Accompanied by Kusunakyo's opening, Jiang Fan not only didn't panic at all, but a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth!

"The Lord has finally arrived!"

next moment!

"Heh~~ The descendants of the Kusanaru family are indeed a little capable!"

A deep and domineering voice suddenly sounded from the sky!

Immediately afterwards, in the incomparably dignified gaze of Kyo Kusanagi, a tall man wearing a blue priest's robe actually seemed to be walking in the wind, slowly falling from the sky!

The man was about forty years old, holding a Bible in his left hand, his brows were magnificent, his long blond hair was neatly lost behind his head, and his eyes were filled with an unspeakable smile.

It's just that this smile, combined with his incomparably weird, wind-like temperament, makes people feel a kind of creepy fear in an instant!

Koji Kusana, who had a solemn expression, shook his hands uncontrollably at the moment he saw this man!

Why am I trembling?

Obviously, I can't feel the slightest strong aura in the opponent, but why do I always feel that my soul is trembling?

Me, am I actually in fear?

Kyo Kusanagi couldn't believe his judgment!

In this world, there are powerhouses who make you feel scared!

How is this possible!

"You, who are you?"

Kyo Kusara looked at the man in shock!


Jiang Fan's face turned blue and slowly spoke!

Even across the screen, he can feel the terrifying power of the other party!

And in this world, the only thing that can make him feel this way at present is bound to be the monster!

Storm Goenitz!

And he is the person Jiang Fan really wants to meet!

At the same time, the man was smiling and slowly speaking!

"Introduce yourself, The Eight Great Snake Masters, Xipuzhilan——Gonitz!"

With Gonitz's opening, Kusunakyo's pupils shrank almost like grains of rice in an instant!

"Storm Gonitz?!"

This person is actually Gonitz!

That peerless strong man who cut out Lucar's eye in three strokes only two decades ago!

Kyo Kusana is trembling all over!

The Eight Great Snake Collection and the Three Sacred Artifacts family have always been dead enemies!

The other party comes to find yourself, what you want to do, don't ask, know!

"Are you here to kill me?"

Kusanagi is worthy of being one of the most talented humans in the world. He adjusted his mentality in just a few seconds and spoke coldly!

But Gonitz just chuckled softly!

There was an indescribable smell in the laughter, and there was still a hint of expectation!

"No, I just want to come and see, what is the level of the first genius in the Kusana family!"

"Then you are really at the right time! The Eight Great Snake Collection, I've long wanted to learn it!"

Kusanagi's eyes condensed, and there was a hint of excitement in his eyes!

Indeed, the strength of the enemy and ourselves are very different, but Kusunakyo is by no means a weak one, and the battle with Lukar has given him the consciousness of life toward death!

"Come on! Fight!"

The hatred between the Three Sacred Tool Family and the Eight Jie Ji has been extended for too long. There is no nonsense. With the roar of Kusunakyo, two groups of skyrocketing flames ignited on his arms!

Red flame!

At the same time when the red flames broke out, Kusanagi's aura was like a rocket, suddenly soaring!

Has reached the limit of level fourteen in an instant!


Gonitz laughed loudly!

And the next moment, Kusunakyo has already made a sudden move!

His right fist suddenly rose, and then, like a smashing sky, carrying the incomparable red flames, he suddenly waved at Gonitz!

Hundred-eight styles-dark whisk!

This move is completely different from that in the game. When Kusunakyo shot, almost half of the sky was illuminated by Chi Yan!

If an ordinary person is hit, it will definitely turn into fly ash in an instant!

However, Gonitz didn't even move at all!

Just spit out a word gently!


next moment!


A storm suddenly appeared in front of Gonitz, not only annihilated the group of red flames in an instant, but also rushed straight to the grass!

"Damn it!"

Kusanagi's complexion changed, suddenly his figure moved, and he avoided the storm directly, and then the whole person seemed to be transformed into a boiling flame, and rushed directly toward Gonitz!

Then suddenly a punch blasted out!

When that punch was ignited, a group of red flames suddenly violent!

It is-Huang Bite!

However, there was another gale in front of Gonitz!

Block this punch directly!

But Kusanagi's eyes were fierce, his left and right fists with raging flames directly destroyed the group of gales!

Nine wounds!

As soon as the gale disappeared, Kusanagi's fist full of flames directly blasted Gonitz!

Directly beat Goenitz's whole person into a fire man!


"It's not over yet!"

Kusanagi roared, and the whole person was already swirling suddenly with the flames he held up!

Hundred Types-Ghost Burning!


Gonitz's already sticky flames rose up more than three feet high again!

However, Kusarakyo didn't give up. He elbowed Gonitz, who was already in the air, and then suddenly clasped his neck with both hands!

Immediately afterwards, as if he was accumulating energy, Kusanagawa's whole body trembled suddenly!

This is impressively-Qin Yueyang!

next moment!


A loud noise!

The flames of Gonitz's whole body seemed to have been poured into tons of gasoline, which suddenly exploded into a sea of ​​flames!

That terrifying temperature actually turned the ground into transparent glass!

Gonitz was blown upside down by this trick!


Kusanagikyo was full of cold sweat on his forehead, he directly supported his legs and gasped for breath!

This series of extremely tyrannical combos just now, even if he used it now, he only felt exhausted for a while!

Fortunately, the other party is finally...

Just thinking of this, Kusana Kyo was completely stiff!

It was almost unbelievable to look in the direction of Gonitz being Bengfei!

"Haha, good, good, you are much better than your father!"

With a breeze blowing, Gonitz, who was supposed to be burnt to coke, stood in the air with a smile on his face!

And on his body, not to mention the scars and any burn marks, even on his priest's robes, there was no trace of wrinkles at all!


Kusanagi Kyo's eyes widened suddenly!

And Jiang Fan, who looked at here through the camera, also looked gloomy!

The series of combos of Kusunakyo just now seemed to have little effect on the surroundings, but it was because it led most of the power into Gonitz!

There is almost no waste!

This incomparable control over power is almost no longer under him!

In other words, Gonitz has eaten all the combos of Kusanagi!

However, he has nothing to do!

"Boy, if you want to defeat me with this ability, you are too naive! Show your real strength and don't let me down!"

Gonitz chuckled softly!

The corner of Kusanagi's eyes twitched, and suddenly he clenched his fist!


next moment!

He has stared at Gonitz tightly!

Then slowly raised an arm!

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