"You, are you dying?"

Jiang Fan's face was all incredulous.

The breath that the pope exuded before was terrifying to the extreme!

Such an old monster actually said he was going to die?

The Pope’s expression was very calm:

"Don't be so surprised, people are always going to die."

"But, but... when you reach the domain level, you will have a lifespan of at least three hundred years old, and you are only sixty-four years old..."

Jiang Fan is still unbelievable.

The pope blinked suddenly:

"Everything has a price. That's why I have become so old and why I am about to die."

He waved his hand and motioned Jiang Fan to bring the holy scripture on the table.

Jiang Fan walked to the table and looked at the holy book.

It can be seen that the pope should read it often, so that the pages of the book have been turned, and on the pages, there are densely packed notes.

Jiang Fan picked up the holy scripture and handed it to the Pope.

The pope rubs the holy scripture lightly, as if rubbing a treasure.

He suddenly spoke softly:

"This holy book was given to me by your mother."

Jiang Fan was startled.

And the pope finally opened the canon.

On the title page of the Shengdian, a few Chinese characters are written in Xiuqi Kai:

To my friend the little lion, I wish you one day become a **** of light! (^_−)☆

Seeing this sentence, Jiang Fan was immediately taken aback.

This sentence is no longer a normal blessing, it is simply blasphemous!

Especially with the smiling face at the end, if it is seen by other people in the Illuminati Council, I am afraid that the person who wrote this sentence will have to be thrown on the torture rack!

The mother of my own world, so tugging?

Looking at these words, the pope raised the corners of his mouth, his fingers flicked lightly across these words, and then finally opened the holy scripture.

In the holy scripture, there is actually a yellowed photo.

There are four people in the photo.

On the far right, there is a man with indifferent eyes, tall and straight, and sharp as a knife.

The moment he saw this man, even if it was just a photo, Jiang Fan actually felt like being swept by the blade!

Cut out!

Jiang Fan knew this person's name inexplicably.

Next to Duan Kong was a twenty-seven or eighteen-year-old young man with glasses and a faintly cynical smile on his mouth.

This turned out to be the old man when he was young!

On the far left, there is a man in his thirties with blond hair. He has a handsome face. Even if he is only a photo, he can feel a domineering man.

And when you look closely, this person is surprisingly similar to the pope's face now, and he is a young pope!

These three people represented the three most supreme people in the world at that time!

However, compared with the last person in the photo, these three people seem to have all become embellishments.

It was a woman in her twenties with a sweet smile. She stood there quietly, making the three pope like stars holding the moon.

This woman is not so beautiful, but her brows are gentle, and her smile seems to have a magical power, so that everyone who sees her has a kind of joy from the heart.

Looking at the woman in the photo, the corners of the pope's mouth began to rise unconsciously.

"This is the only picture I have of your mother."

As he spoke, he carefully took out the photo and handed it to Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan took the photo and looked at the woman in a daze.

This is the mother of my own world?

Back then, only the old man had a picture of her in the Jiang family. At that time, I had just traveled through and had no sense of identity with this world. I had never seen a picture at all.

When the Jiang family was destroyed, everything was ruined, and it was impossible to look at it.

So this is myself, the first time I really saw her.

Inexplicably, Jiang Fan's already cold heart suddenly became soft.

"This picture is for you."

The pope suddenly spoke.

Jiang Fan was startled. For the Pope, this photo was obviously a priceless treasure. Now, he actually wants to give it to himself?


"Thirty years... I am finally going to see her in person. It doesn't make much sense to keep the photos. Take them."

Jiang Fan nodded and carefully put away the photo. He hesitated for a while before he spoke seriously:


The pope suddenly looked sideways at Jiang Fan, then looked out the window again:

"Just this one thing to thank me?"


Jiang Fan was taken aback.

The pope shook his head and suddenly said three names:

"Green, Gabriel, Thurmond."

Jiang Fan's pupils suddenly shrank!

All these people were actually the senior leaders of the Bright Council who died in his hands!

And the pope chuckled softly:

"A presiding judge in the court, a knight commander in the knight order, and a bishop in the temple, all of them were killed by you."

"One family, just like your mother, unbiased."

The corner of Jiang Fan's eyes twitched, and he almost called out the Nightmare Beast to block his sword, and then boarded the iron-blooded spacecraft and ran away!

However, he forcibly suppressed this impulse and gave a dry laugh:

"Your Majesty... have you misunderstood?"

The pope didn't answer at all:

"The most remarkable thing is that after killing them, you still dare to come to the holy city, and dare to come to see me, haha, amazing, you really deserve to be her son."

"Your future achievements are probably higher than me and Duan Kong!"

Jiang Fan closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

For an instant, his thoughts turned rapidly, and then he finally opened his eyes slowly:

"Your Majesty is wise, I can't hide anything from you, yes, I killed all three of them!"

The pope nodded:

"Although you do things carefully, sometimes you still lack some heat. The deaths of Green and Thurmond did an excellent job, and there was no flaw. But in this matter, Gabriel, you did it too anxiously, I am afraid it has caused Gustav suspected it."

"Also, before you know my relationship with you, there is nothing wrong with you offending the three families and wanting to be my direct line, but you have thought about it, in case one day, the one who takes over the pope’s position is One of the three of them, what should you do?"

"Little guy, sometimes, you still have to think about it in the longer term."

Jiang Fan was a little confused.

That's it?

And the pope suddenly looked relaxed:

"Well, don't you want to have a meal with me? I've said everything, now go to dinner."

Jiang Fan raised his eyebrows.

He said it casually when he was in Nicholas Manor about eating, but did the Pope know about it?

Jiang Fan was still bewildered, but the Pope had already spoken in a deep voice:


Accompanied by the name shouting, the door was gently pushed open, and immediately after that, the man who led Jiang Fan over had already walked in.

He respectfully saluted the Pope:

"His Majesty."

The pope nodded:

"Is dinner ready?"

"It's ready."

"You take Jiang Fan over first."


Cronus turned his head and looked at Jiang Fan:

"Mr. Jiang, please come with me."

Jiang Fan hesitated for a moment, then bowed slightly to the Pope:

"Your Majesty, then I will pass first."


The pope agreed softly.

Until the two left, the old man slowly stood up.

"It's not the time yet. If you want to clear the obstacles for him, this body should...can hold on for a little longer..."

He rubbed the holy scripture in his hand, muttered in his mouth, and the eyes looking at the distant sky suddenly became extremely gloomy!

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