God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2309: Good stuff, good stuff!

Heaven and Human Realm, just three words, represents the real peak of this world.

If it is said that reaching the master level requires unparalleled talent, then if you want to enter the realm of heaven and man, you also need great chance and luck!

Throughout the ages, I don't know how many geniuses have been stuck here, and have no further progress in life!

And once it reaches this state, it means that it is completely out of the scope of human beings and has the power to truly move mountains and reclaim the sea!

There are many gods, and there is only this realm!

But Merlin, he actually chose to give up such power at this moment!


Almost instantly, Jiang Fan judged a possibility—

That is the benefit that Merlin, or the entire Arthur family, will receive in the future, which is several times larger than that of a powerhouse in the realm of heaven and man!

There is only one kind of benefit than getting a strong person in the realm of heaven and earth—

Get two celestial beings!

As soon as this thought came up, Jiang Fan suddenly looked at the Kabbalah Leaf with a vein like a rune, and a look of stunned expression suddenly appeared on his face.

And at this moment, a group of druid heaven and man power finally rushed beyond the green light!

However, before they could make a move, Merlin's mouth evoked a sinister smile.

next moment!


The rune veins on the Leaf of Kabbalah seem to be alive, and between the meanders, a magic circle is formed!

Immediately afterwards, the phantom of the magic circle rose into the air, and suddenly burst out with a dazzling light that was like a substance!

"not good!"

Acacia roared suddenly, and a dazzling silver light erupted from the huge conch in his hand, suddenly blasting towards the center of the green light!

But right now!

In the green glow that looked like a real substance, a silver-white epee tip suddenly stretched out!

The tip of the sword trembled slightly, and the conch in Robinia's hand was cut in half with one sword!

Acacia's pupils shrank!

But I haven't waited for him to respond!


The tip of the sword has already swiped across his neck!

next moment!


The head of Robinia pseudoacacia suddenly rose into the sky with a handful of rich blood flowers!

The 22-level celestial powerhouse was actually killed by the sudden appearance of the sword tip!

All the druids all changed their faces, and then retreated in shock!

At the same time, the green light finally faded away, revealing the scene inside!

I saw that on Merlin's staff, the magic circle emanating from the Kabbalah Leaf was gradually fading, and above the magic circle, three soldiers in silver armor suddenly appeared!

These three people, two men and one woman, vary in age and appearance. The only thing they have in common is that they all close their eyes tightly, and they exude a violent and terrifying aura like a tsunami!


One of the three people, one man and one woman, are all twenty-three!

Even the remaining one has definitely reached the peak of the twenty-second level!

"No, it's impossible..."

Everyone was stunned.

The eyes of a group of Druids showed panic for the first time!

Everyone was staring intently at the three soldiers who suddenly appeared. Only Eliza and the others looked at Jiang Fan like hell.

Jiang Fan said before that there must be strong people behind Arthur, and these strong people must be close combat, but now, it is exactly what he said!


A true prophet!

But Jiang Fan looked greedily at Merlin's staff!

Your uncle's!

No wonder I couldn't feel the strong man behind Arthur anyway. It turned out that these people were hidden in that leaf!

But what kind of space baby is this thing?

There is actually a living person hiding in there!

This thing is good, it's mine!

Jiang Fan used his eyes almost without hesitation, and stamped his name on that leaf!

As for the three warriors who looked down on the audience and were invincible, except when they appeared at the beginning, Jiang Fan glanced at them, but now, they have been completely ignored by Jiang Fan.

And what Jiang Fan glanced at at that time was actually not them.

"Hu~~ huhu~~"

Merlin gasped violently, leaning on his staff tightly in both hands, almost falling over.

The cost of summoning this group of warriors from the Leaf of Kabbalah is too great. After this time, he has completely damaged his foundation, and he may have no hope of entering the realm of heaven and man again in this life.

But the price paid is worth it.


Among the three warriors, the man holding a huge epee opened his eyes first.

Among the three, he is the oldest, but although his beard is already gray, his appearance is still handsome and handsome. In addition to the vicissitudes of life, the gray hair on the temples adds a touch of the charm of a mature man.

Taking a long breath, the man suddenly threw the epee hard!


A long string of blood beads slipped from the epee and was thrown directly onto the deck.

The smell of blood was exactly the same as that of Robinia pseudoacacia!

It turned out that he was the one who killed Robinia in one stroke!

The man put his sword back into its sheath, and the focus in his eyes recovered little by little, as if he had just woken up.

It was only at this time that everyone found out that killing Robinia pseudoacacia was probably just his subconscious action!

The man finally came to his senses completely. Seeing so many Druids around him, the man suddenly frowned.

And Arthur has suddenly opened his mouth:

"Galahad, kill them all!"

"Galahad?! No way!"

Beside Jiang Fan, the three-eyed fox was full of surprise.

The middle-aged man suddenly turned his head, gave Arthur a deep look, and then slowly said:

"As you wish!"


As soon as the voice fell, Galahad's figure had suddenly disappeared!

Next up!


There was a flash of blood in the air, and a 21st-level Druid of the Heaven and Human Realm was flying high!

Another one-shot kill!

And Galahad's epee has once again slashed at another druid in the heaven and man realm!

Seeing that this Druid could not escape the separation, but at this moment!


In the void, a verdant branch grew out of thin air, suddenly blocking the front of the epee!

The epee intersected with the branch, and Galahad was suddenly ejected!

And the branches also withered quickly and turned into a fly ash!

In the distance, Mu He's face turned pale, and it was she who made the move just now and saved the Druid elder.

And until this time, all the Druids finally reacted!

Of the remaining five druids, Baitan and Yinliu are all twenty-two, and the rest are one twenty-one and two twenty-two.

As long as Mu He can contain Galahad, they can completely destroy this cruise ship with just one face-to-face!


Taking advantage of Galahad being ejected, Yin Liu suddenly roared!

next moment!


In the sky, countless lightnings, flames, and boulders crashed down like a storm!

And on the sea, five huge sea giants smashed their fists like a meteorite!

As for the ocean, headed by the four huge swordfish before, countless shoals of enhanced fish have been blasted towards the hull like arrows!

Seeing that all the attacks are about to fall on the ship, but at this moment!

The women among the three warriors suddenly opened their eyes!

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