir, me, my name is Fat Cow Holly!"

"Very well, Mr. Holly, get your people ready to set sail!"


Fat Cow Holly looked excited!

Haha, a bunch of big idiots!

Do it slowly!

I'm going one step ahead!

And seeing Jiang Fan and Holly leave, the eyes of several sharp-eyed pirates suddenly lit up, and they made gestures to greet their people to follow along!

These people are still smart, knowing that if they meet Jiang Fan now, if they meet the East India Company, Jiang Fan will definitely take action!

The safety factor is definitely much higher than sailing by yourself!


Jiang Fan and Holly have arrived at the port!

"Sir, this is our calf number!"

Holly pointed at a sailing boat with a smug look on his face!

This ship is about twenty meters long, which looks quite new, but it only has two masts!

The point is that there is actually an East India Company logo on the sails of the ship!

With the pirate flag hung on the mast of the ship, it is nothing short of nonsense!

"This is the three-masted sailboat you are talking about?"

Jiang Fan's mouth twitched and looked at Holly!

This is a three-masted sailing ship, obviously it was an East India cargo ship that was looted from nowhere!

"Hey hey, sir, I plan to add another mast! Ahem, you know, if you don’t brag, you can’t get mixed up in the pirate world. If you don’t believe me, look at those **** ships. Mine is too broken!"

Holly smiled and pointed directly at the distance!

Jiang Fan looked at Holly's fingers, and his face suddenly turned blue. According to modern standards, the rest of the ships should be cut into wood and burned!

Sure enough, it is impossible to compare good in the pirate world, but bad is the mainstream!

Jiang Fan took a deep breath, and finally got on the calf horn.

Although the ship was a bit rotten from a distance, it can be seen that the pirates still have a plan for maintaining the ship, and there are people wiping the deck at night.

Seeing that Holly brought up an extremely handsome Eastern man, the pirates suddenly showed a smirk, and they were ready to taunt Jiang Fan.

However, before they waited to speak, they saw Holly's eyes fierce!

The warning in there means it is almost overflowing!

A few pirates startled!

You know, in this group of pirates, they never care about their identity and background, and everything depends on their fists to speak!

And it must be because of the strength of this Easterner that makes Holly so nervous!

In an instant, the pirates all closed their mouths honestly!

"Sir, you can rest in the captain's room for a while. It is filled with fresh fruits and meats that you just purchased. I believe you will be satisfied!"

Holly looked at Jiang Fan flatly.


Jiang Fan nodded.

"That, sir, don't know what I should call you?"

Holly asked tentatively.

"My name is Jiang Fan!"

"Jiang Fan...Oh? Why is this name so familiar?"

Holly was taken aback!

Among those pirates, one of them carefully looked at Jiang Fan, but then suddenly screamed and sat down on the ground!

"You! It's you!"

"Cook! What's wrong with you?"

Everyone looked at the crew member with surprise.

However, the crew member named Cook looked at Jiang Fan as if he had seen the scariest thing in the world.

"Cook! What's wrong with you?"

"Damn, this guy is peeing his pants!"

"How is this possible? Cook used to be a crew member of the Black Pearl!"

"One of the most ferocious pirates on our Little Calf!"

"You would be scared like this by an Easterner!"

Everyone looked at Cook in disbelief!

But Cook not only peeed his pants, but also had tears and snot on his face. He looked at Jiang Fan in fear!

"No, don't kill me! Please, let me go!"

"I, I no longer serve on the Black Pearl!"

"Let me go, let me go!"

Cook desperately crying at Jiang Fan!

"I'm not interested in your life, but if you don't shut up, I will really kill you!"

Jiang Fan frowned!

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Cook hurriedly wiped his tears and his nose, and spoke tremblingly!

But Jiang Fan turned around and entered the captain's room!

Until this time, a group of pirates, including Holly, looked at Cook!

"Cook, what happened to you just now?"

"Yes! Who is this Jiang Fan?"

"How can you be so scared?"

"You guy was bragging before, right?"

The crowd ridiculed!


"You know what a shit!"

Cook suddenly roared!

"He is the monster that slaughtered more than half of Captain Barbossa's crew in the Royal Harbour-Jiang Fan!"

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