Listening to the weird conversation between the two of them, everyone was shocked!

Especially Qiu Yuanfeng, his face is full of an expression of seeing a ghost!

This conversation is not like what the kidnapped person can say!

What's more shocking is yet to come!

"...It's fine, I saw Wan Wu, right across from me!"

"It seems that Leng Qing is right, he is really alive!"

"Well, thank you for the cold feeling for me. By the way, the three of them should have gone downstairs by now. Let the cold feeling take care of you!"

"I know... there is a fight below, they should have arrived!"

"Very well, come directly to Cao's house after meeting them!"

"Well, don't let Qiu Yuanfeng die!"

"Don't worry, he won't die so fast!"



Qiu Yuanfeng hung up the phone!

The look on his face is full of an unspeakable panic!

Now he is a fool, and he should know that something is wrong!

"Jiang Fan! What were you talking about just now?"

Qiu Yuanfeng screamed suddenly!

"What did you say, didn't you hear everything?"

On Jiang Fan's face, there was no more negative emotions at this moment, but a trace of mockery!

Everyone's hearts trembled involuntarily!

And Bao Dabao trembled all over!

Relying on his understanding of Jiang Fan, if Jiang Fan showed such a look, it can only explain one thing!

The overall situation is set!

And this overall situation is definitely not theirs!

At the same time, Qiu Yuanfeng's phone suddenly rang!

As soon as it was connected, there was already a terrifying voice on the other side!

"Master! It's not good! Three very powerful Taoist priests broke in!"


Qiu Yuanfeng's eyes suddenly widened!

"Master! Can't beat! The opponent is at least level twelve! Too strong!"



Accompanied by a horrible sound of bone cracking, there was only a busy tone left on the phone!

Qiu Yuanfeng trembled all over!

"Cold feeling! Yes! Cold feeling!"

While he was talking, he was about to dial the coldhearted number!

But at this moment!

"Qiu Yuanfeng, don't waste the phone bill! I won't answer it coldly!"

"You, how do you know?"

"Because of the coldness, it is ours!"

Jiang Fan smiled softly!

"what did you say?!"

Qiu Yuanfeng's eyes widened in disbelief!

"Don't be so surprised, even I am ashamed of Mingyue's means of subduing his subordinates, don't you think Mingyue really can't deal with this kind of cold girl?"

Jiang Fan sneered!

Qiu Yuanfeng shook his hands, only feeling a chill rushing to his bones!

"You, did you know that Qiu Mingyue was kidnapped by me to Faint City?"

But before Jiang Fan could answer, he had already reacted suddenly, his eyes widened suddenly!

"No! She was not **** by me, she came on her own initiative!"

"Bingo! That's right!"

Jiang Fan snapped his fingers directly!

"But, why did she come? Could it be that she was approaching me proactively to find out how I would deal with you?"

"That's right again!"

"So you brought Yumingzi and the three of them, on the one hand, just to confuse me, on the other hand, you want to use them to save Qiu Mingyue?"

"Still right!"

"Yes, but even so, how can you know where Qiu Mingyue is?"

"It's very simple! I said coldly that you have a security company in Wucheng, but this company has never been in business. So where is Mingyue, it's obvious!"

"You are so fully prepared... Well, so to speak, you already knew I was going to deal with you?"

Qiu Yuanfeng looked at Jiang Fan incredulously!

"That's right! Qiu Yuanfeng, it's so pleasant to be your opponent, it's the first time that I save saliva like this!"

Jiang Fan looked refreshed!

However, Qiu Yuanfeng is about to collapse!

"This, this is impossible! This plan, obviously I only finalized it last night!"

"That's right! You really only finalized this plan last night, but why don't you think about it? What are the reasons for you to finalize this plan?"

"Because, because..."

Qiu Yuanfeng suddenly looked at Bao Dabao!

This plan, in fact, Qiu Yuanfeng itself has been brewing for a long time!

He had already calculated that Jiang Fan's goal was Lingzhou, so the original plan was to notify Zhou's family in advance before Jiang Fan started to attack Lingzhou, and then brought a group of masters to wait for Jiang Fan to enter the urn!

But last night, news suddenly came from Bao Dabao, saying that Jiang's house was raided, and Jiang Fan's men suffered heavy losses!

At the same time, the masters of the Song family have also secretly left the capital!

And Qiu Yuanfeng made sure that all the news was true and correct, and only then changed his plan to let the Cao family start with the Pang family and use the Pang family to find Jiang Fan!

In other words, it was precisely because of Bao Dabao's news that this plan was completely finalized!

"Understood? But if I say, this news, I deliberately let Bao Dabao know?"


Bao Dabao and Qiu Yuanfeng exclaimed at the same time!

And Bao Dabao was sweating and trembling all over!

He looked at Jiang Fan almost incredulously!

"You, you already knew that I betrayed you?"

"Otherwise? Bao Dabao, you are very smart, but compared to me, you are far worse!"

Jiang Fan's face was suddenly full of ridicule!

"Do you really think you are hiding well?"

"Do you really think I know nothing about Xiangzhou?"

"Do you really think that Liang Xiaotong next to you I don't know who he is?"

"Do you really think you can hide from me if you contact Qiu Yuanfeng privately?"

"You are too naive! You disappointed me too much!"

Every time Jiang Fan said, Bao Dabao's face paled!

"You, when did you start to doubt me?"

"The last time Zhou's family raided Jiang's house! It was a coincidence that they came too fast! So I asked Uncle Zhong to check everyone! Unfortunately, you are the most suspicious one!"

"But I really don't want that person to be you, so this time, I deliberately told you about the accident in the Jiang family through Yu Mingzi and others!"

"The Jiang family has had such a big event, it is the most empty time in history, so no matter which one of my opponents is, I will definitely not miss this opportunity!"

"And this is my test for you!"

"If you pass, I can forget about your betrayal of me! But if you still don't know how to repent, then this time, the plan you and Qiu Yuanfeng arranged for me will happen to be your dead end!"

"It's a pity, you got stuck too deep, it's hopeless!"

As Jiang Fan's voice fell, all the questions were completely answered!

Just last night, Jiang Fan first passed the news to Bao Dabao through Yumingzi, and used the connection between Bao Dabao and Qiu Yuanfeng to let them know the fact that the Jiang family was weak!

The reason Jiang Fan did this was to lure Qiu Yuanfeng into making a move!

And in the face of such a great opportunity, Qiu Yuanfeng will certainly not miss it!

It's a pity that he didn't know, he used the Cao family to pressure the Pang family to let the Pang family bring Jiang Fan's plan, Jiang Fan had already known it!

So in the afternoon, Jiang Fan unscrupulously abolished Cao Wenbin!

It is even more use of this matter to create momentum for the Pang family!

Because Jiang Fan knew that before he entered the Cao's house, even if he buckled the **** bowl on Cao Shanqing's head, the Cao's family would definitely hold it back!

As for Qiu Mingyue, she has been acting with Leng Qing since she came to Wucheng last night!

The purpose is to inform Jiang Fan of Qiu Yuanfeng's specific plans!

And once it is determined that Jiang Fan has grasped the overall situation, she and Leng Qing will naturally leave!

Qiu Yuanfeng couldn't even think of it in his dreams, cold feeling had long since followed Qiu Mingyue!

All the puzzles, up to now, have finally been completely solved!

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