God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2111: Awakening wood power?

"Your uncle! It's so special!"

Jiang Fan cursed.

However, it is dusk now, and maintenance should be completed early tomorrow morning, and Jiang Fan is not in a hurry at this moment.

But before he changed his job and entered the world, there seemed to be a call.

Before the system was completely shut down, Jiang Fan quickly took the phone out of his backpack.

The caller ID was actually a strange number.

Jiang Fan's eyes narrowed slightly:

"If I still harass the phone, I can't spare you..."

Dial the number back directly.


As soon as the bell rang, someone picked it up!

"Mr. Jiang!"

An extremely anxious voice suddenly sounded on the opposite side!


Jiang Fan was taken aback.

On the opposite side, it was Theodore who was under the Dark Council that he had previously conquered, the traitor of the former Bright Council, and the backbone of the Chosen organization now placed in the Dark Council!

Why does this kid think of contacting himself?

"What's up?"

"My lord, I have come to the City of Seven Hills!"

"Oh? That's right, I was just about to summon you."

"No, my lord! We were ordered to come here to make trouble!"

"make trouble?"

Jiang Fan has just completed his job transfer task, a battle plus rewards, and now he hasn't fully awakened his mind.

"Yeah! Aren't you going to be canonized as a saint today? We just followed Vice Speaker Lucas to make trouble..."

Jiang Fan suddenly reacted:

"Fuck? Why don't you contact me in advance?"

"No, my lord, you said it yourself. No matter what happened recently, let us not contact you actively. Besides, I just came to lead the way..."

Theodore's voice was full of grievances.

Jiang Fan recalled that there seemed to be something like this.

At the same time, his mind was finally waking up:

"I know, then you contact me, it should be someone who was tracked by the Illuminati Council, forcing you to desperately?"

Where is the city of seven hills?

The base camp of the Bright Council!

The dark council was very happy before. It is estimated that the things under the Pantheon have something to do with them, but with the pope's move, these guys directly become a group of chickens.

Under the intensive pursuit of the Illuminati Council, except for Lucas' level, the nineteenth level is useless, let alone Theodore, the newly promoted master!

"My lord is wise! That's it!"

Theodore said hurriedly!

"Okay, tell me the address, I'll find you!"


Ten minutes later.

The most prosperous Corso Avenue in the City of Seven Hills.

In the public toilet on the seventh floor of Mars Mall, in the fifth pit, Jiang Fan finally saw Theodore who was very embarrassed.

At this moment, Theodore was as if he had been bombarded by dozens of cannons in turn, his body was burnt, his hair was half burned, half of his shoulders fell softly, and the chest and abdomen were still bleeding.

However, the moment he saw Jiang Fan, he was not surprised, but surprised!

Jiang Fan's head is now full of green light, almost like a large firefly!

"My lord, your head... have you awakened the wood power?"

"I awaken you old wood!"

Jiang Fan cursed badly, and smoothly pulled the hat by Theodore and put it on his head.

The attributes of the ruler of the Qingqing Prairie are extremely powerful, but this side effect is particularly outrageous!

Unfortunately, there is no way to eliminate it.

Jiang Fan looked at Theodore up and down, put on the obsidian ring directly, and then suddenly faced Theodore:

"Holy Light!"


An extremely dark holy light suddenly bombarded Theodore!

But Theodore not only did not feel the slightest discomfort, but let out a comfortable groan!

He betrayed the Council of Light, and his light power has become a unique dark power!

Normal holy light is poison to him, but the dark holy light transformed by Jiang Fan's obsidian ring is a big tonic for him!

Soon, with the disappearance of the dark light, Theodore's injury was completely healed!

But his face changed immediately:

"My lord, you cast the dark holy light, those strong men who chase me will chase me soon, let's go!"

"Not urgent!"

Jiang Fan's right index finger suddenly turned into an awl, and then he stabbed Theodore's neck!


Theodore snorted, and then he was shocked to discover that his body and face were constantly changing!

Tyrant virus, cell control!

"My lord, this, this..."

Theodore looked shocked!

However, Jiang Fan had already raised his hand and shaved him to a bald head, and then directly took out the black cloak:

"Put it on, don't talk for a while."


Theodore hurriedly agreed.

And just after finishing all this, the door of the bathroom has been kicked open!

Immediately afterwards, two parliament masters with grim expressions and cross-pattern tattoos on their foreheads had already strode in!

As soon as he saw the two Jiang Fan with his back to them, one of them suddenly said coldly:

"You! Did you see a wounded person just now?"

Jiang Fan slowly turned around.

The expressions of the two suddenly changed, and then there was a sudden rush of enthusiasm in their eyes!


The two of them knelt on one knee almost at the same time, and spoke very respectfully:

"Under the crown of the saints!"


Jiang Fan smiled kindly:

"My child, what happened?"

"Under Qi Di, we are hunting for an insurgent. We just felt the dark energy appearing here, so we chased it. I don't know if you are also..."

The two looked ashamed!

What a kindly crown!

I was really rude just now!

"Oh, it doesn't matter, I also felt the dark power, so I came here, don't worry, that cultist has been purified by me."

Jiang Fan smiled.

The two admired:

"Mianxia heroic!"

But soon, they found Theodore next to Jiang Fan.

It's just that at this moment Theodore not only changed his face, he became a middle-aged bald-headed man with a big belly.

"My lord, he is..."

Jiang Fan gave a silent gesture and smiled mysteriously.

The two of them thought they were Jiang Fan's subordinates, and they suddenly realized:

"My lord, if there are no other orders, we..."

"Thank you, step back."


Seeing the two people leave, Theodore was stunned!

The parliament master who chased him into the sky was actually fooled away by Jiang Fan with a few words!

The point is that the eyes of these two guys looking at Jiang Fan are just like the most ardent fans looking at idols!

Amazing! Amazing!

When I met for the first time, I thought that what an adult said, that the Pope himself baptized him and other things were bragging, but who would have thought that it was all humble!

Under the crown of genuine saints!

If those things didn't happen, I am afraid I would have to worship the adults so much now, right?


On the contrary, now, great talents are more worthy of their worship!

Who could have imagined that a guy who can emit the purest dark light would actually become a saint of the Council of Light?

Simply outrageous!

Only adults can do this, right?

Jiang Fan took Theodore to leave the public toilet, and while walking towards the men's wear area, he asked:

"Why are you here too? Bring back the body of Knight Commander Gabriel. You and Oleg should be receiving rewards, right?"

Theodore looked gloomy:

"My lord doesn't know, we...we were cut off!"

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