God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2268: Top Secret Handbook!

The layout of the room is obviously a bedroom.

The room is not small, about fifty square meters. There are several paintings and calligraphy hanging on the white walls. The position of the door is a screen.

Jiang Fan went around the screen and saw a table first. Behind the table was a bogu shelf, next to the bogu shelf was a tea table, and the innermost was a bamboo and wood bed.

Jiang Fan's eyes fell on the table as soon as he entered, and he never left.

The things on the table were messy, and there was a pile of debris, and in the middle of the pile of debris, there was a half stone man.

That thing is called Tianyuan Shizhong!

This statue of Tianyuan Shizhong was cut into two halves, the front and the back, and the incision was extremely smooth, just like Tiancheng.

Inside the stone blocks on both sides, each has a shallow groove, the shape of which is exactly the same as that of a bronze key.

Jiang Fan stared blankly at Tianyuan Shizhong.

It turned out that Wang Yangbo's key was actually taken from Tianyuan Shizhong!

But how did he know there was a key in there?


Jiang Fan took a long time to look away from Tianyuan Shizhong and looked elsewhere on the table.

However, at a glance, he was stunned again.

There was a thin layer of white ash scattered on the table. Besides this Tianyuan Shizhong, there were also a bunch of gadgets in a mess. In one of the transparent glass bottles, there was also a half bottle of what looked like liquid gypsum.

In addition, there is also a jade box with four characters engraved on the jade box with dragon flying and phoenix dancing—

"The Fateful One".

And next to the jade box, there are more than a dozen fragments.

It was this thing that made Jiang Fan stunned.

Jiang Fan can judge without hesitation that these are a few fragments, definitely belonging to Tianyuan Shizhong!

The two-half Tianyuan Shizhong on the table is intact except that it was cut from it, which means that the fragments of Tianyuan Shizhong on this table belong to another Shizhong!

Did Wang Yangbo actually get two Tianyuan Shizhong? !

Do not!

More than that!

Jiang Fan's mind instantly constructed these fragments, but his brain told Jiang Fan that some of these fragments were knocked off from one position!

In other words, Wang Yangbo got three, four, or even more Tianyuan Shizhong!

How lucky is this guy? !

Jiang Fan was stunned!

But immediately, his expression changed!


If Wang Yangbo really got so much Tianyuan Shizhong, how did he get these in his hands?

How could he let these things spread?


! !

Jiang Fan suddenly gasped, thinking of a possibility that even shocked him!

Wang Yangbo is not cutting Tianyuan Shizhong, he is preparing to close this Tianyuan Shizhong!

And those fragments, not he is destroying, but carving!

He is not Tianyuan Shizhong's destroyer, he is Tianyuan Shizhong's, the maker! !

As soon as this idea appeared, Jiang Fan himself only felt absurd!

However, reason told him that this was the most probable speculation!

Tianyuan Shizhong came from the pre-Qin period, which is very close to the time when Wang Yangbo was active!

And with the preciousness of Tianyuan Shizhong, if it weren't for its maker, who would be so mad that they would dare to cut this thing apart and look at it?

Jiang Fan suddenly looked at the jade box on the table, and then gently opened it.

With the opening of the jade box, a cloth full of words came into view.

Jiang Fan took a deep breath. Whether his guess was correct or not should be in the text of the cloth.

"I was born in Qi for the rest of my life. It has been four hundred and seventy-two years since I practiced Taoism in the reign of Taigong.

What was said earlier in this handwritten letter was a brief introduction of Wang Yangbo's life. There was nothing special about it. The really interesting part was in the second paragraph.

"In the twelfth year of King Xiang, I traveled to Qielan, met the great rattan wood demon, executed him, and got the bronze treasure..."

Qielan is a small country in the Warring States Period, adjacent to Yelang, in the area of ​​what is now Guizhou, and "guan" is the key. The ancients often called the key "guan" or "key".

The meaning of this is that when he traveled around Guizhou, he met a tyrannical tree demon, and after killing the opponent, he got three bronze keys!


good guy!

Jiang Fan continued to look down, and what he said later was that Wang Yangbo was very curious about the use of this key, so he began to search the ancient books, but he did not expect that under this investigation, he actually discovered an amazing secret.

The more Jiang Fan looked down, the more serious his face became. By the end, his brows were already wrinkled, and his eyes were full of horror!

I guessed correctly, this day, Yuan Shizhong was actually made by Wang Yangbo!

But what's even more amazing is that he actually collected nine keys back then!

He even found the burial place of Xi soil, entered those gates, and saw Xi soil!

However, Wang Yangbo didn't take away Xi Rang and didn't write the address. Instead, he put more effort into writing the following words—

"If this thing happens, disaster will come!"

After Wang Yangbo left there, he wanted to destroy these keys, but the material seemed to be bronze, but it was extremely sturdy. With his strength at that time, it was difficult to damage it!

More importantly, he couldn't be sure if the key was really destroyed, whether it was a good thing or a bad thing.

He thought about it for a long time, and finally decided to hide these keys, and then he returned here and started to make Tianyuan Shizhong.

Wang Yangbo made a total of seven Tianyuan Shizhong before and after.

After all, the things that increase Shouyuan are really too precious, even he can get it is limited.

And although there are a few spirit grass seedlings that increase lifespan, they were too small at that time and had no medicinal power at all.

The first six Tianyuan Shizhong were used by him as an alchemist to span hundreds of years, and they were given to people of all walks of life in different periods.

The other two keys were thrown by him into the barren mountains.

As for the last key, Wang Yangbo originally planned to seal it in Tianyuan Shizhong and send it out, but after thinking about it, he was afraid that the secret of the bronze key hidden in Tianyuan Shizhong would be difficult to preserve after all, so he decided to keep this last key, stay here.

Wang Yangbo set up an organ in the hall for this purpose, and finally used the magic power to refine the entire mountain and sank it into the sea.

Even if one day, the secret of the hidden key in Tianyuan Shizhong is revealed, then unless it is God's will, the other party will not be able to collect the key!

Jiang Fan was speechless for a long time after reading the handwritten letter.

Vaguely, he didn't know why, but he felt a chill all over his body!

Wang Yangbo made a total of six finished Tianyuan Shizhong, and as a result, all six of them fell into his own hands!

And not long after he knew that Mr. Xu had two keys in his hand, he actually came here!

It was as if there was some invisible thread connecting him and Wang Yangbo all the time!

Is there really such a thing as God's will?

After more than 2,000 years, God is destined to open the nine gates by himself, and let Xi Rang appear in the world?

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