Flying centipede was stunned!

The laughter reached my throat!

According to its assumption, this kid had to run so badly!

He, how dare he continue to rush over?

How dare he still fight with himself?

But then, it was furious!

Damn it!

How dare to be so presumptuous!

kill him!

Must kill him!


Feihu roared, and in his eyes, the blood-colored light was once again lit up!

At the same time, its tail, which had been smashed, quickly began to rebirth!

next moment!


The six blood awns in Fei Centipede's eyes had already spurted out at the murdered Jiang Fan!

These six blood beams were still merged into one in the middle, turning into a very terrifying black light!

Its power is more than ten times more powerful than the previous **** light!

However, in the face of this light that was enough to kill him in a flash, Jiang Fan did not evade, and an extremely crazy light suddenly bloomed in his eyes!

Feiwu's heart trembled!

And Jiang Fan has raised his fist with a grin!

At this moment, the smoke on that fist had appeared in three colors of black, white and silver!

At the same time, for Feiwu, that nightmare-like voice has sounded again!

"Three points return to the original!"

"Five times!"

"Charge to detonate!!"

Jiang Fan's fist, with a domineering aura of breaking through the sky, suddenly blasted above this black light!


A loud shaking like the earth, suddenly resounded through the entire ruined city!

Long Yan and the others who were coming here were shocked to see that a horrible beam of light appeared in the sky first, like a black hole!

And then, accompanied by a terrifying loud noise, that beam of light was actually like hitting a star going upstream!

Along with the constant impact of this star, the beam of light was like glass, falling apart like crazy!

The beam of light is the black light of the flying centipede!

And the star is Jiang Fan!

The explosive detonation exploded with a three-point return to the yuan, and the power is simply terrifying beyond imagination!

With the momentum of destroying the dryness and decay, it smashed the black light in an instant!


Seeing Jiang Fan who broke through the black light and threw his fist, Feiwu was completely stunned!

And looking at Jiang Fan's murderous fist that was shining like a star, his heart trembled, desperately moving to the side!

In the next moment, Jiang Fan's fist and Feihu's face were wiped away!

Flying centipede feels relieved!

But then!


It just feels a numb face!

next moment!


Flying centipede's small half of his head was directly exploded to pieces!

Just passing by, causing such damage, Jiang Fan's punch was absolutely terrifying!


Feihu made a miserable howl of pain!

The tail flicked suddenly!

Already smashed on Jiang Fan who was too late!


A muffled sound!

Jiang Fan's injured right half of his body collapsed directly and completely!

Even his arm was broken!

The blood in the mouth spurted out even without money!

Only after suffering such an injury, Jiang Fan had just stabilized his figure, his face was full of hideousness, and he rushed up to the flying centipede again!

Flying Centipede was stunned!

This kid is going to fight!

Is he crazy?

Doesn't he know he is dying?

Half of his body was about to break, and he was still vomiting blood. In his current state, he couldn't survive for ten minutes at all!

kill him!

As long as he hits him again, no, even as long as he is wiped a bit by his own attack, this human being will definitely die!

Flying centipede has a hideous face!

However, when Jiang Fan raised his fist again, he couldn't help trembling at all!

Do not!

With the punch just now, he almost killed himself by just wiping himself!

If he saves his life and really hits himself...

Suddenly, an uncontrollable thought appeared in Feiwu's mind--


And with this thought, its entire body seems to be unwilling!

Even every cell is howling frantically!


If you don't run, you have to die!

As Jiang Fan got closer and closer, it suddenly looked like a wild dog facing a lion, suddenly let out a scream, turned around and ran!

Flying centipede, completely scared!

Just looking at the flying centipede who turned and ran, Jiang Fan smiled even more coldly!

If you shoot face-to-face with yourself, it's not yet known who will kill you!

But if the flying centipede wants to run, there is only one ending!

At this moment, Jiang Fan suddenly took a deep breath!

The fingers of his intact right hand were slightly bent, and he suddenly pointed at Feiwu!

Immediately afterwards, a small light spot suddenly appeared on the palm of Jiang Fan's palm!


This move is impressively the Guixian Liu stunt Jiang Fan obtained in the Dragon Ball World!

Turtle Qigong! !

Turtle Qigong: Kamei...Hamei...Ha!

Remarks: This is the most basic energy burst skill in Dragon Ball World! But after continuous improvement, it has become a super Saiyan's stunt at the bottom of the box!

To activate this skill, it takes more than three seconds to condense! The longer the condensation time, the greater the power! It can send out a powerful shock wave that increases the attack power by ten times!

Tip: If the tortoise-style qigong bursts with the ultimate attack power, it will enter a three-minute period of weakness and will not be able to automatically restore energy!

Following the utterance of the first word, Jiang Fan's palm seemed to be stuck to the entire world, pulling desperately, slowly retracting it toward his waist!

At the same time, the flying centipede in front of it seemed to be stuck. Although it was flapping its wings desperately, its speed became extremely slow!


On Jiang Fan's palm, that spot of light burst out with an extremely dazzling bright light!

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Fan's right wrist was already slowly turning!


Along with the rotation of the wrist, small electric currents began to appear on the edge of that bright light!

Just looking at it, it seems that there is a horrible feeling that the soul is about to be shattered!

will die!

If you get hit, you will die!

Feiwu was trembling all over, and the fear in his heart could no longer be suppressed!

It suddenly howled miserably!

"Spare! Forgive me!!"

"Spare you? You killed me four times! Four times! Go to **** bastard!!"

Jiang Fan roared!


With the utterance of this last word, the light in his hand was already shining to the extreme!

At the next moment, Jiang Fan had already aimed at Feiwu suddenly, pushing his right hand fiercely!


A glorious and vast beam of light that was several times more terrifying than the black light sprayed by the flying centipede before, has suddenly sprayed out!

At the moment when the light touched the flying centipede, the whole body of the flying centipede turned out to be melting like ice and snow under the scorching sun!

Just between breathing, it completely turned into fly ash!

At the same time, the dazzling light erupted from the beam of light had completely enveloped the entire ruins!

Everyone only felt that there was a blank piece of white in front of them, and the ears were all the desperate roar of Flying Centipede before he died!


I don't know how long it took, the white light finally gradually dissipated, and the flying centipede had completely disappeared in the sky!

And in the direction where it originally fled, in the distant sky, on an endless white cloud, there was an abruptly more huge hole, I don't know how wide it is!

Jiang Fan's attack actually blasted the clouds through! The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: Reading address of the full text of the God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway: Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 1706 Kamehameha ) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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