As soon as Jiaolong's voice fell, Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly flashed a gleam of light!

After a long time of fooling around, it's finally done!

Yun Lou was also relieved. Just now, he followed Jiang Fan's thoughts, and he seemed to be chattering endlessly, but he actually raised his heart!

If you really provoke this Jiaolong, ten lives won't be enough!

Well, it's finally done!

However, Jiaolong obviously hadn't reacted yet, or this guy was really dizzy, so he looked at Jiang Fan excitedly:

"Jiang Fan! I'll go with you! I don't want this pill anymore. How many enemies do you have, I'll help you! You are the only one who calls me a friend. For this friendship, I will help you too!"

"Dragon King..."

Jiang Fan's lips trembled, his face was excited, and his eyes were full of guilt for the misunderstanding of Jiaolong!

"Dragon King, I'm sorry, I shouldn't believe you..."

"It's okay! We are friends, no matter what, just talk about it!"

Jiaolong smiled generously!

"Dragon King!"

Jiang Fan's eyes turned red, and he suddenly rushed to Jiaolong's side and hugged it—

A long beard!

No way, this Jiaolong is too big!

Even this dragon beard is thicker than a gasoline barrel!

Feeling Jiang Fan's warm body temperature, Jiaolong's heart was also excited.

Its other long whisker gently caressed Jiang Fan's back:

"Haha, alright, alright, friends don't need to say more, come, take this medicine pill first, it's important to heal the injury!"

"Do not!"

Jiang Fan shook his head vigorously:

"There are other ways to treat injuries. This medicinal pill is too precious, you can eat it yourself!"


"No but! Don't you consider me a friend?"

Facing Jiang Fan's eyes, Jiaolong only felt a warm flow in his heart, but the more it was like this, the less he could eat it selfishly!

"Jiang Fan, listen to me, a trace of true dragon blood has already been activated in my body. As long as there are no accidents, Shouyuan is not a problem. Successful cultivation is just a matter of time. But you are different. I only have you as a friend, only you. Live well, I can feel at ease!"

Jiaolong said, gently rolling the water, and actually sent the medicinal pill directly to Jiang Fan.

Yun Lou looked stunned!

good guy!

Feelings didn't cost a penny, so you deceived this Jiaolong?

Jiang Fan's eyes changed for a while, and finally he finally picked up the medicine pill and nodded:


Seeing Jiang Fan agree, Jiaolong immediately grinned.

However, at the next moment, Jiang Fan suddenly waved his hand and threw the medicine pill directly into Jiaolong's mouth!

The face of Jiaolong changed suddenly, but the medicinal pill melted in the mouth, suddenly exploded into endless spiritual energy, and suddenly rushed into Jiaolong's body!

"Are you a fool!! I told you to eat it, why did you give it to me!!"

Jiaolong's eyes did not have the slightest joy in swallowing the elixir, but instead were full of anger!

Jiang Fan smiled:

"Come on, if you've scolded enough, hurry up and absorb it."


Jiaolong's heart is both excited and angry, but more of it is an indescribable moving!

Angrily staring at Jiang Fan for a long time, Jiaolong's eyes gradually softened again, and he sighed:

"The potency of this medicine pill is too strong. I need seven days to meditate and guide me. After seven days, don't forget to come to me!"

Jiang Fan smiled:


"Also, don't act like a fool, listen more to that guy!"

Jiaolong glared at Yunlou, then looked at Jiang Fan again:

"Although this guy is foul-mouthed and cunning, he can remind you more after all."

Jiang Fan nodded:


Jiaolong wanted to say something, but Jiang Fan spoke ahead of time:

"I know it all, don't worry, by the way, other than me, it is possible that other people know this place, and it is even possible that they will come during this time. ."

"Don't worry about me, it's you... alas!"

Jiaolong sighed, and finally rushed towards the coral forest reluctantly.

But just after leaving not long, it suddenly turned its head:

"By the way, I don't have a name yet, you can help me get one."

Jiang Fan was stunned, but then chuckled lightly:

"Most of the dragons in the travel notes are surnamed Ao, and the so-called flying dragon is in the sky... or is it called Long Aotian?"


Yunlou almost spat out a mouthful of old blood!

"Hmm! Nice name!"

Jiaolong is full of joy!

But immediately, it frowned:

"However, the shape of Jiaolong is originally a change of fate against the sky, and it is easy to be jealous of the sky. This name is too overbearing, I am afraid..."

Jiang Fan nodded:

"Then it's simpler, take the surname Jiao with a homophone, and call it Jiao Long in the future!"

"Jiao Long? Good! Jiang Fan, remember, seven days! After seven days, don't forget to come and find me!"

Jiao Long let out a low roar and went away in an instant!

And Jiang Fan also smiled softly, and suddenly rose into the sky with Yunlou!


The two broke out of the water, and it was already bright outside. It turned out that before they knew it, the night had already passed.

Leaving the depressed seabed, Yun Lou suddenly took a deep breath, revealing a very relaxed expression.

He smiled and looked at Jiang Fan:

"Mr. Jiang, congratulations on conquering another strong man!"

Jiang Fan shook his head with a slightly complicated expression:

"It's not to subdue. Although I have impure motives, I do take it as a real friend."


Yunlou was startled.

Jiang Fan did not explain much.

He told Jiao Long before that when the two were very similar, it wasn't a lie, and the lonely expression wasn't fake.

Rather, it really comes from the heart.

In this world, he is just like Jiao Long, there is no real one of his kind.

Alone in a foreign land as a stranger...

After all, he is a transmigrator.

Jiang Fan wanted to take away Jiao Long, although he wanted to add a master to the Jiang family, but why didn't he feel the same way about Jiao Long?

Yun Lou saw something wrong with Jiang Fan's eyes, and immediately changed the topic:

"Mr. Jiang, where are you going next?"

Jiang Fan was about to speak, at this moment!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

His cell phone rang suddenly.

Jiang Fan took a look at it, and was immediately happy—

Arthur's phone.

Jiang Fan just picked up the phone when Arthur's frantic voice came over:

"Jiang Fan! How long are you going to grind!"

Jiang Fan is rude:

"Chu Rui Rui, Rui Nima's big-headed ghost! If you have a fart, let it go!"


Arthur gritted his teeth angrily, but the situation was stronger than others, so he could only whisper:

"Avalon is on right away. If you don't come, no one will benefit from it!"

Jiang Fan sneered:

"I don't care!"

"you you you……"

"You, you, you, you, you little stutter!"

"Jiang Fan! What am I..."

Arthur is going crazy!

However, Jiang Fan suddenly interrupted him at this time:

"Okay, don't force it, where are you?"

As soon as he heard Jiang Fan's question, Arthur couldn't care less and hurriedly said:

"Ireland, Torrey!"

"Wait, I'll be there in a while."

"For a while? Are you still lingering? My private plane should have arrived in the capital. You board the plane right away. I'm not kidding you. It's really too late!"

"Just wait, don't talk nonsense!"

Jiang Fan hung up the phone and smiled at Yunlou:

"Come and live!"

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