God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2228: See through but not say through!

Jiang Fan didn't react, but Eric shouted directly:

"Brother Jiang Fan! Be careful! This guy can absorb any energy!"

"It's too late to remind him now!"

Sebastian slowly flew into the air, looking at Jiang Fan proudly:

"Jiang Fan, since I was almost killed by you eighteen years ago, over the years, I have been constantly..."

Before Sebastian could finish speaking, Jiang Fan had already come to him again, and threw it out again with a big mouth!


A bang!

Sebastian was pumped and hit the ground again!

The crowd was stunned!

The two sides are fighting, so let people say something!

This is too immoral!


Sebastian roared suddenly, his body trembled for a while, he had absorbed Jiang Fan's power again, and then he took the initiative to attack and charged directly at Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan dodged sideways, and with a side kick, he threw it on Sebastian's neck!


Sebastian groaned, and it was the third time he was smashed to the ground by Jiang Fan!


The whole island was faintly shaken!

However, after being hit so hard, Sebastian climbed up faster than before!

"Oh shit!"

Sebastian suddenly roared!

"Jiang Fan!"

With this roar, he has rushed towards Jiang Fan again!

But the ending is all the same!

Sebastian kept rushing towards Jiang Fan, but was beaten back again and again!

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

Jiang Fan's face was expressionless, and he didn't take the initiative to attack. He just kept knocking Sebastian to the ground again and again!

Seeing Jiang Fan throwing another punch, this time, Sebastian, who was originally full of madness, suddenly sneered at the corner of his mouth!

Immediately after that, he suddenly shot, and met Jiang Fan's fist with a palm!


A muffled sound!

Jiang Fan's punch was actually held tightly by him!

Jiang Fan was startled.

But Sebastian finally let out a deep laugh:

"Hehe! Jiang Fan, thank you!"

Everyone's eyes widened in shock!

what happened?

Isn't Sebastian clearly at a disadvantage?

How could he be able to resist Jiang Fan now?

Only a few of Sebastian's subordinates showed a sneer.

Eric seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly exclaimed:

"This guy did it on purpose!"


Sebastian glanced at Eric with a sneer, then looked at Jiang Fan gloomily:

"Jiang Fan, do you think I really can't dodge your previous attack? I'm just using you to improve my own abilities!"

The voice just fell!

Ripples suddenly appeared on Sebastian's body, and then!


His whole body was actually soaring, and he broke through the 21st level in almost an instant!

"Hahaha! It's too powerful! Such power is beyond imagination!"

Sebastian laughed wildly:

"Jiang Fan, thank you! In return, let you have a taste of this power!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Sebastian suddenly raised his hand and punched Jiang Fan's cheek!

As soon as this punch was released, layers of hexagonal energy chains appeared on the fist. Wherever the fist passed, even the space began to distort!

Eric's eyes are splitting!

Such a punch is a mountain, and I am afraid it cannot bear it!

However, the punch was so fast that he couldn't even shout a word!

The next moment, this terrifying incomparable fist slammed into Jiang Fan's face!


A blast!

Countless air waves swept out like a hurricane!

Even the clouds in the sky were blown away by the burst of fist energy!

Eric's heart was cold and his face was ashen!

But right now.

"Eric, you, look..."

Charles' trembling voice suddenly sounded from his ear.

Eric looked up at the sky, and then, he was stunned.

Not only him, everyone was stunned.

Sebastian's punch did hit Jiang Fan firmly in the face.

However, Jiang Fan's neck was only crooked backwards. Such a scene was exactly the same as when Vegeta was punched by an artificial man, and there was no shit!

Sebastian was stunned!

This is his strongest blow!

However, Jiang Fan didn't even have a scratch on his face!

The Red Devil and other Sebastian's subordinates were even more terrified!

Sebastian's strength, they are the most clear!

Even before the nuclear explosion was not absorbed, everyone together would definitely not be his opponent!

And after absorbing the terrifying energy of the nuclear explosion, just the breath he exudes makes everyone have a kind of fear of the sky collapsing!

In addition, he absorbed Jiang Fan's previous attack, and it was impossible to estimate how strong he was!

But such a tyrannical character, the strongest blow that burst out, can't even scratch Jiang Fan's skin!

How could this man named Jiang Fan be so strong?


Jiang Fan suddenly laughed, he straightened his neck little by little, and looked at Sebastian with a mocking expression:

"You think I don't know what you want to do?"

Sebastian's eyes twitched, and at this moment, his whole body suddenly trembled!

It was not the trembling when the energy was absorbed, but that he finally understood Jiang Fan's purpose!

"You, you deliberately let me absorb that energy on purpose!"


Jiang Fan sighed:

"I can't tell without saying it. In fact, I just want to see how much you can absorb. Otherwise, a small character like you would have died long ago."

"you you…"

"Don't worry, since it's broken, then we don't need to act anymore, let me take a look..."

The corner of Jiang Fan's mouth suddenly evoked a gloomy smile:

"...Where is your limit!"

The voice just fell!


Jiang Fan directly punched out!

Different from before, this time Jiang Fan was rude, his fists and feet were like a storm, and fell on Sebastian crazily!

If you want to use an ability, you must first understand it!

And what better option than experimenting for yourself?

Seeing Sebastian being madly beaten by Jiang Fan, the Red Devil and Torrent looked at each other, and they all gritted their teeth!

Immediately afterwards, two odd-shaped machetes suddenly slid down from the hands of the Red Devil.

In the hands of the torrent, there are two groups of constantly rotating storms!

They are the diehards of Sebastian. Once Sebastian is really killed, this man may not let them go!

The two looked at each other again, and the torrent suddenly raised his hand and waved!


Two groups of storms with a height of dozens of meters have suddenly rushed towards Jiang Fan!

However, in the face of the blowing storm, Jiang Fan sneered.

Playing with the wind in front of him is crazy!

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