The **** of death is so cowardly!

do not fight!

That's right, even the meteorites that come out can't kill Jiang Fan, unless the entire planet is blown up!

Otherwise, with the level of force in this world, there is indeed nothing that can be done against Jiang Fan.

"Ding! Host, you are almost done, hurry up and leave!"

The system also began to break down.

Jiang Fan shook his head and finally spoke:



With a flash of white light, Jiang Fan finally returned to the system space.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 6242 karma points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting Alex's gratitude-death prediction!"

"Ding! The host has gained a lot of rewards in the process of counterattacking the FBI, and the statistics have begun!"

"Ding! The host destroyed seven Apache helicopters!"

"Ding! The host destroyed eleven M1A1 main battle tanks!"

"Ding! The host destroys a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier!"

"Ding! The host destroys two Ohio-class cruise missile nuclear submarines!"

"Ding! The host destroys..."

The system beeps keep ringing.

Jiang Fan let it count, and he looked at Alex's reward with great interest.

[Death Prediction]: If you don't die in a big disaster, will you have future blessings? QNMD!

Remarks: This item is passively used, allowing the host to see the way of his death in advance before danger comes!

Jiang Fan's face was overjoyed!

Good stuff!

To put it bluntly, this thing is a gold medal for avoiding death!

Before, in Journey to the West, I had obtained a prop called the number of days deduction. The effect of the prop was to see what would happen in the next minute.

And it was precisely because of that item that he escaped from death when he turned four!

And now this death prediction has the same effect!

Jiang Fan happily put away this prop, and the system's peers have finally completed it!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host! In this counterattack, you have gained a total of 463952 karma points!"

Four hundred and sixty thousand karma points!

This is definitely not a decimal, but for Jiang Fan, who is used to making big money, it is almost meaningless.

Take a look at the backpack, plus what was left before, the total number of karma points now has exceeded 800,000.

This amount of money seems a lot, but for the current Jiang Fan, if he wants to raise his infuriating energy, it is not enough!

Fortunately, in the real world, that big treasure is still waiting for me!

With a smile, Jiang Fan finally returned to the real world.

But just as he walked out of the bathroom, there was a sudden loud noise from outside the cabin!

There's finally a war outside!

Jiang Fan's original plan was to wait until Arthur's backhand appeared before appearing.

Although it has been determined that the master behind Arthur will not be stronger than himself, it is always right to be careful to drive the ship for ten thousand years.

But now that he has the prop of death prediction, he has no worries at all.

After a little thought, Jiang Fan rushed straight to the deck.

And just after arriving on the deck, Jiang Fan raised his eyebrows!

Man, this fight is really hot!

The Druids on the opposite side can be described as numerous and powerful. There are only dozens of them who just transform into griffins, stand high in the sky, and spit out electric light desperately!

Among them, there are also a few who have transformed into unicorns.

As for the druids on the sea, the tunes played by the druids on the bamboo rafts became vigorous and vigorous, and the various fishes under their control began to crash into the cruise ship like crazy!

Compared with steel monsters like cruise ships, let alone a collision such as swordfish and sailfish, even if a whale came and collided, I am afraid that the head would be smashed and bloodied.

What's weird is that the long jaws of this group of fish are covered with light, which is even more impactful than bullets!

Even the long jaw of one of the swordfish penetrated the hull and nailed itself up!

In addition to the fish and druids on the sea, there are also giants that Jiang Fan has seen before. At this moment, the number of such giants has increased to a full five!

These guys with a height of tens of meters, every punch hit the hull, it seemed like a missile was detonated!

If Merlin didn't take the time to load the shield on the ship, I'm afraid that within three seconds, the cruise ship would have to be destroyed by the bombardment of the other party into scum!

On Arthur's side, in charge of fighting against the sky attack, in addition to Arthur and Percival and Lancelot, Firefox and Black Pit Viper also joined in.

However, the latter two guys obviously paddled more.

As for the rest of the mercenaries, they were all holding various guns and shooting wildly at the fish under the boat.

A group of powerhouses above the thirteenth level actually used guns to fish!

This is just like a full-level tuba, holding a first-level wooden sword to kill a chicken!

This is too outrageous!

The corners of Arthur's eyes twitched when he saw it, and he held back his scolding.

The current strongest player, Merlin, was just maintaining it. The magic shield protecting the ship was barely leaking, and the rest of the energy was concentrated on the huge swordfish in the distance.

Feeling Merlin's gaze, Mu He on the swordfish suddenly smiled softly:

"It's still stable at this time, it seems that they really have a backing."

Her eyes suddenly changed, and she actually passed Merlin directly and landed at the connection between the cabin and the deck.

At this moment, Jiang Fan is walking out of the cabin with Shi Shiran, enjoying the melee.

Mu He suddenly said softly:

"Is he the one you met?"

On the side of the huge swordfish, Su Tie, which also changed into a swordfish, said in a deep voice:

"it's him!"

Mu He frowned slightly. Compared with the descriptions of Su Tie and Lan Zhuang, when he saw Jiang Fan, he could feel his extraordinaryness even more.

Jiang Fan obviously felt Mu He's gaze, he turned his head sideways and grinned at Mu He.

Mu He was stunned.

Too strange.

At this moment on the battlefield, everyone is murderous, even those mercenaries who seem to be paddling. Only this man is relaxed, let alone murderous, looking at his swaying appearance, even if It means that he came for a simple vacation, and I am afraid that I will believe it.

What's the matter with this man?

Isn't he on Arthur's side?

Behind Mu He, an old man with a gray beard and a small snake-like earring suddenly said:

"High priest, this person is not quite right."

His name is Yinliu, and he is one of the powerhouses of the Druid family.

Mu He said softly:

"What level is he?"

Yin Liu took out a slap-sized, green leaf, and then grabbed a handful with the other hand and patted the leaf!

After a while, Yin Liu's eyes changed:


The crowd behind Mu He all frowned.

Only Mu He didn't react, instead he shook his head:

"No, if he was only twenty-two, he would never let me have such a violent feeling."

This time, everyone's faces changed!

A beautiful-looking female druid with a blue leaf graphic on her forehead said:

"High Priest, what's next?"

This is another celestial powerhouse, Bai Tan.

Mu He was silent for a moment, and finally narrowed his eyes:

"Don't touch that man for now."

White sandalwood nodded:

"So do you still need to continue to test the backhand of the Arthur family?"

Mu He shook his head, a murderous look suddenly flashed in his eyes:

"It has reached this point, except for strength, everything else is useless! Tell the warriors in the clan, don't try any more, and attack with all your strength!"

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