
Lan Ran hit the ground fiercely, ploughing the entire land into an ugly crack!

And he himself was smashed and covered in blood, and even his forehead was smashed into pieces!

But he didn't care about his injury, instead he touched Bengyu on his forehead!

The touch of his fingers told him that by now, there were three more cracks on Bengyu!

Three cracks that cannot be repaired at all!

Lan Ran trembled all over, staring at Jiang Fan firmly:

"Damn... damn!!!"

Accompanied by a roar from Ai Ran!


In the eyes of the six tokens behind him, the purple light flashed again!

Immediately after that, the six beams of light had broken through the void, and suddenly bombarded Jiang Fan!

However, Jiang Fan laughed wildly, like a fish swimming upstream, breaking through the layers of light beams, and rushing towards Lan Ran again frantically!

"how so!"

Lan Ran has a furious look on her face!

what is the problem!

How could your own attack have no effect on this kid at all?


His head dazzled by anger suddenly calmed down, and his eyes suddenly fell on the light staff that was stuck in the ground!

The reason for this thing!

Lan Ran's eyes were fierce, and he aimed at the Staff of Light, and the six eyes on the token flashed again!


The whole land was trembling and shattering crazily, but the position of the Staff of Light was not damaged at all!

"Useless Aizen! You are dead!!"

Jiang Fan roared, already raising his fist again!

"Oh shit!!"

Ai Ran roared!

The token behind him was like a peacock opening for an instant, suddenly forming a ring behind him!

Immediately afterwards, the eyes on the token opened again, and while the purple light flashed, Lan dyed his entire body, clothed a fusiform purple shield!


Jiang Fan slammed on the shield with a fist, but the shield didn't even show up, but Jiang Fan was shaken back a few steps!

At the same time, the blood oozing out of his whole body was also increasing!

The gene riot has reached its limit before, with the second activation, coupled with the double load of bloodline burning and blood runaway, if it does not stop now, the physical damage will be irreversible, just like before, only the gene will be disintegrated. , A dead end!

Lan Ran stared at Jiang Fan tightly:

"This is the defensive shield built by my strongest energy. Even if it was your previous attack with the intensity, I don't want to break it!"

"Jiang Fan, I don't have to do it with you at all!"

"Your body has reached its limit. If you continue to maintain this state, there is only one dead end in the end!"

"That staff can't protect you for long, too. If the energy is exhausted, you are still dead!"

"Jiang Fan, I will win this battle!"

Ai Ran suddenly burst into a crazy laugh!


Jiang Fan gasped hard, just for the time of these few words, there were more and more wounds on his body!

Ai Ran was right, she had reached her limit.

But even so, Jiang Fan laughed.

Ai Ran panicked for no reason:

"Why are you laughing?"

"I laughed that you were right, I have reached the limit now, and I really can't break your defense at the moment, but..."

As Jiang Fan said, an item suddenly appeared in his hand!

"But you forgot one thing. If you want to win, you can not only improve yourself, but also... weaken your opponent!"

[Big eyeballs stare]: A woman's watery eyes can kill you, and Lao Tzu's big eyes can kill you!

Remarks: Using this item will definitely make the enemy fearful and reduce combat effectiveness by 50%! Duration, half a minute!

A flash of silver light accompanied by the props!

In the next instant, Lan Ran discovered in horror that his strength was falling rapidly!

At the same time, twelve shining silver shuttles suddenly floated behind Jiang Fan!

Tianhe Yuyi-Weaver Girl Flying Shuttle!

"Jiang Fan! One day, I will kill you by myself!"

Lan Ran suddenly roared, actually rising into the sky!


This time, he didn't care about anything!

He was completely scared!

There was an uncontrollable thought in my mind--

Fighting Jiang Fan is like facing a bottomless abyss. No matter how powerful you become, you will never be Jiang Fan's opponent!


Only escape!

But at the moment he just jumped up!

A group of dazzling electric lights with a range of a kilometer, instantly enveloped this world!

Surprisingly, Jiang Fan used himself as the carrier to launch another move of the Eight Great Snake Set!

Wild and Crazy Thunder Light Charmi-Dark Thunder Light Fist!


In this thunder and lightning hell, Lan Ran was actually entangled in the thunder net!

And Jiang Fan's eyes, at this moment, have completely become dead white!

God blood runaway, the final stage!

at the same time!


In Jiang Fan's body, a slight cracking sound suddenly sounded!

The gene riot has surpassed the limit, and the disintegration has officially begun!

However, with the disintegration of genes and the opening of the final stage of the blood runaway!


A horror to the extreme, a strong, crazy, and tyrannical aura that suddenly burst out of Jiang Fan!

"You, you really want to die!"

Lan Ran suddenly screamed, and the crazy one is about to break free from the thundernet!

But at this moment!


Jiang Fan actually slowly spit out a blood mist that was almost burning, and then his hands suddenly became claws, suddenly stabbing to the sky!

This thorn is really fierce and wild to the extreme, just like in the myth, the earthly giant python that swallows the moon up to the sky, seems to stab a hole in the sky!

And with this thorn, all Jiang Fan's spirits and spirits have once again increased by a whole level!

That terrifying aura, as if the thousands of evil spirits in his inner body had broken free from the cage, and were roaring and rushing out frantically!

True, eight childish girls, reality! !

At this moment, Lan Ran's whole body's hairs were straight up!

will die!

This time, even if there is Bengyu, he will definitely die!


Ai Ran suddenly howled miserably!

But the next moment!

"Aida! Farewell!!"


Jiang Fan was facing Lan Ran in an instant, and immediately after a claw wrapped around the Scarlet Whirlwind, he shook Lan Ran heavily!


Lan Ran's body, which is known as the strongest defensive shield, failed to even stop Jiang Fan, it was completely exploded into a purple glow!

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Fan's right paw had already swept across Aizen's defensive arms!


The flesh and blood on Aizen's arms suddenly exploded, and the empty door opened!

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Fan's second claw, which was faster than lightning, had already reached him instantly!


Airan's entire chest was torn alive, even revealing its internal organs!

And the faster, fiercer, and more brutal third claw has also arrived!

Lan Ran's eyes were about to split, and the six tokens behind them suddenly rushed!



As soon as one of the tokens was blocked, it was blasted off by Jiang Fan's terrifying claws, and the token was full of cracks for an instant!

But Jiang Fan kept on hand, already tore Lan Ran's arm!

At the same time, the stronger fourth claw suddenly blasted out!


Ai Ran is howling desperately!

But the physical injury is still the second place. What shocked him the most was that while Jiang Fan blasted the eight-child girl, the twelve shuttles he drew were frantically bombarding his forehead!

And every flying shuttle's bombardment is almost equivalent to Jiang Fan's claw bombardment at this moment!

The token can't stop it at all!


Bengyu is actually cracking!

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