God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2176: Dig out everything he knows!

Regarding Jiang Fan's condition, Qi Huaichen almost agreed without considering it.

Compared to a master with the limit of 19th level, a few powerful figures in the Qi family can't even count as a fart!

The biggest problem is the corpse!

"Mr. Jiang, everything else is easy to say, but the corpse of the gods will really be missing for a while!"

"Then keep the accounts first, just remember that you owe me a corpse."

"Good good, thank you Mr. Jiang!"

Qi Huaichen was overjoyed.

Soon, half an hour later, the powerful figures of the Qi family came one after another.

Seeing that Jiang Fan was here, everyone was taken aback!

Especially Qi Huaifang, Qi Huaichen's cousin, had a different look in his eyes.

As early as when these people appeared, Jiang Fan felt the emancipation, and saw everyone's reaction in full view. Qi Huaifang's abnormality obviously couldn't escape his eyes.

However, it is very important to catch this Tianwen's spy. It's just that the attitude is different, and it can't be used as evidence!

Seeing that everyone was there, Jiang Fan suddenly raised his hand and knocked on the desktop:



Sadako with a long hair cape suddenly appeared!

Qi Tianjue's eyes widened suddenly!

From the beginning to the end, he didn't realize that there was still one person in this room!

As soon as Sadako appeared, she had already initiated phantom hypnosis!

Twenty-level Sadako, and Sadako who has understood the power of the domain, the phantom hypnotism launched by these people is not something that these people can resist.

Almost immediately, Zhenzi looked at Jiang Fan:

"Brother Jiang Fan, Qi Huaifang."

Jiang Fan nodded:

"Check a little deeper."

Sadako was silent for a moment:

"Some parts of his brain are very tight, so I have to waste some time."

"Then go back and check again to see if he is in Qi's house and there is no other eyes or ears yet."

Sadako looked directly at Qi Huaifang who was in the illusion, and then said:

"His driver, and a fellow from the Qi family named A Dong."

Jiang Fan looked at Qi Huaichen.

Although Qi Huaichen didn't know what had happened, he vaguely understood that Qi Huaifang was afraid that there was a big problem, otherwise he wouldn't let Jiang Fan be dispatched in person.

He just got up:

"I will personally control those two people."


Jiang Fan nodded and looked at Zhenzi:

"Erase the memories of the rest of the people who have seen me. Give them a hint to make them feel that Qi Huaifang has gone far. Also, help Qi Huaichen bring the two people over."


Sadako snapped his fingers with a "pop".

The rest of the people all lay down on the table and fell asleep.

Jiang Fan smiled at Qi Tianjue:

"Close your eyes."

Qi Tianjue closed his eyes immediately, and Qi Wei followed closely.

Jiang Fan took out a Tianyuan Shizhong and chose to appraise it. As the Tianyuan Shizhong broke, a bronze key had appeared again!

Jiang Fan put away the key, patted Qi Tianjue's forehead, and transferred all Shouyuan to him, then picked up Qi Huaifang who was in a coma and left.

He had just walked to the gate of Qi's house, and Zhenzi also walked over with two men.

The two of them looked dull, their eyes lost, and they were obviously controlled by Sadako.

Qi Huaichen followed Zhenzi and saw Jiang Fan, suddenly showing a smile:

"Mr. Jiang, this person has taken away, then my father?"

"I have given him 30 years of life."

"This, this, thank you! Thank you Mr. Jiang!"

Qi Huaichen's face was full of joy.

"No thanks, don't forget to get the corpse of the gods quickly."

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Qi Huaichen agreed repeatedly, but when he looked up, he realized that Jiang Fan was gone.


With a flash of wind, Jiang Fan has teleported back to the Jinghu Courtyard with a few people.

"Huh? Isn't this Qi Huaifang from the Qi family? Master, how did you bring him back?"

When Uncle Xuan saw a few people, he was startled.

Jiang Fan briefly talked about the division of sects in the mountains and seas, and then said:

"This person is a spy from Tianwen, and the news that Yasha got is likely to be leaked out by him. Now we have to bet on luck to see if he has direct contact with Yasha!"

Uncle Xuan's eyes lit up:

"Then young master, hurry up and interrogate, I'll be on guard outside."


Jiang Fan took Qi Huaifang into the living room, threw him directly to the ground, and then looked at Sadako:

"Let's talk about it, what I found just now."

Sadako said quickly:

"Now I only know that he is Tianwen’s spy. Tianwen, who joined about twelve years ago, has the same identity as him, and Lu Changqing from the Lu family. There seem to be people from Tianwen, but he doesn’t know they are. Who, in the Qi family these years, he has not been activated until he was activated a few months ago."

"Lu's family! Lu Changqing...hehe, it's another big fish!"

Jiang Fan sneered:

"Who is the one who developed him? Who is the one who started him?"

"The person who started him was wrapped in a black cloak. Only a woman could be recognized. The news that we contacted the Qi family was also passed on to that woman. As for the person who developed him, he was restrained in his mind. I’m afraid I can only find it out with a phantom and let you do it yourself."

Sadako's tone was a little lost.

Jiang Fan smiled:

"It doesn't matter, I am idle anyway, are there any useful clues for the rest?"

Sadako thought for a while:

"The way he contacted the woman was to go to a club called'Bi Se' and leave a note under the bed in VIP room No. 7. Also, I searched the brains of the driver and the subordinate, in the memory of the driver. Qi Huaifang does go to that club frequently recently."

Jiang Fan was silent for a moment:

"Do those two know anything else?"

Sadako shook his head:

"There is nothing else in their minds. They don't know Qi Huaifang's true identity. They just listen to his orders and collect some internal information about Qi's family."

Jiang Fan nodded:

"Tell Yingzi, keep an eye on Lu Changqing, besides..."

He looked at Qi Huaifang, his eyes flashed cruelly:

"Wake him up, I want to dig out everything he knows!"

Qi Huaifang's expression changed just as soon as he woke up.

He was clearly still in Qi's house just now, but in a blink of an eye, he had arrived at a strange warehouse, and besides Jiang Fan and a long-haired woman, he had no acquaintances!

Qi Huaifang felt bad, and smiled reluctantly:

"Mr. Jiang, what's the matter?"

Jiang Fan looked directly at Qi Huaifang, and kept seeing him sweating coldly, only then smiled and said:

"Mr. Qi, have you heard of my method?"

Qi Huaifang's face changed directly, as white as paper in an instant:

"Jiang, Mr. Jiang, I, I don't understand what you mean..."

Jiang Fan looked kind:

"It's okay, you don't need to understand, and I don't need you to say anything, you just need to know, I just want to kill you in the most cruel way in this world, that's enough."

"Mr. Jiang, don't be kidding, this, this is not funny at all."

Jiang Fan didn't speak, but he pulled out a pair of surgical glove belts, and then took out a rusty utility knife that was so dull that it could hardly even cut vegetables.

"Mr. Qi, have you heard of Ling Chi?"

Qi Huaifang trembled all over:

"Jiang, Mr. Jiang, where did I offend you? You, you..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Fan had already grasped his arm, and then with a very slow motion, gently put the knife on his arm, and slowly scratched it.

The knife is full of rust and it is not sharp. However, it is more painful if such a knife falls on the body!


Qi Huaifang screamed almost instantly!

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