God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2293: Where are you hiding?

Ordinary swordfish are only about two meters long. The general habitat is in the sea area below 200 meters, and rarely emerges from the sea.

However, this swordfish is obviously not in the category of "ordinary".

Just body size is completely beyond the concept of fish.

The body length of this swordfish is more than 80 meters, and the long jaws as sharp as spears are 20 meters long, and it is actually shiny with metal!

A normal swordfish has a smooth surface, but its body is actually covered with round shield-like scales layer upon layer. Similarly, the scales are also shiny like metal.

And its dorsal fin is even more flickering, like an erected butcher's knife!

Such a giant slowly floated up from the sea, as if an island reef was floating out of thin air.

And on this "island reef", there are still three people standing.

There were three men, two men and one woman. The woman had long, soft, pale green hair. In fact, not only her hair, but her eyebrows, pupils, and even her lips were all pale green.

She wears a verdant garland, and on her body is a set of armor that looks like wood.

But strangely, there was a faint green shimmer on the armor.

Unlike the beautiful woman, the two men were born extremely ugly.

Their eyes are not small, but the pupil position is vaguely a vertical pupil, the bridge of the nose is sunken, the tip of the nose is huge, the mouth is big and wide, but the teeth are neat and white, and there is no unpleasant smell all over the body. A light botanical fragrance.

The two of them were not wearing the woman's wooden armor, but the armor made of vines.

The only thing that the three of them have in common is that they all have a pair of pointed ears.

The woman's eyes were long, and it seemed that she had broken through the limitations of space and landed on the distant sea, on the huge cruise ship.

After a while, the woman spoke softly:

"Are the elders of the rest of the tribes ready?"

Her voice was gentle and soft, like water plants in the sea.

A man behind her said in a deep voice:

"Ready, waiting for your order."

The woman nodded:

"We must not let the betrayer of the Arthur family set foot in Avalon again, no matter what the price is this time."

Another man said:

"High Priest Muhe, don't worry, we swear by our own glory, we will never let Arthur enter Avalon!"

Mu He nodded, a faint sadness flashed in his eyes:

"Gunpowder, it's a sad invention. The human beings we hired will end their role here. Su Tie, Lan Zhan, you two are ready to take action and test the other's field powerhouse."


The two men bowed their heads and took the lead, then suddenly jumped towards the sea.

The two of them just jumped up, and they still looked like humans, but at the moment they touched the sea water, a few ripples rippled strangely on their bodies, and then, the whole body began to deform rapidly.

When they completely fell into the water, the two turned into two swordfish with a length of more than ten meters, like arrows from the string, rushing towards the direction of the cruise ship!

And Mu He squatted down and patted the huge swordfish lightly:

"Come on, let's go back."

In the huge eyes of the swordfish, there is a ray of wisdom that only human beings have.

Immediately afterwards, it was actually a human voice, speaking in the tone of a middle-aged woman:

"Yes, High Priest!"

Jiang Fan squatted on the deck, resting his chin in his hands, staring at the boundless sea boredly.

Beside him, Alyssa and several others followed suit, and they did not care about the force of the masters. They all used the same posture as Jiang Fan, squatting on the deck like a peasant.

Around a few people, a group of mercenaries came and went, but no one was smart enough to talk too much.

"Mr. Jiang, what are you thinking?"

The three-eyed fox shook his sore legs and looked at Jiang Fan with a puzzled expression.

After coming out of Arthur's room, Jiang Fan ran to the deck and squatted. It has been half an hour now.

Jiang Fan said subconsciously:

"Arthur's reaction is enough to prove the accuracy of my speculation, right?"

Several people looked at each other and nodded again and again.

Jiang Fan continued to ask:

"If my speculation is correct, where is the powerhouse behind Arthur?"

Several people were startled.

The three-eyed fox said:

"If, as you said, they have enough confidence to deal with the powerhouses in the realm of heaven and earth, their strength must be extremely amazing. We can't find it, it should be normal, right?"

"Do not."

Jiang Fan shook his head:

"It's normal that you can't find it, but even I didn't find it, it's too abnormal."

Several people's faces froze.

But it was relieved immediately.

Combined with the past, Jiang Fan's strength is like an unmeasurable abyss. It seems that when there is no bottom, this is also one of the most important reasons why several people put the treasure on Jiang Fan's head.

Now that Jiang Fan is asking this question, there are only two possibilities.

The black pit viper tentatively opened his mouth:

"If so, either the other party is not on board, or..."

Either the opponent's strength is definitely above Jiang Fan!

The black pit viper wisely did not say the second possibility.

Jiang Fan shook his head:

"If the opponent is not on the boat, how can we ensure the fastest response when the opponent launches an attack?"

Several people's faces are a little difficult to look at.

Since the first one is wrong, doesn't it mean that the strength of the strong man behind Arthur is stronger than Jiang Fan?

Of course Jiang Fan knew what the people were thinking, but he didn't explain it.

With his current strength, unless he has reached the peak triple realm, he is no longer a big threat to him.

And if the Arthur family really has a strong third-level peak, there is no need to go to Avalon in such a hurry.

Strange, the master behind Arthur is definitely on the boat, but why can't I feel it?

Jiang Fan was full of doubts, but at this moment!

"Enemy attack!"

Firefox's face changed, and suddenly burst out!

And the black pit viper is already like a poisonous snake that really violently hurts, and suddenly rushed towards the sea under the cruise!

Alisha and the three-eyed fox's expressions froze, but when they saw Jiang Fan didn't move, their hearts were relieved.

Jiang Fan didn't care, which proved that the attacker's strength was not that strong.

The black pit viper just rushed into the sea, the next moment!


As a wave exploded, she even rushed out!

And just behind her, two swordfish more than ten meters long rushed out one after the other!

However, unlike the normal swordfish, these two swordfish actually burst out with an aura that is only at the level of the nineteenth level!

These two swordfish belonged to Mu He, Cycad and Blue Press!

Under the pursuit of the two, the body of the black pit viper kept twisting, and when she rose to a height that was almost equal to the deck, she flicked her wrist, and a pair of black light suddenly appeared on her hands. Weird dagger!

Immediately after, she turned around and rushed towards the two swordfish again!

It turned out that the black pit viper was just not good at water combat, which led the two out of the sea!

At the same time, just below Su Tie and Lanzhi, Firefox arrived silently at some point, just to see his hands suddenly wave!


A scarlet flame has enveloped the entire sea!

In a short moment, the two sides have reversed the offensive and defensive!

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