God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2263: The order is different, but the order is not the same!

Jiang Fan moved his body slightly, and his big hand finally pressed against the door.

However, at this moment, an incomparably terrifying energy suddenly popped out of the door, and instantly blasted Jiang Fan out!


Jiang Fan flew upside down for a full tens of meters, but before he landed, he forcibly stopped his retreat in mid-air!

"Mr. Jiang! Are you okay?"

The cloud tower below looked nervous.

Jiang Fan shook his head with a self-deprecating smile on the corner of his mouth:

"It's alright, the previous ban was only level 20, but I didn't expect that the one on the door was level 22. I was careless."

As he said that, he rushed to the front door again in a rush, and then pushed it up!

The door once again burst out with 22-level energy, but Jiang Fan was already prepared, and with a slight push, the door was completely opened!

And with the doors open!


With a crisp sound, all the restrictions in the palace have disappeared, but an hourglass suddenly popped out of the door. Looking at the flow rate, the maintenance time should be a quarter of an hour in ancient times, which is about fifteen minutes.

Jiang Fan waved his hand at Yunlou:

"come in!"

Yunlou's face suddenly brightened, and he ran over.

The two entered the hall at the same time.

The layout of the hall is simple and atmospheric, with a red carpet in the center, low tea tables on the left and right sides, and a row of huge bells behind it. It can be clearly seen that this place is used for the host to entertain guests.

Jiang Fan was not very interested in these things, and went straight to the theme.

The main seat is at the innermost position, which is blocked by an almost transparent curtain. It can be vaguely seen that there is also a squat inside, and there seems to be a guzheng and other musical instruments playing on the squat.

Jiang Fan walked closer and gently opened the curtain. It was almost the same as what Jiang Fan saw. There were a guqin and a pipa on the squat, and two paintings and calligraphy on the wall behind them. Nothing else.

Jiang Fan first looked at the two paintings.

One of them is written in ancient seal script: The life of a man is different, and the life of a man is not the same.

This is the last two sentences of the last two paragraphs of a poem called "Little Star" in the "Book of Songs, Zhaonan".

It seems that this owner has a story.

The second picture is a painting. The painting is a landscape, but Jiang Fan saw a man carrying a package at a glance.

The man's face was bitter and frosty, and he could feel a sense of desolation just by looking at it.

Whether it is a word or a painting, it is definitely a real master's handwriting. If you take it out, it will definitely sell for a sky-high price.

However, Jiang Fan frowned.

Just these things, they are actually protected by the 22nd level ban?

Either the owner is making a big fuss, or he really loves these musical instruments, calligraphy and painting to the extreme.

However, Jiang Fan also likes these things. You must know that he is a master of both calligraphy and painting and rhythm!

Just now, when I saw the painting, Jiang Fan gently put his finger on the guqin and played a piece of music with great effort!

The clear and melodious melody spanned an unknown number of years, and finally resounded in the hall again.

This song is hard to live, the style of the song is sad and vicissitudes, but it also carries a yearning for a new life. Yunlou, who was looking for treasures everywhere, listened to this song, but stopped for a while, just listening to the music obsessively.

And at this moment, an incredible scene happened.

Right in front of Jiang Fan, the painting started to move gradually!

The clouds above it churned, the forest below it swayed, and the man in the painting suddenly looked at Jiang Fan, then smiled slightly, and suddenly threw the package in his hand towards Jiang Fan!

The package got bigger and bigger, and in the end it suddenly broke through the picture and fell directly in front of Jiang Fan!

Yun Lou's face was full of shock, and his eyes were about to pop out!

And Jiang Fan was also surprised.

It turns out that there is not nothing here, but that it is all hidden in the hands of the man in the picture!

What kind of cultivation was the original owner here?

It is possible to use the rhythm as a mechanism to arrange such an exquisite and amazing mechanism!

Jiang Fan looked at the man in the painting with surprise.

The man just smiled.

Jiang Fan said subconsciously:

"Thank you."

The man actually nodded as if he heard it, and then pointed to the guqin and pipa!

Jiang Fan was stunned.

Immediately afterwards, the man on the screen gradually faded away, the ink marks merged, twisted and rotated, and turned into a word "Fate"!

Jiang Fan was speechless for a long time.

Yun Lou looked envious:

"Mr. Jiang, you really are blessed, this senior actually gave you everything!"

Jiang Fan took a deep breath, clasped his fists and saluted the painting, then carefully put away the guqin and pipa.

In fact, the system has already indicated that the guqin and pipa are enough to exchange for 50,000 karma points, but Jiang Fan really doesn't want to sell these things.

And then, he finally looked at the package under his feet.

The package was tied with a layer of yellow cloth, and the size was not much different from a box of Yogurt.

Jiang Fan was about to untie the yellow cloth, but the moment his fingers touched the yellow cloth, the system prompt suddenly sounded!

"Ding! The system has detected a high-value item! Sell this item and get 200,000 karma points!"

What the fuck? !

I don't know what's inside, but this layer of yellow cloth is worth 200,000 yuan? !

Jiang Fan was stunned. He carefully checked the yellow cloth, only to find that it was actually a double layer, and the whole should be a big pocket.

Jiang Fan untied the thing, and the items inside immediately came into view.

A hosta emitting a soft light, a small wooden box, a long gown that shines in the rays of the sun, a pearl with a streamer, and a roll of green bamboo slips.

The shape of the hosta is simple and elegant, with a dragon coiled around it, and the position of the head of the hairpin is exactly the open dragon head.

Although it is only a small hairpin, the dragon on it is vividly depicted, and at a glance, there is an illusion that a giant dragon is about to rush out!

I don't know what material the glowing gown was made of, but when I touched it, it felt like stroking jade. The stars of the week were drawn on it. With a slight shake, countless stars were scattered downward.

The pearl was the most dazzling, it was about the size of a fist, with colorful brilliance lingering on it, and one could vaguely see that among the pearls, it seemed as if a sea was imprisoned, and the water vapor filled the sky.

And the bamboo slips are as green as new, with a faint fragrance of bamboo. After opening, three ancient seals are written in the eye:

"Huang Ting Jing".

This is actually one of the treasures of Taoism, a peerless secret scripture that has been lost in the world of self-cultivation, the "Huang Ting Jing"!

Yun Lou's face turned red as he watched from the side, his whole body trembled, he was obviously excited to the extreme!

"Jade dragon hairpin! Point the star shirt! Canghaizhu! Spiritual bamboo slips! This, this is written on the Huang Tingjing again... This, this, the owner of this place, is it, is it..."

Yun Lou was so excited that he almost cried:

"Really Tai Chi, Wang Yangbo!!"

? ? ?

Jiang Fan said he was stunned.

He also thought that what Yunlou said must be something like the Twelve True Immortals of Chanjiao, who knew it was a name he had never heard of before!

Yunlou explained:

"Wang Yangbo was a senior in the late Qin and early Han dynasties. According to legend, he was once taught by Xiling Jinmu, an immortal official, to be a Taiji master. Emperor Wu of Han wanted to ask him, but unfortunately this senior was Xianyun Yehe and avoided seeing him. Nowhere to be found."

Jiang Fan was at a loss.

He simply turned his head and directly opened the last small box.

This time Yunlou's expression was calm, but he was surprised:

"This is... the key?"

However, contrary to Yunlou, Jiang Fan's expression changed completely!

The thing in the small box is actually a key!

A bronze key exactly the same as Tianyuan Shizhong! !

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