The iron-blooded spacecraft is extremely fast, and it has reached the sky over Lingzhou in less than ten minutes!

It was not eight o'clock at this moment before the nightlife of this prosperous city in Lingzhou was ready to begin, with bright lights everywhere!


Jiang Fan chuckled softly. He didn't choose to take a shot. Instead, he sat in a chair and continued to look through the information about the King of Fighters 96!

Soon, an hour has passed!

At this moment!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Jiang Fan's cell phone suddenly rang!

Jiang Fan answered the phone, and Long Yan's voice had already rang directly!

"Brother Fan! We are in Lingzhou!"

"Very good! Zhou's family should be almost ready, let's get started!"

Jiang Fan put away the information, a tick at the corner of his mouth!



A violent explosion directly destroyed the tranquility of the entire Lingzhou!

At the same time, a blazing fire ignited directly to the southeast!

"what happens?"

"That location seems to be Zhou's steelmaking plant!"

"It's the steel mill that exploded!"

The nearby crowd looked in that direction, all exclaiming!

And this is just the beginning!

After only three minutes, another explosion sounded at a location not far from the steel plant in the southeast direction!

That is still a factory belonging to the Zhou family!

Immediately afterwards, in the northwest and southwest directions, the explosion sounded higher than the waves!

Fire and gunpowder smoke filled almost all the suburbs of Lingzhou!

Everyone was stunned!

An explosion in a factory can also be explained as an accident, and two can also be said to be a coincidence, but so many industries belonging to the Zhou family have an accident, even a fool knows that this is clearly someone deliberately sabotaging!

At this moment, in Lingzhou city, Zhou's family is located in the headquarters building of Lingzhou, countless news is like snow flakes, and it is continuously transmitted back to Zhou's family in the capital through radio waves!

"At 9:07, Lingzhou No. 2 Steelmaking Plant was destroyed by the Jiang family!"

"At 9:09, Lingzhou No. 11 Lime Factory was destroyed by the Jiang family!"

"At 9:13, the State Alloy Laboratory was destroyed by the Jiang family!"

"Nine-seven, Lingzhou..."

Looking at this piece of news, the entire Zhou family was going crazy!

This is all the work of the Zhou family for many years!

If Jiang Fan wants to **** it away, but he doesn't want anything at all. Everything the Jiang family has gone through is in ruins!

In other words, Jiang Fan is breaking the foundation of Zhou's family!

"Jiang Fan!!! Jiang Fan!!!"

Everyone in the Zhou family's eyes were red, and they couldn't wait to swallow Jiang Fan alive!

And many people hate Zhou Yuande and his son to death!

If I knew it would become what it is today, I shouldn't have agreed to start with the Jiang family at all!

Indeed, after destroying the Jiang family, the Zhou family, who had seized the wealth of the Jiang family, became the head of the four great families, but only now did the Zhou family discover that the things they got were disappearing unstoppably!

And those lost will only increase!

And Zhou Yuanwang, who got the news at this moment, was bleeding with heartache!

"Patriarch! Patriarch! What should I do now?"

On the phone, a group of Zhou's people are like ants on a hot pot, extremely anxious!

"What is it!"

Zhou Yuanwang forced his hatred and spoke coldly!

He is now on his way to Dangyang Mountain to meet the Zhou family ancestors!

"How about the previously arranged material withdrawal?"

"Patriarch, all the precious metals have been loaded and sent away, and all the important machines have been loaded. On the road, some of the normal materials have also been withdrawn..."

"Okay! Let the undamaged factories and plants in Lingzhou speed up! How much can be withdrawn while there is still time!"

After Zhou Yuanwang finished speaking, he hung up the phone!

"Jiang Fan! You little beast! And Zhou Yuande! You smart fool!"

Zhou Yuanwang's face was distorted, gritted his teeth!

And at this moment!


The car stopped suddenly!

"Patriarch, it's at the foot of the mountain!"

The driver opened his mouth cautiously!

Without saying a word, Zhou Yuanwang opened the door of the car and rushed towards the top of the mountain!

Soon, he has come back to the archway of the building complex at the top of the mountain!

But waiting for him to pass the archway, a skinny old man appeared like a ghost, directly blocking Zhou Yuanwang's body!

It is Zhou Yuanhe!

"Zhou Yuanwang, what are you doing again? Didn't I tell you last time that the ancestor is about to leave?"

Zhou Yuanhe frowned!

"Yuanhe, something has happened! You should go and tell the ancestor!"

"Huh! Something big? What kind of basket did you and Zhou Yuande poke again?"

"It's not me, it's Zhou Yuande! That idiot sent two Grandmasters from Lingzhou to kill Jiang Fan..."


Before Zhou Yuanwang finished speaking, Zhou Yuanhe's expression suddenly changed!

"You said Zhou Yuande sent Lingzhou's grandmaster out?"



Zhou Yuanhe suddenly roared, staring at Zhou Yuanwang!

"Did your brains get shit? How dare you mobilize people from Lingzhou casually!"

Being stared at by Zhou Yuanhe, Zhou Yuanwang felt like a mouse stared at by a wild dog for a moment, and couldn't help trembling all over!

"No, it's not me, it's Zhou Yuande! That idiot called the Grandmaster of Lingzhou without authorization, I, I have put him in custody..."

"Fart! As the Patriarch, without you nodding, how could Zhou Yuande be able to summon two grandmasters!"

Zhou Yuanhe suddenly roared!


Zhou Yuanwang felt wronged for a while!

This time, it really has nothing to do with him!

"Forget it, I don't care what plan you have, let the two grandmasters go back right away! If you make a mistake, wait for the ancestor to pick you up!"

Zhou Yuanhe snorted directly!


"Late, late, just got the news that Jiang Fan raided Lingzhou and many factories were destroyed by him..."

Zhou Yuanwang stammered.

"what did you say?!"

Zhou Yuanhe was stunned!

But he reacted immediately!

"Where are the two masters? Yuanhai and the others?"

"He, they, dead, dead..."


Zhou Yuan and his body trembled, and suddenly asked in an unusually weird tone.

"...Yes, dead, dead..."

Zhou Yuanwang didn't dare to look at Zhou Yuanhe's eyes at all!

The reason is simple, Zhou Yuanhai, but Zhou Yuanhe's brother!


Zhou Yuanhe suddenly exhaled a turbid breath, his tone became unspeakably calm.

"How did they die?"

"Yuan Qi was conspired by Jiang Fan and beheaded with a sword! Yuan Hai, Yuan Hai was blown to the head by Jiang Fan..."


Deathly silence!

for a long time!

"No need to find the ancestor!"

Zhou Yuanhe suddenly spoke coldly in an extremely gloomy tone!

"No need to find the ancestor?"

Zhou Yuanwang was visibly taken aback, but there was no surprise in his eyes, but a joy of calculating success!

Zhou Yuanwang knew very well that it would be difficult for the ancestor to come out, and the ancestor's exit now may not be a good thing for him!

After all, Jiang Fan is still alive after such a mess. Once the ancestor comes out, I am afraid that he will be killed first!

But Zhou Yuanhe is different!

He and Zhou Yuanhai are brothers, and when he gets the news that Zhou Yuanhai was tortured and killed by Jiang Fan, he will definitely take action!

And when Zhou Yuanhe killed Jiang Fan, the ancestor's anger would have disappeared a lot. Then he would push everything on Zhou Yuande. At the very least, Zhou Yuanwang would have his life left no matter what!

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