This palace with a height of more than 100 meters, twisted and weird, turned out to be the head of this huge monster hidden in the lake!

The moment this thing opened its eyes, Jiang Fan and Kai felt goosebumps all over their bodies!

What the **** is this?

As the eyes on the head opened, this monster suddenly let out a roar of spirit that shook the ground!


Galahad's expression changed, and he suddenly opened the field, protecting Arthur and the others.

Kai waved his hand and placed a space shield in front of him and Jiang Fan.

At the same time, he dragged Jiang Fan back quickly.

next moment!


An incomparably terrifying spiritual shock surged out from the monster like a tsunami!

The lake water is like boiling in an instant, violently boiling and evaporating!

And as the impact continued to spread, the foggy area shrouded here, covering a radius of dozens of kilometers, was completely dissipated by the impact in an instant!

The crowd widened their eyes in horror.

This monster looks stupid, but I didn't expect it to have such a terrifying spiritual energy!

And with this mental roar, the monster seemed to be completely awake. On its body, the countless densely packed and huge eyeballs suddenly began to turn violently!

"What the **** is this?"

"Aren't you looking for the Sword in the Stone? How did you wake up this thing!"

"This kind of monster has not leaked the slightest breath before!"

The crowd was chattering.

Jiang Fan looked at Arthur's broken sword and suddenly asked:

"What about the sword in the half stone?"

Arthur's face was gloomy:

"The sword in the stone should be in his body. I thought this thing was a mountain before. I wanted to split it, but I didn't expect it to wake up!"

"Depend on!"

At this moment, the eyeballs on the monster were all aimed in the direction of everyone!

Next up!


In one of the eyeballs, a dazzling black light suddenly burst out, and it slammed down at everyone!

"Can't resist!"

Galahad let out a low drink, and took Arthur and the others to dodge first!

Unlike the main world, the energy attack in this world is slightly less powerful, but it is a dual attack attribute of energy and spirit, just like the attack that he smashed the servant of the gods just now, if you are not prepared, you will easily suffer a big loss!

"You protect them, I'm going to try this monster!"

Kai swayed, and in an instant, he was in front of the monster. The dagger in his hand was full of blood, and suddenly it was about to slash against the monster's body!

However, his arm had just been raised, and the three one-horned pythons on the monster's right hand had roared and rushed in front of him!

Kai's expression did not change, and as he quickly retreated, the blood on the dagger flashed, and it suddenly cut off a snake's head!

In an instant, a large amount of black blood spurted out like a torrential rain!

Some of them fell near Jiang Fan, and Jiang Fan touched it subconsciously.

"Ding! Detected a low-level evil **** skull maggot from another world!"

"This evil **** belongs to the foreign evil **** system!"

"Ding! The blood recovery price is 1 karma point per milliliter. Is it for sale?"

What the fuck? !

Jiang Fan suddenly widened his eyes!

1 causal point per ml?

This is cheaper than the **** servant just now, and it is simply the most worthless **** Jiang Fan has ever encountered!



Although this stuff is cheap, it can't hold a lot!

Compared with a blue whale, the blood in an adult blue whale is eight tons!

The equivalent of eight million milliliters!

But this monster named Skull Maggot is hundreds of times bigger than a blue whale!

This thing has a head of a hundred meters in size, and the whole body is almost a thousand meters!

What is this concept?

With such a huge body, how much blood should there be in the body?

At this moment, Jiang Fan's whole body trembled with excitement!

If he hadn't counted on Arthur to unify the sword in the stone, he could hardly control his shot!

But right now!


Galahad's big hand suddenly pressed on Jiang Fan's shoulder:

"Don't be afraid, this thing is only big, and its real strength will never exceed level 23. Once Kai has figured out its details, killing it will be as easy as the palm of your hand!"

Jiang Fan blinked his eyes, and suddenly nodded again and again, with an excited look on his face:

"It's up to you! Come on!"

Ha ha!

This feeling of sitting and waiting for others to work, while collecting the fruits of victory, is really wonderful to the extreme!

On Kai's side, along with that snake's head was cut off!


The monster roared again, and the countless eyeballs on its body turned to Kai, and then, a dense black light suddenly sprayed, almost covering the whole world!

However, the space behind Kai suddenly twisted, and then he disappeared without a trace!

The black light hit the sky, and it goes without saying that the one that hit the sky, but the one that fell to the ground, its terrifying impact was like a nuclear explosion, and the ground was plowed down by hundreds of meters!

For a time, within tens of kilometers nearby, it was like an earthquake center!

However, the strange thing is that the black light that fell on the dark main peak did not startle the slightest wave!

In other words, just as the black light hit the vicinity of the main peak, it has already disappeared!

Jiang Fan frowned, the main peak didn't seem quite right.

And at the moment when the black light disappeared, Kai had appeared on the monster's head strangely, and then the dagger in his hand suddenly slashed at the monster's head!


On the monster's head, a wound of more than ten meters long appeared in an instant, and the pitch-black blood was sprayed out like a waterfall!

"God blood!"

Jiang Fan could no longer think about the mess, and suddenly let out a scream, and he was about to rush over there!

This is all money ah ah ah ah!

However, as soon as he took a step, Merlin, who was always paying attention to Jiang Fan, grabbed him!

"You don't want to die?"

"Money is my life! Don't stop me!"

Jiang Fan kept his feet, and actually made Merlin float up like a kite!


Merlin suddenly screamed!


Galahad suddenly stood in front of Jiang Fan!

"Jiang Fan, don't…"

Galahad didn't finish his words!


Jiang Fan knocked him out with one blow!

Galahad was flying in the air, and the whole person was stunned!

You, unexpectedly, was knocked flying by Jiang Fan?

how can that be!

He suddenly stabilized his body in mid-air, and just wanted to rush towards Jiang Fan, but at this moment, he was suddenly startled!

I saw Jiang Fan was actually using a faster speed than rushing out, carrying a kite with a wretched face, and Merlin, who was hanging on his back, ran back!

Galahad raised his head subconsciously, but his expression also changed!

I saw the countless fangs and big mouths on the monster's left leg, like parasites, all separated from the legs, connected by strips of dark meridians, flying all over the sky, desperately chasing and biting Kai!

Between the opening and closing of those big-mouthed fangs, the space was actually shattered!

It's a space turbulence in one bite!

Under such a terrorist attack close to the twenty-fourth level, Kai couldn't use the power of shuttle space at all!

"Oh shit!"

Galahad couldn't help but burst out a foul language:

"Gaharis! Watch them!"

As soon as the words fell, Galahad's vitality was reduced again, and at the same time, he had suddenly stretched out his big hand at the monster:


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