Alisha frowned and finally sat down next to Jiang Fan cautiously.

Jiang Fan looked at Percival:

"Are you okay?"

Percival chuckled:

"Mr. Jiang, why don't I have a drink with you too?"

Jiang Fan rolled his eyes at her:

"You can't see what I'm trying to do, can you?"

Percival's expression froze:

"Don't you just want to talk to someone?"

Jiang Fan sighed:

"Okay, then I'll make it clear that when I went to Avalon this time, we made it clear that we were all going to be cannon fodder. I plan to have a good relationship with Alyssa and the others, so as not to be caught by your Arthur family. Calculations... at this time, you are listening, are you going to help me deal with Arthur or what?"


Alyssa just drank the drink in her mouth and spit it out!

The rest were also dumbfounded.

There were even a few mercenaries with their mouths open, letting the beer in their mouths flow down their chins!

Everyone understands the reason, but Jiang Fan said it so carelessly, it was like slapped the entire face of Arthur on the ground, and then stepped on his feet hard!

Percival's whole body became square, and he stared at Jiang Fan in astonishment!

Fortunately, she responded quickly enough, and immediately laughed twice:

"Hehe, Mr. Jiang really knows how to joke, what cannon fodder, hehe, hehe..."

Alicia also laughed dryly:

"We are mercenaries. We use money to do things, and what we do is to sell our lives, hehe, hehe..."

Percival nodded again and again:

"Since Mr. Jiang doesn't need me to accompany you, then you are free. I still have something to do, so I'll go first?"

Jiang Fan waved his hand:

"Go to hell."

Seeing Percival disappear from the bar, Alyssa immediately took a sip in the direction of the door.

This time, if it wasn't for the Arthur family's high enough price, and the above-named person who wanted to commit the crime, she would never have accepted this task.

After all, in the City of Seven Hills back then, if it wasn't for Percival's dung stick, then the bone jade would have fallen into his own hands!

Jiang Fan pushed a bottle of vodka along the bar to Alisha's side:

"How did you take this mission?"

Alyssa looked bitter:

"I don't want to, but..."

"But what?"

"Well, last time, we lost a lot in the City of Seven Hills..."

"What have you lost?"

Don't you know what we lost?

Alyssa growled in her heart.

After Jiang Fan asked, he seemed to have reacted.

Man, it was because of this!

Polaris has lost such a large amount of money. Whose hand did this money slip out of? Of course, who is going to earn it back!

It is estimated that the unlucky black pit viper can't escape!

"Is the black pit viper here too?"


Alyssa frowned:

"The eldest is in the room to catch up on sleep. He has received a few big orders during this time, so he will be able to rest today."

Jiang Fan touched his chin:

"That's it, I'll cover you all during this time, and I'll mix with me!"


Alyssa is overjoyed!

She had seen Jiang Fan's strength with her own eyes, and with a single punch, she blew up a Heavenly Human Realm and half-pulled her body!

With such a great **** leading, the road ahead is almost smooth!

Calculated like this, especially the 600 million is not a white flower!

"But Mr. Jiang, we are hired by the Arthur family after all..."

"Have they run out of money?"

"Give half of the advance payment..."

"Just give the money, I'm here for the other half, so I can't run!"

Alicia is stunned!

Good guy, why are the Arthur family recruiting bodyguards for themselves, and why are they paying Jiang Fan to recruit bodyguards?

Jiang Fan drank half a bottle of wine in one gulp, and then tapped the mercenary on the other side with his chin:

"What is the origin of the other mercenary?"

"They are the third-ranked desert foxes. Although these people are ranked one place lower than us, their strength is half a pound, and there are more masters below level 15 than us."

Alyssa said quickly:

"They lead the team with the second person in the team, Firefox. Like my boss, the black pit viper, that guy is also a powerhouse at the 19th level."

"But he has a short temper and doesn't fit in very well. The real person in charge of the Desert Fox this time is the tall, thin, three-eyed fox."

"That guy is not strong, only eighteenth level, but his abilities are very special. He is a rare pupil-type ability user. He can see through illusions and mechanisms, and he is also very good at socializing. He is a talent."

Following Alisha's eyes, Jiang Fan immediately saw a tall, thin middle-aged man with a kind face, always smiling in his eyes, and very friendly.

Seeing Jiang Fan looking over, he immediately raised the cup in his hand and gestured to Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan nodded and returned a smile.

The three-eyed fox's eyes lit up, and immediately walked towards Jiang Fan.

However, he had only just taken a few steps—


A loud noise suddenly came from a distance!

Everyone turned their heads and looked out the window, and then the crowd was stunned!

I saw a few hundred meters away from the cruise ship, and two tattered fishing boats were rapidly approaching!

On the deck of one of the fishing boats, a strong man with a bazooka was looking at him with a weird smile.

Behind him, all are big men with ferocious faces, stout builds, and guns on their backs!

And as the fishing boats approached, the loudspeakers above also clamored:

"Stop the boat! Robbery!!"

"This rocket is just a warning, the next time it's not good, it will hit where!"

"We only want money, not life! It's best to be obedient and not resist!"


A group of strong men in the bar were full of confusion.

"This, this, met a pirate?"

Soon, however, the crowd went crazy!

"Fuck! There's actually such a good thing!"

"Brothers, a door-to-door deal!"

"Don't grab it! Let me go!"

"You go to a JB! You will be smashed and sunk by you if you jump on the boat!"

"Everyone, listen, no one above the thirteenth level can shoot!"

"Come on, stop shouting, take a good look, is there anyone below level thirteen?"

"Don't talk nonsense, whoever rushes is who!"

The excited eyes of a group of mercenaries turned red!

Ouch, screaming, and jumping down the window!

The people who participated in the mission this time are the elites of the two mercenaries themselves, and the Arthur family even added one, all mercenaries must be level 13 or above!

In other words, if you want to rob this cruise ship, the minimum standard must be a world-class organization!

As for the two fishing boats, unfortunately, the strongest is the strong man with the bazooka, his level...

Level five.

Seeing such a group of people rushing down like dumplings, the pirates were all stunned.

what happened?

We haven't started robbing, so some people can't stand suicide?

However, seeing a group of mercenaries smashed into the sea, not only did not sink, but all stepped on the sea and rushed towards themselves, a group of pirates finally realized that something was wrong!

The strong man carrying the bazooka suddenly pulled the trigger!


The rocket shot out with a long tail flame, but as soon as it flew near the crowd, a mercenary jumped up suddenly and hit the rocket with a punch!


The fire is soaring, and the smoke is filled!

However, the next moment, the mercenary who had blasted the missile had already passed through the gunpowder smoke with a grin on his face, and charged towards the pirate ship again unscathed!

Alicia looked at her energetic subordinates and couldn't help but chuckle softly:

"Really energetic."

She turned her head to look at Jiang Fan, but at first glance, she was stunned.

Jiang Fan frowned slightly, his face full of doubts.

"Mr. Jiang? What's wrong?"

Alicia asked curiously.

Jiang Fan stared at the two pirate ships and said softly:

"Not right..."

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