God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2298: The bamboo sticks are smashed to pieces!

I saw that there was a faint phantom around my body for no reason!

At the same time, in Jiang Fan's perception, the whole world has become strange and depressed!

It was as if his actions just now angered something intangible!

Jiang Fan's mouth twitched!


Lao Tzu is so cautious, how can he be tricked?

No, you have to go quickly!

Jiang Fan was about to summon the system, but at this moment!


A loud bang suddenly sounded from the sky!

Jiang Fan suddenly raised his head, and saw above the sky, a passenger plane with raging flames fell towards the distance!

And then!

"Bang bang bang bang bang!!"

The glass windows of the waiting hall were all blown into countless pieces by the airflow of the passenger plane!

For a time, the entire hall was full of terrified screams!

"Not good! There are terrorists!"

"Mom! Help!"

"Shout! Why can't you reflect on why terrorists have to bomb us?"

"Ah! Who touched my ass!"

"Get down! Get down!"


The entire waiting hall was a mess.

And Alex and others looked at the exploding plane, and they were all stupid!


This plane really exploded!

And with the explosion of the plane!


Except for Alex, the other survivors, including Jiang Fan, the black mist that the bad luck turned into has disappeared!

Jiang Fan was relieved.

But the next moment!


Including Jiang Fan, the black fog of doom on everyone's body has increased tenfold in an instant!

Jiang Fan looked down at himself, and was so angry that he almost lost his temper!

you sir!

I'm just here for takeout!

What's going on in this world?


Come back now!

"System! Return!"

"Ding! The host has been deprived of a lot of luck in this world. Once he returns, he cannot get it back. Are you sure to return?"

Jiang Fan was stunned!

"What are you kidding me about the world? How can luck be taken away?"

"Ding! Who is joking with you, haven't you heard of 'people who are unlucky to drink cold water have their teeth stuck in their teeth'? Those people are unlucky!"

"Damn it! Hurry up and say, how can I get the air transport back!"

"Ding! Then it's up to you, hehehe..."

As soon as the system pouted Jiang Fan, he knew what kind of dung ball he was going to pull, and this guy was obviously going to beat himself up again!

However, if you are a master, you must have come and gone!

It's just that Jiang Fan didn't answer at all, instead he said cursingly:

"Nima! It's really useless to ask you, you have to rely on me!"

The system is in a hurry:

"Ding! Who are you with?"

"Go go go, or say there is a way, or get out of here!"

Jiang Fan was not polite.

"Ding! Hey! I found out, your wings are hard now, aren't you?"

"Ha ha!"

Jiang Fan smiled meaningfully:

"Actually, it doesn't matter if you can do anything or not. Anyway, no matter how long the time in this place is, the time in the real world is just a moment."

"Oops! Sunflowers are growing pretty well now! Look at this lively energy, it's like playing for 1800 years!"

"Speaking of which, if you practice the Yin-Yang Xuantian Art for a thousand years, what will it be like? I'm afraid it won't matter if you are lucky or not, right?"

"Okay! I will endure with that **** of death! Set a small goal first and cultivate for a thousand years!"

The system is obviously confused!

According to Jiang Fan's character, he is afraid that he can do it!

The key is that you stay here, what should I do?

I have to stay with you in this ghost place for a thousand years?

Although it is only a system, it can be yearning for all realms!

The point is, the system has a mission!

"Ding! Two hundred thousand karma points, the system will help you restore your luck!"

"What do I need to recover?"

Jiang Fan asked back.

"Ding! Don't think this world is very simple, kid. In fact, there are many dangers. You may not be able to stand it after a long time! Be obedient and pay."

"Pay your sister's money! No money!"

Jiang Fan sneered:

"Don't tell me, I haven't thought about it before. Now, let's see, it's a fart to restore air luck. With my strength, is there any difference in air luck in this place? How happy is it to be a king here?"

"Ding! Don't talk nonsense, don't forget that a group of people at home are still waiting for you!"

"I'm afraid! After a thousand years, I will still be a teenager when I return!"

"Ding! What are you—"

One tick for another, the system never imagined that the two hits on Jiang Fan in the past were smooth sailing, but this time, the slapstick was actually abolished!

"Ding! OK! I'll restore it to you for free, come back quickly!"

"Don't! Master won't leave yet! When Master is done practicing, go back and kill the Quartet!"

Before the system could speak, Jiang Fan continued:

"Don't persuade! Persuasion is useless!"


The system was stuck for a long time:

"Ding! Damn! I'm careless! Okay, what do you say?"

"Hey hey hey..."

Jiang Fan's wretched smile:

"You know!"

"Ding! You..."

The system finally didn't scold, and it was really afraid that this product would go on forever, so it had to swallow its anger, and finally sent a task:

"Ding! The system has released a side quest—alive! Do you want to accept it?"

[Side Mission]: Alive

Mission rounds: ? ? ?

[Detailed explanation of the task]: Survive under the pursuit of the **** of death, and for each surviving round, the lottery level obtained will be +1!

Remarks: The starting level of the lottery is black iron. After three rounds, the host can choose to return at any time and restore luck.

Jiang Fan's eyes lit up!

The number of quest rounds is actually a question mark. Does that mean that it will keep increasing as long as you can stay alive?

If you keep on living, at the end, wouldn't you still be able to obtain the divine weapon?


Jiang Fan accepted the mission without hesitation!

And along with the mission acceptance, the black fog of doom all over his body was actually several times stronger!

Even ordinary people can almost faintly feel that Jiang Fan's luck has declined!

At this moment, the crowd finally stabilized from the panic of the plane explosion.

The eyes of Carter and others all fell on Alex's face in an instant!

The eyes of these people are shocked, surprised, unbelievable, and so on.

Especially that female teacher Liu Dun, who actually pointed at Alex, suddenly exclaimed:

"You monster!"

Before Alex said that the plane would have an accident, they all thought that Alex was just a nightmare, but they didn't expect it, and now it has come true!

Anti-intellectualism is the most prevalent in Citi Country. It is simply summarized from behavior. Once you have a certain powerful ability, or show your extraordinaryness, the crowd will not follow you, surround you, but will Stay away from you, treat you like a monster!

Among the American comics, whether Superman or Batman, why all heroes hide themselves, this is the reason!

Even if he does good deeds, he is still a monster!

Therefore, Liu Dun and the others, instead of thanking Alex for saving them, are all alienating him!

It's like the descendants of the Mayflower that year, not only did not appreciate the Indians for saving their ancestors, but slaughtered the Indians instead!

Gratitude does not exist in the blood of robbers!

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