As soon as Fang Ting spoke, she couldn't stop!

"They lied to me that they were scouts and took me to a company!"

"Then, coaxed me to sign a film contract! But I didn't even know that they were going to make a third-level film!"

"They want to shoot, I don't agree, they said they need to pay a large amount of liquidated damages!"

"I couldn't afford that much money at all at once, so they said that they could replace it with some large-scale photos and give me time to raise money!"

"I have paid back a lot, but I don't know what's going on. Actually, the more I paid back! Today is the last day of repayment! If I don't have it yet, my photos will be posted online by them!"

"Furthermore, they threatened me, ooh... they said they wanted to take me to be a lady at the stage!"

"Uuuuu...Teacher, please, please help me!"

Fang Ting was heartbroken crying!


Jiang Fan spit out these two words from his teeth! The look in his eyes, for a moment, was as cold as frost!

"Who are they?"

"Yes, yes, Four Seas Company!"

It's them again!

Jiang Fan took a deep breath!

"Fang Ting, go back to class with peace of mind! The teacher promises that they will never reappear from your lives!"


Four Seas Company!

Ma Sihai was lying on the massage chair, his feet raised high on the table!

now! He was dangling a cigar, looking at the pile of photos in his hand with a smirk on his face!

"Hey! This chick has a really good figure!"

"Even if the teacher doesn't punch me and trains this chick to be the top card in the nightclub, he can still make a lot of money!"

Brother Long was on the side and nodded in a hurry!

"What Brother Hai said! Or Brother Hai is wise!"

"Nonsense! Who is I? Humph! Tonight, get that little girl over!"


"Ah, what the hell? Before I negotiate with that teacher, I have to get a cool shot! Oh! This chick, the more you look at it, the more interesting it gets!"

Ma Sihai, can't wait!

At this moment, his face was plain, but Jiang Fan's eyes seemed to be burning with flames. He had already come downstairs in Sihai Company!

"Stop! What did you do?"

A **** with a tattoo on his arm, smoking a cigarette, looked at Jiang Fan loudly!

"Is Ma Sihai here?"

"Fuck! Brother Hai's name is what you can call? Get out! Brother Hai has no time to meet a small person like you!"

"I didn't ask him if he was free!"

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Fan's momentum changed suddenly!


The whole body, it seems, there is a layer of **** flames!

The bully was surprised!

I just feel that my scalp is going to explode!


too frightening!

If you don't run, you will definitely die!

It's a pity that he didn't wait for him to take a step, Jiang Fan already kicked it out!


The whole body of the bully, it was as if being hit by a siege cone!

The whole person flew upside down, with a "boom", smashing the glass door behind him!

"who is it!"

"Don't know where this is?"

"It's really the opposite! How dare you come to our company to make trouble?"

"Kill him!"

Seven or eight gangsters guarding downstairs rushed out like a swarm!

It's a pity that Jiang Fan doesn't have the mood to pay any attention to these influential goods!

Seven consecutive knees knocked out!

The seven thugs flew up screaming, and after landing, they passed out completely! Under the crotch, there was a puddle of red blood!

These people, unexpectedly, were directly scrapped by Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan walked into the hall in a hurry, and smiled at a frightened bastard!

"Take me to meet, Ma Sihai!"


The knock on the door suddenly sounded!

Ma Sihai frowned!


When the door opened, Jiang Fan walked in with a gentle smile on his face!

"you are……"

Ma Sihai thought Jiang Fan was very familiar, but didn't recognize it!

However, Brother Long on one side, his complexion changed drastically!

"Yes, it's you!"

"Brother Hai! He is the teacher!"

"Yes! How come I am so familiar!"

Ma Sihai looked excited!

"Boy, I'm looking for you! Unexpectedly, you delivered it yourself!"

"Oh? Are you looking for me?"

"That's right! Boy, you have good skills, come and punch me!"


"Why? Why do you ask me?"

Ma Sihai looked jokes and laughed!

"Boy, a bunch of private photos of your students are in my hands. If you don't do it, I'll distribute them all!"

"Don't you like it, do you want to show up for your students? If these photos are circulated, hey!"


"That's it, when you deal with my students, you actually want me to punch you?"

"Yes! As long as you are obedient, I don't have to send these photos! Moreover, I can satisfy you with the conditions Niu Xinghe gave you!"

Jiang Fan nodded!

"Okay! But you have to return me the photo of my student first!"

"no problem!"

Ma Sihai agreed very happily, just!


He suddenly smiled, with a lewd look!

"I wasted a lot of effort to catch this little girl! You have to call that little girl to give Laozi a diarrhea! Don't worry, after this time, I..."

Before Ma Sihai finished speaking, Jiang Fan suddenly burst into flames in his eyes!

He almost teleported to Ma Sihai, slapped it hard, and slapped it directly!


A crisp sound!

Half of Ma Sihai's face clicked, and Jiang Fan was smashed!

"Ah!!! Bastard! Bastard!!!"

Ma Sihai screamed in pain!

"Call Banchai! Call someone and slaughter this little beast for me!"

Brother Long ran away! Go out and shout!

"You are dead! Dare to do it with me! You are dead!"

"Not only you are going to die, none of your students and your family can run away!"

"Especially the one named Fang Ting, I want you to see with your own eyes, Lao Tzu, how did you play with her to death!"

Ma Sihai's eyes were full of spite, and roared frantically!

"is it?"

Jiang Fan suddenly smiled grimly! A handful, grabbed Ma Sihai's collar!

"You, what do you want to do?"

Ma Sihai didn't finish speaking, the whole person was already rounded in the air by Jiang Fan, and hit the desk fiercely!


The solid wood desk burst into pieces!

Countless sharp wooden thorns exploded, and the pierced horses were everywhere!

In an instant, he was covered with blood and almost turned into a porcupine!


Ma Sihai screamed endlessly, and the spiteful color in his eyes had turned into fear!

Now he didn't dare to threaten Jiang Fan anymore, but desperately backed away!

But the smile on Jiang Fan's face became more ferocious!

At this moment!

"Boy! You're done!"

"Damn! Let go of Brother Hai!"

"Dare to do it with Haige, don't you want to live anymore?"

"Don't talk nonsense, kill this kid first! Then, kill his whole family!"

A group of bullies, led by Brother Long, rushed in directly!

Ma Sihai is overjoyed!

"Hahaha, kid, you're done! No matter how good you are, you can't beat so many of my men!"

"Go! Kill him for me!"

A group of gangsters, holding machetes, rushed towards Jiang Fan!

However, Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly cold!

"Give it to me, kneel down!"


In an instant, dozens of gangsters, their feet soft, all knelt at Jiang Fan's feet!

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