Accompanied by a flash of white light, several people have returned to the majestic and weird temple!

Jiang Fan took a step forward, and the countless tombs outside and the Tiantian tomb in the distance immediately entered his eyes!

Here is the Scarlet Tomb!


Gently move your wrist, Jiang Fan is ready to move!

A violent wind immediately engulfed several people and rushed directly to the first floor of the tomb!

Just like last time, just opened the gate of the tomb, the attack will arrive!

However, this time there is no need for Jiang Fan to do anything. Those who have reached level ten face these bronze-level mobs, it is almost like cutting melons and vegetables!

As Jiang Fan slapped the hapless wizard BOSS to death, the system prompt sounded immediately!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for clearing the Scarlet Tomb (1st floor)! Excuse me if I enter the next floor!"


"Ding! Causal point deduction!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host! The second floor of the Scarlet Tomb was successfully opened!"

With the disappearance of one hundred thousand causal points, the mausoleum suddenly shook, and then a few people suddenly dropped a step above their heads!

Jiang Fan climbed up the steps and soon came to the upper level.

I saw that this was also a hall, and as a few people entered, countless monsters awakened one after another, roaring and rushing towards Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan kept his footsteps, directly riding on the wind, leading a few people toward the direction with the strongest energy!

With Jiang Fan's body moving, the countless monsters on both sides of the position he passed by have all been blown to pieces by his terrifying innocence!


Ding! Congratulations to the host for clearing the Scarlet Tomb (2nd floor)! Excuse me, whether to enter the next floor!


Ding! Congratulations to the host for clearing the Scarlet Tomb (3rd floor)! Excuse me, whether to enter the next floor!


Ding! Congratulations to the host for clearing the Scarlet Tomb (Fourth Floor)! Excuse me, whether to enter the next floor!


In just less than three minutes, Jiang Fan has reached the last floor of the Scarlet Tomb!

Unlike the other floors, the fifth floor is just a silver-white coffin hanging in mid-air!

And under the coffin, there are still four smaller silver coffins.

As Jiang Fan entered, the four smaller coffins suddenly opened together, and four black skeletons that were as high as tenth level suddenly sprang out of the coffin!

Just looking at these skeletons are like steel-like shiny bones, you know that these monsters must be strong melee!

Just a few skeletons just rushed out, Jiang Fan waved!


A tyrannical infuriating directly exploded a few skeletons into a handful of bone meal!

And that true energy was cast into force, and it blasted directly onto the coffin in midair!


The coffin trembled fiercely!

A scream burst out from inside!

next moment!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for clearing the Scarlet Tomb (fifth floor)!"

Poor, this hapless monster, he was shocked to death by giving Jiang Fan that zhenqi without even showing his face!

As the monster died, a silver-white core condensed directly on the coffin, and then Jiang Fan swiped it into his hand!

And the big double trio's aura rose even more, and they all reached level eleven!

It's just that the three people's faces are not happy, but the corners of their mouths twitch!

When Jiang Fan walked along the way, the three of them were purely decorations, and they didn't even have the opportunity to do it!

And all those who stood in front of Jiang Fan, no matter what they were, were just like the rice in the stone mill as soon as they showed up!

They had never seen such a cruel guy in their entire lives!

At the same time, the system's prompt sound has once again sounded from Jiang Fan's mind!

"Ding! The host has gathered five silver cores. Will the next level of authority be enabled?"

"Turn on!"


Five silver nuclei appeared at the same time, and then exploded into a piece of silver light!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for the promotion of trial authority! Current authority-Silver level!"

With the sound of the system prompt, Jiang Fan's trial map shined brightly, and six new maps were opened in an instant!

——Dark Elegy!

——A shadowless place!

——Burning Greatsword!

——Alien Beast Canyon!

-Wailing Swamp!

——Ancient ruins!

Jiang Fan clicked on one of them at will, and the detailed information of the map appeared immediately!

Dark Elegy: Silver-level authority belongs!

Map level: silver level-gold level!

Entry reminder: The first time the host enters, it takes 200,000 causal points to open the map for the first time!

Entry rules: You can enter once every twenty-four hours, and each stay will last for eight hours!

Clearance conditions: Kill the gold guards in the area!

Clearance reward: experience value!

Silver level permissions: have two chances to resurrect, carry up to five members, and have a certain chance to obtain special materials in addition to experience points!

Remarks: The silver-white light pierced the dark sky, and the powerful black knight could only turn into smoke and dust under the burning of the light. The countless army of skeletons hung in the ground quietly, hoping that the creator of darkness would be able to Come back again!

Inferior authority opening prompt: Kill the six gold-level guards in the silver-level map to obtain the golden core!

Seeing that the distance to open the gold level authority is further, Jiang Fan only feels that tears are about to come down!


No Money!

After opening up the Scarlet Tomb, only one hundred and fifty thousand is left of his five hundred and fifty thousand!

And for these six silver maps to pass, the toll fee alone would cost a full 1.2 million!


And if you can’t get through here, relying solely on the speed at which you can farm a gold-level monster every twenty-four hours, and you want to upgrade all your team to level 15 or above, you have to wait until the Year of the Monkey!

And the team under his team is not strong enough, even if they can kill the Zhou family with the help of Isaac, the Chen family, and the Yu family, they will definitely not be able to defend it!

Jiang Fan is definitely not just thinking about destroying the Zhou family!

He also wants to take back everything that originally belonged to him!

But if the strength is not enough, those wealthy family members are not vegetarians. When the time comes, the Chen family and the Yu family will not be able to hold it!

For now, Jiang Fan’s several confrontations with aristocratic families seemed to have the upper hand, but in fact it was only because of the geographical advantage, and the Yu family and others kept returning news to him, taking advantage of the time difference from Beijing to Los Angeles. Enough to plan!

But if it was in the capital and the opponent wanted to make a move, Jiang Fan would definitely not be able to react!

Moreover, the Zhou family has not been pushed to the limit, it is hard to say whether there is any hole card!

Therefore, before he has accumulated enough foundation to fight against a wealthy family, Jiang Fan will definitely not take it lightly!

Those who make big things make decisions, Jiang Fan is even more deep-hearted. He has endured it for so long, so he doesn't care how long to wait for this moment or three!

Returning to the real world, Jiang Fan immediately touched his chin, and began to wonder where he could tap some more causal points!

The funds of the Jing Ling Sect should be able to withdraw in this period of time, and it is almost time to collect rent on the Foundry Sect. In addition to these two, there are two others who don't know when there will be news!

One of them is the Tomb of the God of War that Ounkanah will investigate.

And the other one is the snake cultivation that Jiang Fan is thinking about!

And the tracing of the snake repair is in two directions, one of which is to trace the "Mu Tianzi Biography Fragment" that was snatched by an old man during the auction in Hancheng at that time!

Yin Binghua has been doing this all the time.

On the other side, it was Professor Zhong who secretly investigated after Jiang Fan asked Hasegawa Kirara to return to Dongying!

Unfortunately, no matter who it is, there is no news!

Just when Jiang Fan was wondering whether to grab a few more cultivation schools, Uncle Zhong walked over with a gloomy expression!

"Master, there is something wrong with Uncle Zhong's chicken soup!"

Like the god-level takeaway from the world, please collect it: ( The literature of the god-level takeaway from the world is the fastest to update.

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