The venue of the KOF96 competition is a huge stadium!

It is about 500 meters long and 300 meters wide. It covers an area of ​​more than 150,000 square meters. If you stand it up, it looks like two buildings that exceed a hundred stories together!

And the seats here are not counted as the one hundred luxurious boxes, but also enough to accommodate 30,000 spectators!

At this moment, a fifty by fifty ring has been set up in the center of the stadium. The ring is full of reporters carrying long guns and short cannons, and the auditorium is full of seats. Fighting enthusiasts from all over the world are excited. Snarled!

For them, this KOF competition, which brings together fighters from all over the world, is like the Olympic Games in the sports world! Do not! More important than that!

"Terry! Terry, I love you!!"

"Miss Athena! Come out soon!"

"Goryeo team get out! Rubbish! Scum!"

"Red pill! Go!"

"Long live Miss Huo Wu! You wear too many clothes! It affects your performance! Wear less!"


The whole stadium is full of boiling voices!

The fighters expected by the audience are all scattered in luxurious boxes, waiting for the start of the competition!

In this excitement, Jiang Fan had quietly arrived in front of a box, and then opened the door!

The decoration in the box is extravagant, and a woman is facing the transparent glass, looking at the playing field below!

Hearing the sound of the door opening, she immediately turned her head back, that face was exactly Kagura Chizuru!

However, unlike the previous presidential style, Qianhe has changed into a black trousers and white suit at the moment, and his long hair is also erected with a hairpin. The whole person is full of sassy air!

"Jiang Fan!"

Seeing Jiang Fan coming in, Qianhe suddenly smiled with excitement!

"Chizuru, were you okay last night?"

"It's okay, but because I want to host the seal and re-strengthen it, it's a bit..."

As Qianhe spoke, a look of exhaustion suddenly appeared on his face.

Jiang Fan sighed, I am afraid Qianhe can't count on it!

"By the way, Jiang Fan, the plan you told me yesterday, I'm afraid..."

Qianhe smiled bitterly!

"I know, give up all the plans. Then you just need to help me act out the scene. As for Gonitz, I will deal with it myself!"

Jiang Fan spoke slowly.

"You, yourself?"

Qianhe was stunned directly!

"Yes! Myself!"


"Boom boom!"

With the sound of the salute, a host with sunglasses has been on the ring!

This also indicates that the KOF fighting competition has officially started!

After a short speech, soon, the big screen not far away was already rolling!

Then the names of the two groups appeared directly!

Gold team VS female fighter team!

The gold team is Chen Guohan and Cai Baoqi led by Jin Jiapan!

And the female fighter team is the popular Shiranui Mai and Joan and Fujido Kasumi!

With the debut of the two teams, the underground audience boiled directly!

"Huo Wu! Huo Wu I love you!"

"Miss Huo Wu! Don't cover it so tightly!"

"Let go of yourself! Let's break out!"

"Kill those Goryeo idiots!"

"Team Gold, you bastards, if you dare to hurt Miss Huowu, I will kill your whole family!"

The crowd kept screaming, and fans of Mai Shiranui were shaking their banners frantically!

"Damn! These bastards!"

The burly, grumpy Chen Guohan looked angry!

The iron ball weighing a ton was even more creaked by him!

"Hehehe, don't be so angry! These chicks are all first-class goods, let me slowly scrape off their clothes in a while, hehehe..."

Cai Baoqi, who is short and dwarf like a dwarf, kept licking the steel claws on his hands with a smirk on his face!

But Jin Jiapan just took a calm face, glanced at the two coldly, and then walked directly into the ring!

The two of them trembled, and immediately hurried to keep up!

Both of them were well-known murderers in Korea before. Jin Jiapan sees that they have a good foundation and wants to accept them as disciples and slowly wear away their fierceness!

But for these two people, Jin Jiapan's move is totally meaningless!

On the opposite side, under the leadership of Joan, Mai Shiranui and Kasumi Fujido also walked towards the ring!

According to the rules of the competition, the two teams must have a simple meeting ceremony, and then choose the order of play, then the official match will be made!


Both teams have entered the ring at the same time!

And seeing the three female fighters up close, Cai Baoqi's excited eyes were shining!

Too punctual!

I can't help but want to kill each other!

"Dear audience! The gold team and the female fighter team have all appeared! Now the two captains are saluting..."

"Very well, after they have met with each other, the following is the order of the battle!"

"As you can see, the gold team has been arranged. The first player to appear is Chen Guohan, who is burly and looks like a mountain!"

"The new female fighter team will be the popular Mai Shiranui!"

"Dear viewers! I now announce that the KOF96 Fighting Competition is officially—"

The host looked excited!

It's just that he hasn't finished speaking at this moment!


A deafening explosion suddenly sounded from a luxurious box on the venue!

next moment!


The glass in that box was all fried into finely ground powder!

And a figure suddenly rushed out with a wild laugh!

It is really Jiang Fan!

"Everyone! Catch him!"

The moment Jiang Fan had just rushed out of the box, the voice of Kagura Chizuru suddenly resounded throughout the stadium!

But at this moment, Kagura Chizuru was clutching his chest tightly, and the corners of his mouth were full of blood!

Judging from the appearance, it was actually injured by Jiang Fan!

"Hahaha! Catch me? No! All of you are going to die today!"

Jiang Fan's smile became more and more frantic, and the whole person fell directly onto the ring with a storm!

He looked at the Quartet proudly with a sneer on his face!

"So many powerhouses are enough to resurrect the master of the snake!"

"Listen, everyone! I am the **** race of heaven! If you don't want to suffer the torment of being torn by the storm, just donate your mental power and obediently become the slaves of the master of the serpent!"


Everyone was stunned when they heard Jiang Fan's words so rampant!

"Who is this kid?"

"Too crazy!"

"He actually injured Kagura Chizuru?"

"what is the problem?"

The crowd was all at a loss!

And at this moment!

"He, he's a big snake! He is one of the darkest beings in this world! Remember Lucar, Lucar has absorbed a drop of their family's blood to become so terrifying!"

Kagura Chizuru barely screamed!


In an instant, everyone's complexion changed!

The horror of Lucar, these people are too clear!

At that time, it was completely at the level of being hanged and beaten!

And that is just because Lucar absorbed the blood of Jiang Fan and the others?

A greedy look appeared in everyone's eyes for an instant!

And Jin Jiapan's eyes brightened!

He is the closest to Jiang Fan now. If Jiang Fan’s blood can be used...

"Boy! You are crazy! Let me teach you Jin Jiapan today!"

Accompanied by a roar, Jin Jiapan had already spun around and kicked directly at Jiang Fan!

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