God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2343: The so-called Avalon!

Soon, everyone arrived near the entrance of the cave.

However, Arthur did not rush in, but his eyes flickered slightly.

Merlin smiled slightly, and it seemed that Arthur had really grown up. In an unknown place, he must not take risks himself!

So now, the usefulness of Jiang Fan comes out!

Just use this kid to throw rocks and ask for directions!


Merlin just opened his mouth, but with a dazed look, Jiang Fan is rushing towards the entrance of the cave with a look of excitement!

That expression is like preparing to grab the baby!

Merlin's heart suddenly trembled!

This kid Jiang Fan has always been cunning. He has always avoided things that are not good. Now that he is so active, does he know something?

Merlin's mind just came up with this thought, and the rest of the people also thought of it.

Arthur suddenly let out a low voice:

"Jiang Fan! What are you doing!"

Jiang Fan reluctantly stopped, but his legs and feet rubbed in vaguely again, only one step away from the entrance of the hole.

"Hey hey, Lord Arthur, it might be very dangerous here, I'll find the way for you first."

His eyes flickered, and while he was talking, he actually took another half step there!

This time, everyone could see that Jiang Fan was guilty of being a thief!

Galahad grabbed Jiang Fan and threw him behind him!

Jiang Fan's face changed greatly:

"What are you doing? I have a good heart!"

"Good intentions?"

Arthur sneered:

"No need, there is no need for others to test the place of our Arthur family!"

As soon as the words fell, Arthur had already stepped out!

But at this moment, Merlin's expression changed. Jiang Fan was very deceitful, and he had no idea that he would let him explore the way, so what he did just now...

Merlin suddenly said:

"My king! Wait..."

It's a pity that he finally took a beat, Arthur's big feet had stepped into the hole, and then, the surrounding ripples flashed, and Arthur had disappeared without a trace!

Merlin held back a sentence and almost fainted!

He suddenly looked at Jiang Fan, but found that Jiang Fan was aggrieved, as if he was robbed of the top spot by Arthur, and was very sad.

However, there was a sly smile in his eyes.

At this moment, Merlin only felt his brain buzzing!

At this time, he can still be counted by Jiang Fan once!

This bastard!

But Arthur is going in now, isn't it a good time to kill Jiang Fan?

A murderous look flashed in Merlin's eyes:


He was about to call Galahad, but he was stunned!

It turned out that Gahalad was worried about Arthur and had already gone in with Arthur!

As for Kai and Gaharis, although they are still there, they are only under Arthur's life, and they will never go against Arthur's will and kill Jiang Fan!

Oh shit!

Merlin held it in his chest in one breath, and almost vomited blood!

He glared at Jiang Fan fiercely:

"Jiang Fan! You go in too!"


Jiang Fan laughed, beckoned to the three-eyed fox and others, and entered the cave without hesitation.

Anyway, with Arthur, which unfortunate explorer, he will die first!

Stepping into the entrance of the cave, Jiang Fan only felt a flash of light and shadow around him. When his vision resumed, he was surprised to find that he actually appeared in a dense rainforest!

The trees here are not too different from those on Earth, but they are surprisingly high, often hundreds of meters.

And the location where he appeared should be an ancient ruin. Around the prosperous trees, there were scattered stones covered with vines and collapsed ancient buildings.

These buildings are all built of large rocks, but because of the severe damage and the invasion of rain and plants, the architectural style can no longer be seen.

Even if there are some well-preserved ones, they are already entangled by vines, and they can only barely see some of the patterns carved on them.

As for what the pattern is, it is impossible to identify at all.

Arthur and Galahad, who came first, were looking at the surrounding scenery in shock.

Jiang Fan turned his head to look behind him, but found that the hole behind him had disappeared, and in its place was a dilapidated stone arch.

Strange runes were carved on the doorposts of the arch, and a dull-colored spar was inlaid on the base.

But just as he was looking at the arch, the empty doorway of the arch flashed light, and immediately, the three-eyed fox came out.

It seems that the reason why the two worlds can be connected should be the function of this arch.

Jiang Fan calmly walked towards the arch, but he was still in this world after passing through the arch.

It seemed that Mu He was right, without the Moon God Stone, he would not be able to go back at all.


The Leaf of Kabbalah in Merlin's hands should also have the ability to traverse. It seems that if you want to kill them all, Merlin must be the first to kill them!

Jiang Fan took a few steps forward and looked at the sky through the shade of a tree.

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly flew up and rushed straight to the sky!


After passing through the barrier of the tree canopy, Jiang Fan only felt that his eyes were suddenly enlightened!

This rainforest covers an extremely wide area, and even with Jiang Fan's eyesight, he can't see the end.

In the southeast of the rainforest, the water vapor is extremely dense, and there should be a river.

After simply observing the terrain, Jiang Fan was ready to fall, but at this moment, he subconsciously raised his head and looked at the sky.

There is also a sun in the sky, but around the sun, there are three full moons!

These three moons seem to be very close to the ground, and even Jiang Fan can clearly see the towering mountains on one of the moons!

The other two, one was surrounded by a layer of light blue light, the other seemed to be covered with a layer of mist.

Jiang Fan was stunned, and his brows slowly wrinkled.

It seems that it is not simply a small world in a space crack, because in a small world, there is almost no concept of a planet!

While Jiang Fan was in a daze, Arthur's cold voice sounded below:

"Jiang Fan, do you want to run?"

Jiang Fan's line of sight passed through the shade of the tree and looked at the arch below.

Merlin and the others hadn't come in yet.

He rubbed his face, fell down, and said lazily:

"How dare I run? This is Avalon! If a fairy is drawn, I can't bear it."

Arthur sneered:

"Just if you know, follow me obediently, maybe I'll give you something when I'm happy."

Jiang Fan said absentmindedly:

"Thank you very much then."

Arthur frowned slightly.

It seems that Jiang Fan's attitude has changed since he came in.

Do you know that you can't run, and you are ready to break the jar?

It doesn't matter, anyway, with Galahad and a few people around, he can't make any waves.

Compared with Jiang Fan, what he cares about now is this "Avalon"!

Strange, how is it different from what is recorded here?

It stands to reason that the location where it appeared should be a huge lake!

Arthur was puzzled and could only wait for Merlin to come and explain.

However, before Merlin came over, Galahad frowned and suddenly looked at an ancient wall covered with vines!

The expressions of the others also changed, and they all followed Galahad to look over.

Just now, they all heard that, behind the ancient wall, a woman's gloomy and sharp laughter sounded.

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