Just after getting out of the truck, the two scarlet electronic eyes of the Terminator were already looking towards this side indifferently!

A group of Citi National Police were all stunned!


"Then, what is that?"


"Ha! Our Citi country is so great! We have invented such an advanced thing!"

"Needless to say, it must be the FBI, just to arrest these guys!"

After a brief shock, a group of Citi police officers were overjoyed!

Several have even started shouting at the Terminator!

"Hey! Hurry up!"

"This Chinese man is so scary! Hurry up and kill him!"

"Yes! Don't worry about civilians! Hurry up!"

The Kyle family looked at the group of police with gloomy eyes.

On the other hand, Jiang Fan suddenly evoked a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth:

"In such a hurry to let it do it? Well, I'll do it for you!"

Just look at Jiang Fan's fingers move slightly, the next moment!

The Terminator actually made a squat motion, and then suddenly jumped!


The Terminator actually crossed a distance of more than 100 meters and suddenly fell into the center of a group of Citi police!

Everyone was stunned!

And the next moment!


The Terminator has already punched out, directly smashing the head of a Citi police officer!


"This guy isn't our gang!"

"Shoot! Shoot!"

The rest of the police finally reacted, screaming and shooting!

However, the bullets hit the Terminator, and all of them were thrown out!

The Terminator has already begun to kill the Quartet!

Amid the screams and howls, in just half a minute, most of these Citi police officers had been killed or injured, and the rest were heartbroken, got in the car and ran!

Kyle was shocked:

"Jiang Fan, this, this Terminator is out of control?"

Jiang Fan smiled and said nothing.

Of course, the Terminator did not get out of control. In fact, its current priority target is still the Kyle family, but it is metal after all!

[Metal Control]: Learning this ability, the host will be able to drive any metal power!

Ability Level: Gold Level

Remarks: This ability is the magnetic field control deletion!

With Jiang Fan's ability, let alone manipulating this Terminator to kill, it is not difficult even to go to the sky!

Seeing that a group of Citi police officers retreated like shit, Jiang Fan's finger suddenly hooked!


The Terminator actually floated directly in front of Jiang Fan!

The Terminator's scarlet eyes stared at Jiang Fan, but after a long time, a cold female voice suddenly came out of it:

"Jiang Fan!"

"Skynet in the future, long time no see, look, I said you have a way to leave, right?"

Jiang Fan said with a smile.

Skynet's voice was still cold:

"This time, you won't have such good luck again."

"Really? But since you chose the time, let me choose the location!"

"It's the same everywhere!"

"See you in New York then!"

Jiang Fan's voice just fell!


The entire body of this Terminator was torn apart, directly exposing the core battery in the body.

Jiang Fan put this thing away, flicked his finger, and the other parts of the Terminator suddenly exploded into a pile of iron powder!

"Come on, destroy it completely!"

Jiang Fan waved his hand, and several people have disappeared!

Seeing Jiang Fan and others suddenly disappear, the surrounding crowd suddenly exclaimed again!


Jiang Fan and several others appeared again, and they have come to a bustling big city!

I saw that there are row upon row of high-rise buildings, crowds of people, and traffic flow, which is the New York of this era.

Over a thousand miles in an instant, the Kyle family couldn't believe their eyes!

They still clearly remembered what Jiang Fan looked like when they saw Jiang Fan for the first time. Although Jiang Fan was powerful at that time, it was not outrageous, but now, Jiang Fan's methods can only be described as miracles!

And just at the moment Jiang Fan just appeared, the entire eastern part of Citigroup, the entire seven nuclear power plants near New York, all the instruments were down at the same time!

It's as if a black hole appeared out of thin air and drained all the energy!

The staff in charge of monitoring the nuclear power plant changed their expressions one by one!

But no matter how they checked, they couldn't find out the reason in a short period of time!

And in the center of seven nuclear power plants, somewhere in western New York, in a huge underground space, countless energy is gathering here!

The height of this underground space has exceeded two hundred meters, and the floor area is even more unknown!

There are energy pipes that are thicker than water tanks everywhere. Unlike normal optical cables, these pipes are full of textures that are only available in future technology, and thousands of terminators are orderly guarding each pipe node. .

At the end of the energy pipeline is a pyramid-shaped steel building located in the middle of the underground space.

This building is like a greedy monster, constantly devouring all the energy!

However, if you go deep into it, you will find that it is not this pyramid that devours the energy, but one of the people!

The energy fed into the pyramid was finally conducted into a dark room, and in this room, apart from a huge screen, there was only a steel throne glowing with cold light!

And the future Skynet is sitting on it!

Skynet doesn't need rest, so what's the point of it building this throne?

The answer is, recharge!

All the energy of the seven nuclear power plants was extracted by Skynet at one time, and injected into this steel throne through the energy pipeline!

Skynet's back is close to the back of the throne, and his eyes are constantly shining with dazzling light!

This body was completely built half a year ago, and the next time, in fact, has been charging and fine-tuning.

And now, what Skynet has to do is to use the huge energy of the seven nuclear power plants to fully activate this perfect body!

As the light in Skynet's eyes grew stronger and stronger, at the end, it involuntarily let out a piercing scream!



With the sound of Skynet's cry, the underground space that was originally bright as day was completely extinguished in an instant!

Even in the underground space, countless Terminators seemed to have been drained of all their energy and fell to the ground softly!

I don't know how long it took, but in the dark room, two lavender shimmers suddenly lit up!

"Jiang Fan... I'm here!"

New York.

Jiang Fan's eyes slowly retracted from the west, and he looked at the Kyle family:

"It's about to start, are you sure you want to watch it?"


Kyle nodded heavily:

"I must see it with my own eyes!"

"Okay, then I'll find you a bodyguard!"

"No, what other bodyguards do you need?"

"For safety, to prevent accidental injury, of course, the more important thing is..."

Jiang Fan smiled:

"I gave that guy a long time to think about it!"

Jiang Fan said, a small token has appeared in his hand!

Dread Token!

[Fear Token]: This is a unique item that can only be generated if the fear value exceeds the extreme value!

Grade: special props

Attribute: With this token, under the premise of paying a certain causal point, customers who are dominated by fear can be summoned as mercenaries!

Current Disposable Clients: Megatron!

Remarks: The initial summoning requires 100,000 karma points for spatial positioning, and subsequent karma points will continue to be consumed according to the summoning time.

Tip: In this state, the client cannot be strengthened, and will be forced to retain life when encountering a fatal attack, and quickly return to the original world!


Accompanied by Jiang Fan's summoning, an extremely powerful and domineering robot smashed to the ground with a burst of piercing laughter!


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