However, before he could understand this question, he saw with amazement that Jiang Fan was floating in the air, slowly reaching his side!

Isshridu was so shocked that he almost didn't stare out the other eye!


This man is actually flying!

Even if he has the power to break through the fifteenth level for a short time, he can't fly!

This can only explain one thing!

This man is not suppressed by enchantment at all!

How is this possible! !

Poor, he didn't even know that Jiang Fan's internal power, magic power, and even light power and other powers had indeed all been suppressed to only fourteenth level!

However, Jiang Fan still has one thing, but this enchantment simply cannot suppress it!

That is, his unparalleled physical power!

Jiang Fan's physical body, although in the system description, is only level sixteen!

But in fact, whether it is power or defense, its strength has completely surpassed the category of level sixteen!

Even more exaggerated than the seventeenth level!

Just rely on the trembling of the muscles, you can completely fly!

At this moment, Jiang Fan was condescending, looking at Isshy Lidu's desperate eyes, full of mockery!


"Do you think I didn't count this?"

"Since the Shuhai enchantment was created by Izanaki, you naturally know the technique!"

"Especially after so long, if you still can't grasp some methods to break through the shackles, that would be really stupid!"

Isshridu trembles all over again when he is desperate!

He stared at Jiang Fan unwillingly!

"Asshole! If it weren't for me to fall into your trap, you wouldn't be my opponent at all!!"

"Ha ha!"

The ridicule on Jiang Fan's face is even stronger!

"Do you think I brought you in just to defeat you?"

"No, no, no! My innocent Mirror God, you are wrong! I am just afraid that you will run away!!"

"You, what did you say?!"

Issh Lido was completely stunned by his life!

But Jiang Fan chuckled slightly:

"You heard me right, I just wanted to prevent you from running away!"

"In the outside world, with your surpassing the eighteenth level, and even almost reaching the nineteenth level, once you want to run, I can't catch you anymore!"

"But here, even if you have level sixteen strength, you can't escape in front of me!"

Jiang Fan grabbed Isshy Lidu's life-saving neck, and then his eyes were fierce!

"Listen clearly, if you don't want to die, just listen to me honestly!"


Isshy Lido stared at Jiang Fan desperately!

After a long time, he finally sighed helplessly:


Before the word "OK" was finished, he suddenly shook his finger!

A mirror emitting a white light suddenly appeared from Jiang Fan's head!

next moment!

There was a flash of light on the mirror, and Jiang Fan was suddenly sucked in!

Immediately afterwards, the light on the mirror condensed, and it has returned to Isshridu's life-saving hands!

This is his other ability!

Imprisonment of the Mirror!

Anyone can be sealed in the mirror!

And it was only then that Isshridu had worked hard before he laughed loudly!

"Idiot! You got the trick! Hahaha!"

Jiang Fan in the mirror is full of anger!

"Asshole! You lied to me!"

"Haha! Soldiers are not tired of fraud!"

Isshy Lidu smiled triumphantly!


Jiang Fan shouted angrily, already suddenly punched out!


The little mirror trembled suddenly!

Almost fly out!

However, with such a strong force, even a trace of scars did not appear on the mirror!

"Impossible! How could this mirror be so strong!"

Jiang Fan was shocked!

But Isshy Lido laughed more frantically when he worked hard!

"Hahaha! Kid, don't waste your effort!"

"Although this mirror is not as good as Yata Mirror, it was forged by myself!"

"Don't say it's you! Even at the eighteenth level, I don't even think of it for a while!"

"Just stay honestly in the mirror!"

"But rest assured, when you get out of the sea of ​​trees, I will release you!"

"At that time, I will tear down all your bones and let you live forever and endure torture like a puddle of mud!"

Isshilidu said desperately, and walked out of the sea of ​​trees proudly!

This suppressing enchantment limits his abilities, but as long as he goes out and recovers his strength, he will also enter the mirror through the mirror, and then Jiang Fan will not be able to escape!

It's just that he just moved, his eyes widened suddenly, and he looked forward in disbelief!

Right in front of him, Jiang Fan, who was still roaring angrily in the mirror just now, was actually leaning on the big tree, looking at him with a smile!


Isshy Lidu was shocked by his life, and directly burst out a British curse!

He looked down at the small mirror, there was nothing but Jiang Fan's shadow!

This kid actually ran out!

How did he do it?

And Jiang Fan is still in the mood to wave his hand at him!

"Hi! Is it fun?"

"Oh shit!!"

Isshy Lidu worked his life and raised the small mirror abruptly, and took another look at Jiang Fan!


Jiang Fan was sucked in again!

However, before Issu Lidu took a desperate step, a big hand had already patted his shoulder lightly!

Isshy Lido turned his head and looked back, and sat down on the ground in shock!

Jiang Fan!

This kid has come out again!

Isshy Lido opened his mouth wide, and his face was at a loss!

He gritted his teeth and picked up the small mirror again!


Jiang Fan disappeared!

However, this time Isshy Lido worked hard but did not leave in a hurry, instead staring at the small mirror firmly!

But at this moment, a flower suddenly appeared in the mirror!

Immediately afterwards, a big hand patted his head directly!

"What are you looking at?"

Isshridu desperately looked up, and the whole person was completely dumbfounded!

Jiang Fan!

It's actually Jiang Fan! !

Isshur Lidu looked at Jiang Fan with all his life, and then at his own little mirror. The whole person was about to fall apart!


What kind of situation is this!

His own small mirror is enough to seal the eighteenth level!

Even if this kid is awesome!

However, there is absolutely no eighteenth level!

Why can't he be blocked?

why! !

"I don't believe it! I don't believe it!!"

Isshy Lidu snarled abruptly, picked up the small mirror directly, and stunned Jiang Fan's face!

It's a pity that Jiang Fan finally didn't get used to him this time!

He pinched his neck with a hand, and then raised his arm, his big mouth slammed up like a whirlwind!

"Pa pa pa pa pa pa pa!!!"

The melodious slap in the face, just like firecrackers, added three points of joy to this gloomy sea of ​​trees!

When Jiang Fan stopped, Isshi Lidu was stupid all his life!

At this moment, his mouth full of teeth has disappeared cleanly!

The swollen face is almost the same size as the buttocks!

There is only a small slit left in the eyes!

But even if he was beaten up like this, he still opened his mouth tremblingly!

"This, this is unscientific... You, how did you do it?"

It's unlucky enough for Ishurrito to sell his life. If he doesn't use this method of sealing, he might still have a chance!

It's a pity that he doesn't even know that Jiang Fan is the least afraid of it is the seal!

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