With the continuous increase in the degree of fit with this world, the native creatures have been able to clearly feel the dangerous atmosphere that this team exudes, and everyone is almost unimpeded along the way.

After walking along the mountain range for hundreds of kilometers, a subordinate of the Arthur family finally rushed over.

"My king..."

"What's wrong?"

Arthur frowned.

The subordinate looked ugly:

"My king, the people behind you are a little overwhelmed."

Arthur turned to look behind him.

The powerful mercenaries don't matter, but the ordinary people under the Arthur family are sweating and trembling all over.

Along the way, they were almost always taken by people with cultivation bases around them, but even so, seven or eight hours had passed since they came in.

There has been no rest in this, and they have reached their limit.

Arthur looked at his sword in the stone again. The light of the sword in the stone was obviously brighter. According to the previous light level, to reach the position of the sword in the stone, I am afraid that it will take another thousand kilometers!

At the current speed, I am afraid it will take two days to arrive!

But this world is so dangerous, the longer the time, the greater the variables!

Arthur looked gloomy:

"All ordinary people stay, the rest..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Fan suddenly said:

"Let's all stay at the master level and below. In addition, the two mercenary groups are also staying. There is still some danger here, and these ordinary people will be taken care of by them."

Arthur was taken aback.

Merlin nodded immediately:

"Just do it!"

At the speed of the great master, walking in the air, thousands of kilometers away, and the slowest one or two hours to arrive!

After the arrangement was completed, there were four other three-eyed foxes left. Arthur took the lead, and a group of people immediately rose to the sky!

Without this group of burdens, the speed of everyone is simply blazing fast!

In just half an hour, he has entered the range of the main peak of the mountain range!

The terrain here is more than 5,000 meters higher than the dense forest below, but there is no snow, not only the temperature is comfortable and pleasant, but the vegetation is quite lush.

In addition, the fog here is extremely heavy, even with Jiang Fan's eyesight, he can't see a hundred meters away.

And in the center of the fog, dozens of kilometers away from here, stands a pitch-black mountain!

The lower half of the mountain is hidden in the fog, while the upper half passes through the fog. Under the illumination of the three bright moons in the sky, there is a deep light.

This mountain seems to be made of metal as a whole!

And here, the light of the sword in the stone is as bright as the stars.

But brighter than the sword in the stone, it is Jiang Fan's eyes!

The taste of the gods is getting stronger and stronger!

Everyone looked at each other, and then Yu Kai opened the way, and a group of people rushed directly into the foggy area!

And as soon as they entered here, everyone just felt a shiver in their hearts!

Immediately afterwards, from under the mountain standing in the center of the fog, a violent and incomparable mental fluctuation suddenly came:

"The ants are not allowed to enter! Get out!!"

Everyone's expressions were different.

Percival and Lancelot looked nervous.

Merlin and Arthur were expressionless.

Galahad and the others were disdainful.

Only Jiang Fan, his eyes were as if Er Ha saw dog food, and he could hardly control his saliva!

This mental fluctuation, this, this, this is definitely the spiritual fluctuation of a god!

Mu He is right, there are gods!

Posted, posted!

"Brothers, don't be stunned! The Sword in the Stone is right in front of you, hurry up and rush to the duck!"

Jiang Fan screamed, and he took the lead and rushed in!

The rest are all stunned!

Jiang Fan has been a dog since he came in, why has he suddenly become so active now?

Only Merlin looked angry!


He has just reached a cooperation with Jiang Fan, this kid obviously knows that he will not let him die, so this is the arrogance of the dog!


Merlin let out a low drink, and everyone immediately rushed towards the center of the fog!

Feeling that everyone not only did not leave, but rushed in faster, the mental fluctuations suddenly became furious:

"court death!"

With the appearance of this wave, the surrounding mists are all spinning in a weird way!

With the stirring of the mist, countless pale ghosts appeared in the mist!

These ghosts were strangely shaped and terrifying, and they rushed towards the crowd!

Galahad sneered, but before he could take action, Jiang Fan opened his mouth impatiently, and suddenly let out a deafening roar!



The nearby ghosts screamed at the same time, and they all exploded into blue smoke!

This move is the Simplified Heart Purification Mantra in the secret method of Maoshan Tianshi!

When it comes to subjugating demons and eliminating demons, the group of foreign devils here can't compare to Jiang Fan!

The spirit-swinging master actually created so many ghosts, it's like bringing food!

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan in amazement, and the master who was mentally fluctuated was also startled.

However, the fog is obviously not that simple. With the ghosts disappearing, wisps of fog turned into countless sharp threads, covering the sky and covering everyone!

Unwilling to be stole the limelight by Jiang Fan, Arthur suddenly raised the sword in the stone and was ready to take action!

However, Galahad was faster than him, holding a knife with one hand and slashing hard in the distance!


A battle qi is like breaking the mountain and breaking the sea, and suddenly all the mist threads are destroyed!

And the vindictive force was not enough, and it actually blew up the entire foggy area!

The crowd rushed forward quickly, and finally left the foggy area in one go!

And just after passing through the foggy area, a magnificent scenery has suddenly caught everyone's eyes!

I saw a pitch-black peak in the shape of a cone, standing proudly above the earth!

This mountain is exactly the one that everyone saw before!

But under the mountain peak, is a silver lake with a diameter of more than ten kilometers!

In the center of the sparkling lake, stands a huge black palace!

The height of the palace is more than 100 meters, the shape is exaggerated and weird, and it does not pay attention to symmetry at all, just like a twisted skull!

And on the top of the palace, there are countless black spikes that are more than ten meters high!

A figure whose whole body was shrouded in a black robe was standing at the gate of the palace at this moment.

From the fluctuations he exudes, it can be felt that the one who spoke to the crowd just now was him!

Seeing everyone break through the fog, the figure finally slowly raised his head.

In an instant, everyone showed a surprised look.

This man—if it could be called man—

This thing has six silver eyes, but the six eyes are erect and grow in two rows on the forehead. Apart from that, there are no facial features on the face.

This creature slowly looked at the crowd with those six strange eyes, and finally slowly sent out a mental wave:

"Wait for the cockroach..."

"Your uncle! Change your money!"

In the stunned eyes of everyone, Jiang Fan snorted and rushed over!

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