The five heavenly tripods arrived, and the atmosphere in this world has been suppressed to the extreme!

The five looked at each other.

Li Fengling's first opening:

"Everyone, why are you here?"

The Wangu Witch King scratched his head:

"I owe favor to Jiang Fan."

Everyone was taken aback.

And Jade Saint actually nodded and spoke indifferently:

"me too."

At this time, everyone was stunned!

But Lin Buhui smiled:

"These little **** at home are not good, I just watch them don't do anything wrong."

Everyone looked at Jianzong.

Jianzong looked at Yue Jianhan from a distance:

"This sword, you chopped it out?"

Yue Jianhan's face was cold, and his eyes were full of warfare:

"it's me!"

"it is good!"

Jianzong suddenly laughed wildly:

"Come into my door, Jiang family, I'll save it!"

Everyone has their mouths open!

Li Fengling spoke slowly at this time:

"China, don't mess up!"

Jianzong said nothing.

The others looked at each other and all nodded.

"China, don't mess up!"

Obviously, no matter who it is, a consensus has been reached!

Li Fengling looked at Jiang Fan:

"Let's leave the Zhou family, leave the capital, today's affairs, stop here!"

As soon as Li Fengling's voice fell, the two Chen Yus couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. This should have been the best result!

Uncle Xuan and Wan Wu trembled all over!

My heart is full of deep unwillingness!

Seeing that the enemy is right in front of him, but now, it is going to fall short!

A group of Jiang Fan's subordinates gritted their teeth!

The Zhou family cried with joy!

Survival from desperation!

Zhou family, finally survived!

Jiang Fan!

just wait!

After this catastrophe, my Zhou family will inevitably reclaim this blood feud thousands of times in the future!

Everyone present has different thoughts!

But at this moment!

"End here?"

Jiang Fan, who was always watching coldly, suddenly sneered.

"Have you forgotten to ask me the opinion of this suffering master?"

"Jiang Fan, this is already the best result. Within and outside Zhou's family, only so many people have been killed by you are left. It's okay."

Yu Sheng spoke lightly, his face full of impatience.

"Boy, it's too hard to kill, it's not a good thing, forget it!"

Wan Gu Witch King also smiled and opened his mouth.

Lin Buhui looked around and laughed twice:

"Jiang Fan, I can't twist my thigh with my arm, do you recognize it!"


Jiang Fan looked at them coldly:

"Why should I admit it? Killing pays for my life is justified! When the Zhou family destroys my door, I will destroy his door!"

"I said, Zhou family, today, I am dead!"

Everyone's heart shuddered!

Yu Sheng frowned, his face full of impatient and deep contempt:

"Jiang Fan! Enough! You are just a small person, don't know how to praise!"

Jiang Fan glanced at him coldly, then suddenly said:

"Fuck you code!"


There is a dead silence in the air!

Everyone suspected that there was a problem with their ears!

Jade Saint's eyes widened unbelievably:

"You, what did you say?"

Jiang Fan looked at Jianzong, looked at Lin Buhui, looked at Wangu Witch King, looked at Li Fengling, and finally fell on Jade Saint again.

He smiled and spoke slowly:

"I said, go to your code!"


All of them opened their mouths wide, and the fear in their eyes almost overflowed their eyes!

This lunatic!

He is completely crazy!

Tianding ten poles!

That's the top ten!

Jiang Fan actually scolded all of them!

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan with fear and despair in their eyes, but at the same time there was a trace of worship that could not be concealed!

Even the Zhou family was completely shocked by Jiang Fan's madness at this moment!

Throughout the ages, even if he dies today, Jiang Fan is definitely the number one madman like no other before!

"Jiang Fan! You are looking for death!"

Tianding is extremely angry!


A few people are full of breath surging!

In an instant, the setting sun really turned blood!

In the air, a large swath of **** smoke floated up!

Human murder, the world is repeated!

Several Tianding Shiji burst out murderous intent at the same time, there is really a kind of horror that is turned upside down, and it is almost devastating!

But in the face of such a terrifying power, Jiang Fan didn't change his face!

It is a step forward abruptly!



As soon as Jiang Fan grasped the Qiankun bow, he pulled the bowstring abruptly!

The sound of the bowstring is like a crack in the sky!

And as the bowstring is full, a black body with blood flowing on the arrow, as if an arrow condensing the intent of eternal killing, has slowly emerged!

Looking at this arrow, everyone seemed to see the ten temple Yama who was laughing fiercely for an instant!

This arrow has surpassed manpower, just like Tianwei!

Heaven is killing intent, moving stars are easy to stay!

With this arrow shot, the stars must fall, shocking the sky!

The breath of several Tianding Tenjis all stagnated!

Looking at Jiang Fan almost unbelievably!

Compared to others, they can feel the horror of this arrow!

Once shot, you will definitely die!

Jiang Fan, how could there be such a killer?

And Jiang Fan still looked at them coldly!

"Now, tell me who is looking for death!"

There was dead silence in the air!

Jiang Fan pointed at Jianzong with a bow and arrow:

"It's you?"

Jianzong was silent.

He pointed to Lin Buhui again:

"It's you?"

Lin Buhui was equally silent.

Jiang Fan pointed to Wan Gu Witch King, Li Fengling, and Jade Sage!

"still you?"

Everyone is silent!

The crowd looked at Jiang Fan blankly.

One person, one arrow, pointing at the top five people in the world, forcing the other party to dare not even say a word!

What a grandeur this is!

Xing Tian's resurrection is nothing more than the same!

Jiang Fan glanced at them contemptuously:

"Little guy? Ants? Tianding Shiji, it turns out that it's such a thing!"

"You stand on a high place for too long, do you really regard yourself as a god?"

"I don't care about your threats!"

"Your favor, I'm not rare!"

"Now, I'm going to destroy the Zhou family. Either you watch or you just let Laozi go!"

Everyone is shaking!


Let Tianding roll ten extremes!

Several Tiandings were furious!

"Jiang Fan! You are too presumptuous!"

"Presumptuous? Then I will be presumptuous today!"

A murderous flash in Jiang Fan's eyes, the bow and arrow have been pulled to the limit!

"My arrow can be tracked automatically. I know you can take me in seconds, but before that, one of you will definitely be buried with me!"

"Now, do you want to take a gamble?"

"I count three times, and every three times, or I shoot this arrow, and the jade and the stone are burned!"

"Either, you all go to Laozi!"


Everyone was stunned!

Pieces of goose bumps appeared all over the body!

Too overbearing!

Don't give Tianding Ten Extremes face at all, let alone give them time to think about it!

There is no room for confrontation at all!

To live toward death, rather than bend!

This is Jiang Fan!

Several people gritted their teeth!

But Jiang Fan has spoken coldly!



Li Fengling sighed suddenly, turned and left!

Wan Gu Witch King looked helpless, and followed Li Fengling!

Yu Sheng's face was livid, and he gave Jiang Fan a stare, and he had completely disappeared!

As for Jianzong, just like when he came, he still walked silently!

Only Lin Buhui suddenly raised his hands!

"Relax! I will never do anything! I will take away the Lin family!"

"Yes! But I have given the Lin family a chance before. Now, depending on your face, if you hand over half of the Lin family's fortune, I can leave it alone!" The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms: The full text of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: Ten Thousand The txt download address of the takeaway: takeaway Mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click The "Favorites" below record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1864 Tianfa Murderous Intent Moves the Star Yisu), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (

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