Now that the distance is extremely safe, Jiang Fan stopped and looked back, and suddenly saw a white wave of air that had destroyed everything along the way!

Especially the small island where he appeared before, it was almost cut by a giant with a sickle!

All the trees on the island were broken and shattered in an instant!

Even the island is falling apart!

After a while, a loud and deafening noise slowly spread into his eardrums!

Even Jiang Fan couldn't help but lose consciousness at this moment!

But he reacted immediately, looking at the port with gloomy eyes!


Jiang Fan soared into the sky and rushed directly to the port!

At this moment, at the port, a group of people from the Citigroup military are talking enthusiastically!

"This kind of equivalent explosion, that monster is absolutely dead!"

"Well! I didn't expect that there are such monsters in the world!"

"It's a pity, I can't catch it alive, otherwise I will study it, it's definitely worth a lot of money!"

"Haha, isn't President Smith's appetite not small, the military's orders are still not satisfying your appetite?"

"Hehehe, arms dealers never dislike too much money, General Wilson, when starting a war in Southeast Asia, don't forget our company!"

"Haha! Don't worry!"

A group of people are talking, but just now!

"what is that?!"

A man suddenly pointed at the horizon!

Everyone looked up and was shocked!

I saw that with that huge mushroom cloud as the background, a man walked on the wind, like a dark cloud, rushing towards everyone!


"Then, is that human?!"

"Is he flying?"

"Are there any mistakes!"

"Don't panic! Maybe it was the shock wave of the nuclear explosion!"

"Fuck your uncle! Do you have some common sense? Even if it is steel, it has to be crushed into powder by the shock wave, and it can be rushed over?"

A group of people stared wide-eyed and their faces were unbelievable!

At this moment, Jiang Fan has already come to their heads!

High above, like a god!

"This face is an Oriental?"

"Could it be the **** of China?"

"Huh! If Huaxia had a fairy, it wouldn't have been harmed by Dongying like that back then!"

"It makes sense."

The crowd talked!

But at this moment, the arms dealer Smith's eyes moved:

"No matter who it is, it can actually fly, if you catch it and study it carefully..."

With his voice, a group of big people's eyes lit up!

General Wilson pointed directly at Jiang Fan:

"catch him!"

Several soldiers suddenly smiled grimly, and rushed to Jiang Fan directly!

But then it was embarrassing!

Jiang Fan is floating in the sky above seven or eight meters!

You can't reach it by stepping on a ladder!

Smith's eyes were fierce:

"Shoot! Shoot it down!"

Suddenly, one of the soldiers took out a pistol without saying a word, and shot Jiang Fan!

However, the bullet shot out, but stopped firmly in front of Jiang Fan!

A group of people opened their mouths wide, dumbfounded!

And the next moment, Jiang Fan's bullet was entrapped by the wind, and it hit the soldier's head directly!


The soldier's head was directly blown to pieces!

Wilson screamed in fright!

"Shoot! Shoot! Kill him!"

A group of soldiers didn't hesitate anymore, they all pulled out their long guns and short cannons, and they were about to shoot!

It's a pity that Jiang Fan raised his hand and snapped his fingers!


A crisp sound resounded throughout the harbor!

next moment!

"Boom boom boom boom!"

But for soldiers who dared to dig a gun, everyone's heads were blown to pieces!

All of a sudden, the rain of blood scattered!

Pouring Smith, Wilson and others all over their faces!

A group of big people who were triumphant before are all scared to pee!

What is this method?

This guy said nothing, and killed dozens of people!

Is he a demon?

"You, who are you..."

Wilson spoke in shock.

"Finally remembered, did you ask me?"

Jiang Fan sneered.

However, Wilson was even more frightened when he heard his words!

Jiang Fan's tone is full of coldness that ignores life!

With an undisguised killing intent!

This guy, he will definitely kill everyone present!

"no, do not want…"

Wilson trembled all over!

And Smith took the lead and knelt down:


Jiang Fan sneered and started!

But at this moment!

An extremely weak mental power suddenly passed from the center of the nuclear explosion!

Although the mental power is huge, but it is full of pain and despair, and it is actually asking for help!

Jiang Fan raised his eyebrows!

In this world, there is no doubt that only Titan Giant Beast can have such a strong mental power!

In that case, is Godzilla who caused this kind of mental fluctuation? !

The nuclear explosion just now bombed him?

In the original plot, there is no such paragraph—

Do not!


Jiang Fan suddenly looked around!

The clothes of these people, the surrounding facilities, and even the telescopes and cameras...this is what it looked like decades ago!

The time period when I came, turned out to be in 1954!

At this moment, Godzilla's mental fluctuations have become weaker and weaker!

Jiang Fan didn't care about these goods. He raised his hand and it was a storm that completely destroyed the entire port. Then, like a streamer, he rushed towards the center of the nuclear explosion!

At this moment, the power of the nuclear explosion has been completely released, but the heat has not yet subsided!

The more Jiang Fan rushed toward the center, the more he could feel the temperature rising!

And the skin is full of tingling sensations!

It's radiation!

But for now, this level of radiation won't even kill him!

As soon as he entered within a kilometer of the nuclear explosion center, Jiang Fan couldn't help but gasp!

The sea water here is full of misty steam, and a nearby island has completely turned into magma!

And in the center of the island, a huge monster with a length of forty to fifty meters is lying there very weakly!

The monster was covered with scars and his flesh and blood turned out. He was lying on the ground, with two small front paws scratching the ground weakly. It seemed that he was about to swim into the sea, but he was too weak to crawl at all!

And the expression in his eyes was full of despair, and he could only shake his long tail weakly!

This monster is the Emperor Titan, Godzilla!

Seeing Jiang Fan appeared, Godzilla was startled first, and then, his weak eyes were full of hatred!

Even barely get up!


It's human!

He obviously didn't do anything, but they hurt themselves so viciously!

These **** creatures!

It's a pity that he just barely lifted his body for a while, he lost his strength and fell to the ground fiercely!

"Little guy, don't be impulsive, I and them are not in the same group!"

At this moment, a gentle mental power suddenly rushed into his mind!

Godzilla was stunned!

Yes, it's that human!

He can actually communicate with himself spiritually! The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: address of the full text of God-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms: Takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms txt download address: takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1826 Time period is incorrect), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (

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