Shinsho Abe's face is dull!

Abe Mei dogs and their strength are enough to walk sideways throughout the East!

What's more, they are in the sea of ​​trees!

There, the Abe clan is invincible!

But now, they are all dead!

And not just them, even their Shiki, actually couldn't escape!

How is this possible!

Who did it!

"Hey, when did this happen?"

Masao Abe reluctantly asked!

"Lord, I, I just came to clean, only to find that the life jade is broken, it should be, it was within these two hours..."

Yamada spoke cautiously.


Shinsho Abe directly slapped his face with a slap in the face!

"Asshole! Your job is to guard the Palace of Life! You are not even sure when the accident happened! It is simply a shame to our Abe family!"


Yamada fell to his knees, with a face full of shame!

Shinsho Abe took a few breaths, and then he waved his hand suddenly!

"Go! Go to Shuhai and see what happened!"


"and also!"

Shinsho Abe took a deep breath before speaking slowly:

"Check! Check out any recent changes in Dongying!"




Accompanied by a roar, the iron-blooded spacecraft has arrived over Ise Jingu!

It was late at night, and there was silence in Ise Shrine, with only a few buildings, and a few lights faintly lit!

"My lord, Ise Jingu is the main altar of Shintoism. Not to mention the strength of the people in it, I am afraid that there are many traps, or just forget it?"

On the spacecraft, Hasegawa spoke cautiously!

"No! Strike while the iron is hot! No one knows that Isshilidu's life is going to happen to the female gentleman, this is the best chance to get started!"

Jiang Fan shook his head, then looked at a group of men:

"Don't go, wait for me on the spaceship!"

Jiang Fan has a halo of dispelling the seal, and a seal or imprisonment of no more than 25 can't trap him at all, and the others are different!

So this time, he can only do it himself!

Putting on the mask and waving his hands at will, Jiang Fan has already jumped down and landed directly on the ground of the square of Ise Jingu!

And just as soon as he was down to earth!


In the four corners of the square, the lights that had been extinguished suddenly burned!

At the same time, a dozen or so breaths of level ten or so had suddenly risen and rushed directly to the square!


"It's blasphemous to run into the shrine at night!"

"The sin is unforgivable! Kneel down and die immediately!"

These people shouted one after another, and they rushed to Jiang Fan in a blink of an eye!

However, before they could take any further action, Jiang Fan had already put his palm into a sword, and suddenly he swung it down at a building in front of him!

This palm knife had just been shot, and a sharp and unparalleled airflow had already escaped and blasted directly towards the building!


A loud noise!

The five-meter-high building was directly split into two sections by this air current!

And the bodies of the few people who stood in front of Jiang Fan were cut into two in an instant!

"this is--"

"Slash in the wind!"

"Are you from the Yanagyu family?!"

"Bastard! Liu Sheng's family! How dare you blaspheme!"

"catch him!"

These people are furious!

One of them even took out a bamboo whistle and blew it suddenly!

In an instant, an extremely sharp voice has spread throughout the entire shrine!

next moment!

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Seven or eight tyrannical auras suddenly soared into the sky!

Jiang Fan's eyes lit up, and he rushed to the strongest breath!


Everyone just felt that Jiang Fan had disappeared with a flower in front of them!

"Okay, so fast!"

"Who is he!"

"Liu Sheng's home has made such a master!"

Everyone was stunned!

And Jiang Fan had turned into a streamer, and instantly rushed to the person with the strongest aura!

Unexpectedly, this place is actually a small courtyard. There is only a small house in the courtyard, and the surrounding area is full of blooming September chrysanthemums.

At this moment, with the night breeze blowing, bursts of floral fragrance immediately diffused.

Just as Jiang Fan rushed in, the door of the cabin suddenly opened!

Immediately afterwards, a glamorous woman wearing a large white dress and long-haired shawl had already walked out quickly!

This woman is about twenty-five or sixty, with very gentle eyebrows, and a beauty mole on the corner of her mouth. Although she is dressed wide, but with the breeze blowing, she can still vaguely see the surprisingly curved silhouette under the robe!

As soon as she saw Jiang Fan, the woman frowned slightly:

"who are you?"

Although her tone was a little harsh, her voice was soft and there was no deterrent at all!

However, Jiang Fan didn't underestimate her because of this woman's strength, which actually reached an astonishing eighteenth level!

Only under Isshilidu's life and the female prince!

"It doesn't matter who I am, who are you?"

Jiang Fan asked in a deep voice.

"I am the priest of Ise Jingu, the emperor's sister, Naomi!"


Jiang Fan was slightly surprised, but his eyes lit up immediately!

This woman's brain doesn't seem to be easy to use, she actually said whatever she asked herself!

I handed over my details so easily!


Jiang Fan gave a light cough!

"Hello Naomi! I heard that you have a lot of wishing stones here?"


Naomi spoke almost without hesitation!

"Then can you tell me where they are?"

Jiang Fan continued to ask.

"Emperor Grand Shrine, all have been sacrificed to Amaterasu!"

"All sacrificed?"

Jiang Fan was taken aback!

"Yes, except for a small part of the Lishi to be left to the three living gods, the rest are sacrificed to Amaterasu!"

"When you talk about sacrifice, do you treat this thing as a tribute, or..."

Jiang Fan only felt bad for a while!


Just listen to Naomi's words in a hurry:

"Of course it was not an offering, but was taken directly by the gods!"


Jiang Fan exploded directly!

Then he turned around and rushed in the direction of the Grand Shrine!

Now rush over, maybe I can intercept a little bit!

I'm late, I'm afraid there is no more hair left!

But as soon as he moved, Naomi frowned!

I couldn't see what she had done, she had already arrived in front of Jiang Fan!


Jiang Fan was slightly taken aback!

Unexpectedly, besides herself, this woman can actually teleport!

And Naomi has already spoken coldly:

"You haven't told me who you are!"

Jiang Fan's eyes rolled and he was about to speak!

But at this moment!

"Master Sacrifice! Stop him!"

"This person is from the Yanagyu family!"

"He is a blasphemer, can't let him go!"

With a few screams, four or five powerful auras have rushed over!

"Oh shit!"

Jiang Fan's eyes sank!

The hands have been placed directly on the temples!

This is exactly the starting style of the Sun Fist!

Now he is robbing money, Jiang Fan has no intention of wasting time with these guys!

But at this moment!

Hearing the screams of the masters in the shrine, Naomi's eyes flashed murderously!

"Dare to blaspheme! Damn!!"

She made a sudden move with her right hand!


next moment!


In the vast dark night, a beam of incomparably bright light, like the sun falling to the ground, had already slammed down on Jiang Fan viciously!

My grandfather is gone. These days, I went to a funeral in accordance with the customs of my hometown and stayed with my father for two more days... The first time I found out that my father is old, please treat everyone around me kindly. In this world, there are no major events except life and death.

Like the god-level takeaway from the world, please collect it: ( The literature of the god-level takeaway from the world is the fastest to update.

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