To put it simply, another world is an unfamiliar city. Kaitianshi is a ticket. To establish a connection with this world is to find out the price of this city.

Combining them together, it is like you have legally arrived in a strange city by buying a ticket and taking a bus, but you need to get familiar with the prices of this city slowly.

As for the immortal god, he was exploiting a loophole. Although he didn't have a ticket, he had an acquaintance on the bus. The acquaintance lent him his ticket and asked him to handle the inspection, so he could ride the bus smoothly.

And everyone is now in the stage of groping for prices, so their perception of the biological strength of this world is still very vague.

Of course, the creatures of this world are the same for them.

Once you get used to it slowly, both sides can definitely feel the strength of the other side.

Perhaps those eyes in the dark are just waiting for that moment.

I don't know what the underwater thing is, but thinking of the previous sturdy beasts and giant beetles, I don't think it would be a good character.

Galahad turned to look at Arthur:

"My king, it's too risky to walk by water, so fly over."

Arthur nodded.

This time, there were more than 50 subordinates of the Arthur family who followed him into Avalon, but there were only a dozen or so who had reached level ten or more.

In addition to these subordinates, it is him, Galahad, Gaharis, Kai, Merlin, Lancelot, Percival, with a few of them, it is easy to bring those fifty people over.

On the other side, there were more than 30 mercenaries on Jiang Fan's side, all of whom were above level 10. Besides Jiang Fan, there were only Alyssa, Black Viper, Three-eyed Fox, and Firefox.

However, it is also easy to take people to fly over this river.

Arthur said loudly:

"Grandmaster and above, come with me and take people to fly over!"

Merlin interrupted:

"Kai, don't bring anyone, be careful."

Kai nodded and floated up.

Arthur and others rolled up the rest and quickly crossed the river!

More than ten kilometers, at the speed of everyone, it won't take long at all.

For the sake of safety, everyone flew above the water level 100 meters above the water level.

Soon, everyone had come to the center of the river.

However, at this moment, Kai's expression changed:


Everyone looked down, but only a few masters and above suddenly raised their heads and stared at the sky in the distance!

The attackers are not underwater, but in the sky!


A sharp cry unique to birds of prey resounded through the sky!

Immediately afterwards, a fiery red alien beast with a wingspan of more than ten meters, four wings on its back, and a fiery red body, suddenly charged like an arrow from the string!

The key is that this thing was still flying when it suddenly opened its mouth and suddenly spewed out a fiery red lightning!

Everyone was stunned!

How can this thing still cast magic? !

That giant beetle can burst out energy is outrageous enough, and now there is another one that can directly play the energy more slippery!

Kai made a move with his right hand, and a vortex suddenly appeared in the void, which suddenly sucked up the lightning completely, and he moved his footsteps and appeared on the back of the raptor, followed by a sudden shock under his feet!


The bird of prey suddenly let out a scream, and the whole body suddenly fell towards the water surface!

Just in time!


The water surface below suddenly trembled, and then, a strange fish with a length of more than 20 meters, with a streamlined body and a back full of pores, suddenly burst out of the water!

The mouth of this fish almost occupies half of the whole body, and the big mouth full of staggered fangs grabs the bird of prey in one bite!

Immediately afterwards, it bowed on its back, and from the air holes all over it, countless dense dark blue water arrows suddenly spewed out, suddenly blasting towards the crowd!

Firefox suddenly raised its hand and pressed it down suddenly!


A flame covering a radius of 100 meters rose out of thin air, and the water arrow disappeared in an instant!

And the black pit viper flicked his finger, and a deep purple grudge burst out, directly smashing the giant fish!

Before everyone could catch their breath, they saw the water below boiling like a pot!

Next up!


Countless adult-sized, bizarre and ferocious fish jumped up one after another, desperately swallowing up the pieces of the big fish!

And many of them looked up at the sky, and then with a shake, all the spikes on the dorsal fin were sprayed out!

"court death!"

Lancelot let out a low roar, and slammed it into the air with one punch!


A loud bang!

The spikes below, along with all the fish, were all blasted into ashes!

Even the wide water surface below was blasted into a huge depression!


The rushing river water quickly filled the depression and continued to flow as usual.

And the shadow that was about to move under the water gradually dissipated, and the water surface returned to calm again.


Lancelot smiled proudly.

It seems that these beasts are not too stupid to know that they can't provoke them.

However, before the smile on his face dissipated, Galahad's expression changed, and he was in front of Lancelot almost instantly, and then his big hand suddenly slammed into the air!


A crisp sound!

Galahad seems to have caught something!

There was a strange twist in the air, and then, in Galahad's hand, a pitch-black, slender bone spur that was still buzzing slowly emerged!

Seeing the bone spur in Galahad's hand clearly, a fine layer of cold sweat suddenly appeared on Lancelot's forehead.

Just by looking at the trembling force of this thing, you can see how terrifying the power it contains!

And such a thing is not only silent, but also invisible!

If it wasn't for Galahad's shot, he wouldn't have discovered the sneak attack of the bone spurs, and he might have turned into a corpse now!

It wasn't just Lancelot who was sweating coldly, the rest of the Grandmasters were the same!

Among the master masters present, except Arthur, I am afraid that no one can escape this thing!


What the **** is going on in this world?

Galahad looked coldly at a piece of water in the distance.

This invisible bone spur was shot from there.

But until now, the thing that shot the bone spur has not shown up.

Compared with these strange fish, the other party seems to have higher wisdom, seeing that the ultimate move is blocked, he does not intend to continue to shoot.

Kai was eager to try, and wanted to go over to take a look, but Galahad shook his head:

"Finding the remaining half of the sword in the stone is the most important thing, don't make any extras."

Kai hesitated, then nodded.

Galahad finally waved.

Arthur immediately prepared to tell everyone to cross the river quickly, but as soon as he turned his head, his face suddenly froze.

I saw that Jiang Fan didn't know when he had slipped over with a group of mercenaries!

Oh shit!

Arthur cursed in his heart. If he didn't want the most thorough revenge against Jiang Fan, he couldn't help but order Galahad to kill this guy now!

There is a small wide beach on the other side of the river, and the trees nearby are also sparser than the rest of the dense forest.

As soon as the crowd tidied up a little, they were ready to continue on the road.

However, at this moment, among the subordinates of the Arthur family, a man suddenly let out a scream!

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