There is an inconspicuous island in the endless Norwegian Sea where the Atlantic Ocean and the Arctic Ocean meet.

The area of ​​the small island is only a few hundred square meters. The island is bare and looks like a larger reef.

However, no one knows that this small island is the home of the Druids, the entrance to the eternal forest!

On this small island, there is an ancient magic circle left by the Druid predecessors. As long as it is activated by the moonstone, a dimensional passage can be opened to enter the eternal forest.

And this is one of the most important reasons why Druids cannot lose the Moonstone.

If the Moon God Stone is lost, only Mu He will be able to open this passage, but with her strength, she absolutely cannot support so many people entering and leaving at one time, not to mention, she has suffered such a terrifying injury.

Therefore, the Druids are grateful for the sudden appearance of the Sea God.

Mu He retreated here with all the Druids, and he couldn't hold it any longer. He swayed and almost fell over.

"High Priest!"

Everyone looked at Mu He in panic.

The wound on Mu He's abdomen has not shown any signs of improvement until now. As long as the power of nature is used to treat it, the strange energy lurking in the wound will explode, making the just-recovered injury even more terrifying!

While the wound could not be healed, the blood kept flowing. If this continued, even with Mu He's strength, he probably wouldn't be able to last for long.

"I'm fine."

Mu He reluctantly spoke:

"As long as we return to the Eternal Forest, we can mobilize the huge force of nature to suppress the injury... Yin Liu, did the Arthur family follow us along the way?"

Yin Liu took out a black lacquer bead that was translucent, put his hand on it to feel it, and immediately shook his head:

"It should be fear of the power of the sea god, they did not follow us."

"That's good."

Mu He nodded:

"Bai Tan, keep your guard around, Jia Lan, open the passage!"


The huge Jialan opened his mouth, and the moonstone in his mouth shot out a brilliance like water. The brilliance shone on the island. In an instant, the whole bare island was actually blooming with a silvery white. Light!

The rays of light continued to condense and rotate, and finally formed a magnificent magical arch with a height of tens of meters!

The beam of light supporting the arch was engraved with various strange runes, and countless vines condensed with light were wrapped around it.

The arch has no doors, so the moment it appeared, the scene of the door appeared in front of everyone.

Behind the door, there is a vast and endless green forest!

And at the end of the forest, there seems to be a giant tree that obscures the sky!

"High priest, the door is open, you go in first!"

Garland spoke hastily.

Just as Mu He was about to move, his eyes changed, and his entire body froze in place.

She held this position for more than two seconds before speaking:

"You go first, I'll come later!"

"But, High Priest..."


Mu He let out a low drink!

Everyone didn't dare to delay any longer, and they all filed in!

It wasn't until everyone entered the gate that Mu He turned around and looked in the direction of the sea.

She sighed softly, her tone bitter and helpless:

"Your Excellency, please show up."

A cloud of fog suddenly rose from the sea, the fog gradually condensed, and finally turned into the appearance of "Sea God"!

Just when Mu He was about to enter the arch, he heard Jiang Fan's voice transmission, and this was left to the end.

Seeing Jiang Fan appear, Mu He's face became even more bitter.

The strength of this sea **** is simply unfathomable, and his temper is even more temperamental. Now that he has followed here silently, he does not know whether it is a blessing or a curse.

However, the situation is stronger than people, so Mu He can only speak in a respectful tone as much as possible:

"Your Excellency, do you have any orders to come here in person?"

Jiang Fan did not answer Mu He's question, but instead smiled softly:

"Your injuries appear to be serious."

Mu He stood up straight and smiled:

"Thank you for your concern, but it doesn't matter, as long as..."

Before she finished speaking, her pupils shrank suddenly!

Jiang Fan actually seemed to have crossed the shackles of space, and he stepped out, and he was already in front of him!

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Fan reached out and rubbed her wound slightly!

The next moment, the strange energy left behind by the dagger in her wound was actually gone!

Mu He was shocked beyond words!

Kai's dagger is sinister and strange beyond imagination, and the alien energy left behind makes her natural power unable to function. Even if she returns to the Eternal Forest, she can only suppress her injuries!

If you want to heal completely, you can only wait until this energy slowly dissipates!

But Jiang Fan just raised his hand and wiped out the energy completely. This kind of cultivation is simply unimaginable!

Mu He looked at Jiang Fan in shock.

However, Jiang Fan had already returned to his previous position!

This advance and retreat almost completely broke away from the shackles of physical laws, making Mu He only feel dizzy.

Mu He endured the discomfort, and while quickly using the power of nature to heal the wound, he bowed slightly:

"Thank you for your help, Mu He is very grateful."

Jiang Fan smiled:

"So, how are you going to thank me?"

Mu He's face was stunned.

How could this Sea God be so direct?

But before she could react, Jiang Fan pointed to the arch:

"Aren't you going to invite me in to take a look?"

Mu He's face changed suddenly!

The Eternal Forest is the last home of the Druids. Since the chaos, no outsider has ever stepped into it!

Especially this Sea God, whose strength is so terrifying, once he has a bad heart, the entire Eternal Forest will suffer a disaster!

But what if you don't agree?

Even if the entrance is closed now, at Jiang Fan's ghostly speed, he can still enter!

At this time, Mu He only vaguely understood why Bai Jiangfan displayed that terrifying speed!

She took a deep breath and suddenly smiled:

"It's my rudeness, Your Excellency, please come in."

Jiang Fan also smiled and stepped out, already standing on the land of this eternal forest.

The moment Jiang Fan stepped into this land, his perception spread out, and then, even he was slightly surprised.

The vastness of the Eternal Forest is beyond imagination. The area that Jiang Fan can perceive now exceeds several thousand square kilometers!

In this land, in addition to the vast forest, there are rivers, lakes and two small mountain ranges, and in the middle of the distant forest, there is a tree that is taller than those two mountains, with luxuriant branches and leaves. , the giant tree that covers the sky!

This giant tree is so huge that it is almost the only one Jiang Fan has ever seen in his life!

And a wave of obscure and strange energy fluctuations constantly radiated from this giant tree, almost covering the entire world!

And for no reason, the small Jianmu seedling in the system space seemed to sense this breath, and it slowly raised a few tentacles!

Everything in the system space can't escape Jiang Fan's induction, but before Jiang Fan can observe it further, countless murderous and fearful eyes have all fallen on him!

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