God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2335: How is this like a joke?

As soon as he saw this thing rushing out, Jonathan's hair stood up, and he let out a high-pitched scream!

Eve hurriedly grabbed Immorton's neck and ran towards the opposite side desperately.

The poor bald-headed high priest has no mana now, and is extremely weak. Eve's eyes rolled and his tongue drooped out.

But right at this moment, he still struggled desperately:

"Let me die! I'm going to die for Ansuna!"

"Shut up my mother!"

A few people panicked, but it was Jiang Fan, who smiled slightly, stepped forward, and blocked the Scorpion King head on!

As soon as Jiang Fan's footsteps fell, the originally aggressive Scorpion King suddenly shrank his pupils and froze in place!

Jonathan is still screaming over there:

"Jiang Fan! Run! It's up to you whether you can get those five football-sized diamonds! You must be—"

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Fan suddenly raised a finger.

But the Scorpion King's face changed greatly, and he suddenly wailed:

"Do not--"


A sword qi suddenly blasted out and passed directly over the head of the Scorpion King!


The entire body of the Scorpion King was thrown high, and the legs of the lower body twitched for a while. After landing, there was no more breath.

Jonathan opened his mouth wide and stared at Jiang Fan dumbfounded.

Eve was also stunned.

This incomparably powerful Scorpion King just died like this?

It was too hasty to die!

How is it like a joke?

And with the death of the Scorpion King, the golden scorpion plate on the bridge suddenly trembled, and then it exploded to pieces!

And at the moment when the golden plate shattered, countless dark figures rose up into the sky, breaking through the shackles of the pyramid, and flying to where they were.

However, two of them fell on Jiang Fan and Imorton.

For a moment, Jiang Fan only felt that the magic power was restored, and Immorton suddenly trembled, floating in the air, and the injuries all over his body were quickly recovering.

It turned out that these figures were all kinds of mana devoured by the golden plate of the scorpion!

It seems that in addition to Immorton, many strong people have come to challenge the Scorpion King over the years, but I don't know what will happen to these people.

Seeing Immorton regaining his strength, Eve and Jonathan immediately looked happy.

This guy Jiang Fan has always seen the dragon, but Immorton has always been in this world, and the bald priest has regained his strength. If they encounter trouble in the future, it can be regarded as taking care of them.

However, Immorton still had a heartbroken expression, and there was no joy in regaining his strength.

Eve was furious:

"Aren't you still a man? There are some good girls! It's a big deal, my mother and O'Connor have another daughter to marry you. Anyway, you're not too old to die, just call me Mom!"

Jonathan grabbed Eve:

"He's already like this. Don't irritate him. My six football-sized diamonds are still counting on him."

Jiang Fan couldn't help it:

"Didn't you just say you were counting on me?"

"No, no, no, I'm counting on you for that diamond that is the size of seven footballs!"

"Depend on!"

Jiang Fan looked at Immorton and suddenly smiled:

"When I left last time, I said that you helped me save my lover, and I will definitely repay you a favor. Now, I will repay half of it first!"

Jiang Fan said, and with a flick of his wrist, a bottle of Red Star Erguotou was already revealed!

Jiang Fan has the most items in his backpack, except for clothes, which are ingredients!

There are too many clothes, but he can't do it. Every time he fights, he doesn't want to burst his shirt, but his opponents are all the moves to burst his shirt!

As for ingredients, they are always running around the world, and not all places have Chinese food, so I can only make them myself.

In order to save trouble, Jiang Fan even prepared all the drinks.

Anyway, with the continuous upgrade, the backpack has become too big.

Imorton's eyes lit up as soon as he saw the Red Star Erguotou!

When Jiang Fan came with Xia Fanxing, after finishing the work, he drank this wine!

After he was betrayed by Ansuna, he suddenly thought of Jiang Fan.

Xia Fanxing died for Jiang Fan, and in order to resurrect Xia Fanxing, Jiang Fan did not hesitate to cut off an arm, gouge out an eye, and sacrifice to him!

The love between the two of them is so similar to their own back then!

At that moment, he just wanted to drink this wine again.

And now, Jiang Fan finally took out the wine!

Imorton took it, unscrewed the cap, and filled it directly!

"Oh! That's the taste!"

"The entrance is spicy and exciting, just like the first acquaintance of lovers, the stamina is soft and long, and it is like a longing for the road of love."

"After entering the throat, a burst of heat surges, like love to the extreme!"

"And the slight warmth after entering the stomach is exactly the beautiful bits and pieces when looking back on love."

"This is the taste of sweet love!"

"How long has it been since I felt this feeling?"

"Yes, it's been three thousand years..."

"Ansuna, this is the real you, how it makes me feel!"

"It was my fault that I mistook another person for you."

"Or, in fact, I have been deceiving myself, deceiving myself, you can still come back..."

"Ansuna, I miss you so much..."

"Woooooo, I, I really miss you so much!!"

Immorton knelt on the ground and wept so hard.

Three thousand years of suffering from insect bites, three thousand years of not seeing the sun, three thousand years of loneliness...

All that supported him to live was to see Ansuna again!

But today, the hope of three thousand years has been shattered, and the whole world has collapsed.

Immorton's spirit actually collapsed when he learned of Mila's betrayal.

But now, this takeaway has pulled him back from the collapse.

Faced with this pain, Immorton, who was strong enough to endure the pain of insect bites, could not continue to bear it at all.


Eve wanted to go to comfort, but Jiang Fan shook his head:

"Let him vent, the pain of three thousand years should be released to the fullest."

Immorton's crying lasted for an unknown amount of time, until the tears dried up, and he slowly raised his head:

"Jiang Fan, thank you for letting me relive Ansuna's breath for the last time."

Jiang Fan lifted him up and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, thank you. I said that I want to repay you a favor, but this favor has only been repaid in half. When the other half has been repaid, thank me again."

"The other half..."

Imorton was stunned, and then, in his eyes that were almost desperate, two rays of hope suddenly burst out:

"You, you mean..."


Jiang Fan nodded:

"I will bring the real Ansuna back to you!"


Immorton was so excited that he pinched one of his own fingers!

"You, what you said, is true?"

"of course it's true."

Jiang Fan looked serious:

"However, not now, it may take a long time, maybe a year, two years..."

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