Su Shili seemed stunned!

After a long time, she slowly spoke:

"You are joking?"

"I never make a joke! I don't want more, just a little is enough!"

"It's impossible... I can give you... Izumo Spear..."

Izumo Spear!

Dongying's top-notch weapon second only to the three artifacts!

And this thing is a symbol of the ruler of the country of Izumo!

You can give orders to all nations!

Assuming that Jiang Fan gets the Izumo Spear, it is equivalent to the allegiance of all the gods of Toei!

Even Jiang Fan was moved at this moment!

But he slowly shook his head:

"No! I only want, Suzhan Mingzun's blood!"

"Your request... is too much..."

"It must be reasonable, I admire your feelings for the great power, so I give you the opportunity to exchange!"

Jiang Fan spoke slowly:

"But this does not mean that I need this kind of exchange!"

"The Great Lord is the purest blood among the gods of Guojin, and his value definitely exceeds that of an Izumo spear!"

"And to this day, there are still a few Guojinshens left, you must know better than me!"

"So, if you can't satisfy me, then there is no need to continue this transaction!"

Shili is silent!

After a long time!

"Are you not afraid father's...retaliation?"

"Ha ha!"

Jiang Fan chuckled:

"Suzhan Mingzun is in the country of Huangquan. If he can come out, he won't watch Guojin God be completely suppressed!"

"No... you are wrong!"

The voice of Xu Shili carried an unusually complex emotion:

"Since you can find a place to must have heard of the Battle of Weibara in China..."

"But... you think what you heard... is true?"

"Is not it?"

"My father... didn't... take the shot... just because... the descendants of the great nation lord... not my descendants..."

Jiang Fan was startled, his face suddenly changed!

The descendants of the great nation masters are known as "seventeen gods", and none of these descendants is born of the principle of the power of the world!

Xu Shili has never given birth to a big country master!

I was misled!

Back then, the reason was that the scumbag of the great power was half-hearted, and he was stained with beauty everywhere, so he left with anger!

The great power has left his wife who is kind and righteous to him. Of course he will not publicize such a shameless act!

Therefore, his descendants are also ignorant!

They thought it was Suzhan Mingzun begging Yixanaqi to take action. This did not kill Guojinshen, it was just a seal!

And now it seems that this is not the reason at all!

Anyway, those who died were the descendants of the **** who hurt his daughter, the great nation lord, Gao Tianyuan shot, Suzhan Mingzun was too happy to be happy!

How could you stop it!

And the reason why Gao Tianyuan didn’t kill Guojinshen was just because--

Refining them, wishing strength stone!


This is the most reasonable explanation!

In that case, Izanaki has always been on the side of Gao Tianyuan?

Then he broke their good deeds, no matter whether Gao Tianyuan or Izanaki, they will definitely not let them go!

The most important thing is, does this also mean that Suzhan Mingzun can leave the country of Huangquan?

Oh shit!

Made a mistake!

Originally wanted to transfer the contradiction to Suzhan Mingzun and Gao Tianyuan, now it seems that once this thing they have done is leaked out, Izanaki and Gao Tianyuan will inevitably become their own mortal enemies!

But it doesn't matter!

The sky is falling and there is a high bear. The big deal is running to the thorns castle. These goods really dare to pass. The godslayers of Isaac are afraid that they are too late to thank themselves!

"Princess Sushili, Weiyuan's battle in China has nothing to do with me, and even if your father can come out, the price it will pay is beyond imagination, right?"

"Because of a little blood, is it worth it?"

"Of course, you can say that this is not a question of blood, but an offense of dignity!"

"But if you change it and treat this as a reward, I rescued the body of the Great Lord for you?"

Xu Shili seemed stunned. He didn't expect Jiang Fan's brain to be so flexible. Just changing the way of thinking would completely change the nature of this transaction!

"You...very smart...I agree..."

"Thank you! Princess Su Shili, you can take the body of the Great Lord!"

Jiang Fan smiled softly!

Xu Shili was stunned again!

"You... are not afraid... I deceive you..."

"Don't be afraid! Just rush to your affection for the great power, and I will trust you unconditionally!"


Shili was silent for a moment, and finally spoke softly in a tone of admiration:

"You are a good person... this favor... I took it down..."

Good guy?

If Jiang Fan's opponent heard this, I'm afraid they would all have to vomit blood!

If Jiang Fan, this **** is a good person, the world would have exploded long ago!

Along with the sound of Sushili's words falling, the body of the great power exudes a misty black light!

"grown ups!"

"How is this going?"

"It can actually penetrate the space constraint circle!"

Curtis and others were shocked!

"Don't panic!"

Jiang Fan waved his hand at will!

But Wu Guang became more and more prosperous, and finally formed an existence similar to a space gate!

The corpse of the Great Lord was swallowed by the black light, without a trace!

Just seeing that black light is about to disappear, but at this moment!


Accompanied by the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, an odd-shaped spear suddenly sprang out of the black light and fell heavily on the ground!

This spear is almost two meters long, and the whole is exuding a lavender light, and the spear shaft is also engraved with various cloud patterns!

"This...Izumo Spear...I will give two days...I will use it as a coordinate...send my father's you..."

Along with the words of Shiliu falling, everything returned to peace again!


Jiang Fan let out a foul breath, and finally smiled, grasping this Izumo spear!

made money!

Not only can I get the blood of Suzhan Mingzun, but I can't imagine that the reason must also give me this Izumo spear!

Sure enough, good people are rewarded!

And just as Jiang Fan's hand grasped the spear, the system prompt rang!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for discovering the legendary world weapon-Izumo Spear!"

"Sell this item and you will get 210,000 causality points!"

Two hundred and ten thousand?

This thing is so valuable!

The point is, legendary!

Although you can't see the attributes, but it's only legendary, that's enough!

However, unlike others, Jiang Fan would not be able to display the attributes of this world weapon without systematic identification!

"My lord, what happened just now?"

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan with surprise!

"Suzhan Mingzun's daughter must be rational, and just used the corpse of the great power to make a deal with me!"


Everyone's faces are full of shock!

"My lord, what kind of bargain is it worth you to give up the body of the Great Lord?"

"Yes! This guy is definitely the most valuable of all the gods!"

"My lord, don't be deceived!"

A group of people spoke up one after another!

But Jiang Fan just smiled!

Stroking the spear lightly, he said:

"This Izumo spear, and...Suzhan Mingzun's blood!"

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