God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2236: It's too thick to wear!

That's right!

Although it was a skeleton, Jiang Fan didn't know what was going on, but he could actually feel the other party's expression!

It's just that the picture disappeared in a flash, and the more Jiang Fan recalled it, the more blurred the picture became, as if it was an illusion.

Jiang Fan looked surprised, was he hurt by spending money? Are you hallucinating?

However, think about it too!

23.5 million!

Now there is only a fraction of half a million left!

If it was said that before the tenth level, it was still a huge sum of money, but now, the hair is not enough!

Looks like I have to keep making money!

Jiang Fan thought so deeply that he didn't even bother to try in a few fields, and hurried out of the system space.

Back to the Pure Spirit Sect, the banquet has been set up.

Seeing Jiang Fan coming over, Yu Xuzi and others immediately welcomed him to the throne, and then there was a song and dance.

It's just that Jiang Fan is obviously a little absent-minded, and his mind is full of where to get money.

At the end of the banquet, he was also tossing and turning in the guest room arranged by Yu Xuzi.

Oh shit!

Money ah money!


Jiang Fan suddenly sat up from the bed!

The three giants of the Guangming Council seem to still owe them three corpses. After counting the time, it should have come!

Jiang Fan was excited and wished he could teleport back now, but when he thought of what Situ Xue was about to leave, he had to suppress his excitement again.

He was about to lie down again, but at this moment!


Jiang Fan's door was suddenly knocked on.

Jiang Fan was startled, but still said in a deep voice:


The door opened, and a slender female disciple who was wearing a gorgeous long dress, beautiful and full of moonlight, walked in immediately.

"Mr. Jiang, the sect master ordered me to come and bring you a bowl of sober soup."

"Okay, just put it on the table."

The female disciple put the jade bowl in her hand on the table, but did not leave, instead she closed the door.

Jiang Fan's heart skipped a beat:

"Cough, is there anything else?"

The female disciple was pretty blushing, a little shy, and looked at Jiang Fan expectantly:

"Mr. Jiang, this soup is a bit hot. It's too hot to drink now. Why don't I give you a slap on the shoulder and drink it when it's cold?"

Jiang Fan's complexion changed greatly:

"I'm not sleepy if you say that—no, I'm embarrassed."

The female disciple covered her mouth and smiled. She walked slowly to Jiang Fan's side and looked at Jiang Fan affectionately:

"Well, Mr. Jiang, go back and let me squeeze your shoulders first."

"Okay, don't be too hard, don't be tired."

Jiang Fan laughed and turned around immediately.

The female disciple looked at Jiang Fan's broad shoulders, his breathing increased for no reason, and a pair of jade hands trembled slightly, and placed them on Jiang Fan's shoulders.

"Mr. Jiang..."


"Am I staying with you tonight?"


Jiang Fan had just opened his mouth, when the female disciple's hands suddenly appeared strangely, two daggers surrounded by purple awns, and then the woman's hands shook, and the two daggers suddenly slid past Jiang Fan's neck!

At such a close distance, the woman strikes like a thunderbolt. If it is a normal cultivator, even if it reaches the twenty-third level, at this moment, I am afraid that there is no time to activate the protective jade pendant!

However, what the woman wanted to kill was Jiang Fan!

The moment the dagger slid across Jiang Fan's neck, the woman said gloomily:

"I say hello to Heliantai - what's going on?!"

The woman didn't finish her sentence, but suddenly exclaimed!

I saw the dagger slashed across Jiang Fan's neck, but the image of blood overflowing in the imagination did not appear!

On the contrary, Jiang Fan's body trembled strangely, and along with the trembling, Jiang Fan's body even produced phantoms!

Energy Absorption!

At this moment, Jiang Fan truly felt the horror of energy absorption!

The blow that the woman just shot was definitely a real level 23!

Even with Jiang Fan's current body, even if he wouldn't get hurt, it would still be somewhat uncomfortable.

However, with the passive activation of energy absorption, at this moment Jiang Fan only felt extremely cool!

Not only did his strength begin to grow, but he also felt refreshed after waking up!

Instantly full of energy!

It was not until the phantom disappeared that Jiang Fan turned around and looked at the woman with a smile:

"How do you feel about the successful assassination?"

The woman was stunned for a moment, then suddenly reacted, he looked at Jiang Fan in disbelief:

"You already knew I was going to kill you?"

Jiang Fan shrugged his shoulders:

"You hide it well, whether it's your breath or demeanor, but unfortunately..."

Jiang Fan pointed to the woman's clothing:

"Come here at night to seduce people, don't you think you're wearing too much?"

Just like what Jiang Fan said, women's long dresses are extremely gorgeous, but it is precisely because of their beauty that not to mention the grooves, even the wrists are barely exposed!

If you really want to seduce, how can you dress so tightly!

The woman never expected to reveal her flaws because of this, she sneered:

"That's it, I didn't expect your observation skills to be pretty good."

Jiang Fan smiled:

"You won the prize, you are a 23rd-level person who came to assassinate me. You shouldn't be an unknown person. What's your status in Danqing Pavilion?"

"Hmph, you're going to die anyway, so it doesn't matter if I tell you, I'm the third pavilion master of Danqing Pavilion, Ye Wanwan!"

Jiang Fan nodded with satisfaction:

"Not bad, this status is high enough, and there must be more claims!"


Although Ye Wanwan didn't understand what Jiang Fan meant, it didn't matter!

She sneered:

"Although I didn't know how you blocked my attack just now, Jiang Fan, you are doomed after all!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the two daggers in her hands had already come out of her hands and suddenly plunged into Jiang Fan!

However, just like before, Jiang Fan's body trembled again!

Soon enough to blast the energy of the entire Pure Spirit Sect and absorb it completely!

Ye Wanwan was stunned!

"you you…"

It's a pity that before she finished speaking, a small group of bright light suddenly appeared between Jiang Fan's fingers. This thing was the energy body he released after absorbing the power of the dagger!

Ye Wanwan felt her scalp go numb at this moment, and suddenly crushed a piece of jade pendant!


A layer of air that is like a substance has completely enveloped her!

However, before she could make the next change, Jiang Fan had already pointed her finger at her!

next moment!


A deafening explosion suddenly erupted!

A dazzling light suddenly burst out from Ye Wanwan!

She just crushed the protective shield produced by the jade pendant, and it dissipated without even holding it in an instant!

Immediately after that, her top-notch treasured clothes turned into fly ash!

And the dazzling light continued to erupt, directly burning Ye Wanwan's skin into charcoal!


Ye Wanwan screamed wildly, but she couldn't stop this terrifying burst of energy!

Jiang Fan opened his mouth wide!

What the hell!

This energy absorption ability is so fierce when it is released?

In his expectation, the two forces absorbed and released should have the same formidable power. At most, the shield would be blasted open and Ye Wanwan would be injured.

But the reality is that the power of this power is simply beyond imagination!

It is not a normal absorption and counterattack, but is destroying the molecule and even the atomic structure of the receptor!

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