God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2441: A proud Zhu Aotian!

Danqing Pavilion didn't even know that Zhu Aotian ran out from the beginning.

Anyway, when the second generation ancestor did not stop, he would go out and fool around, and the whole sect was used to it.

What made them even more devastated was how to redeem Ye Wanwan.

The high-level officials of Danqing Pavilion knew about Ye Wanwan's stabbing of the river, and even acquiesced.

After all, Jiang Fan was too arrogant. In the public, he almost didn't beat Heliantai to death. What's the face of Danqing Pavilion?

What they didn't expect was that Ye Wanwan not only failed in the assassination attempt, but also was captured alive by Jiang Fan!

Ye Wanwan is a level 23 powerhouse. Even if the assassination fails, she can still run, right?

But he was actually captured alive by Jiang Fan, what does this mean?

Representing Jiang Fan and Ye Wanwan, there is an absolutely overwhelming strength gap!

In other words, Jiang Fan's real level is likely to be at the twenty-fourth level!

In addition to the information about Jiang Fan collected recently, for a while, in the entire Danqing Pavilion, the call for killing Jiang Fan and erasing the Pure Spirit Sect suddenly stopped!

Although Danqing Pavilion also has a level 24, it simply cannot afford to risk fighting with Jiang Fan!

Almost everyone acquiesced in the handling method proposed by Jiang Fan—

Redeem people!

Therefore, in the following period, almost everyone in the entire Danqing Pavilion was very busy, either practicing swords, or on the way to refining swords, or changing swords with the family of the sect.

Not long ago, he finally managed to get the one million flying swords that Jiang Fan wanted.

But at this moment, the tired and stunned Danqing Pavilion Master received a report from his subordinates before he could rest, and Zhu Aotian ran to the Pure Spirit Sect!

When the Danqing Pavilion Master heard the news, the whole person was so frightened that he almost flew up!

Good guy, you Laozi and I have to raise money to redeem people, you go and make trouble with Nima!

Wouldn't it be nice to be a jerk?

The Danqing Pavilion Master, who was frightened and scattered, was about to rush to the Pure Spirit Sect in person.

However, the senior officials of the sect stopped him. If you want to know that caring is messy, if Jiang Fan takes the opportunity to increase the price, the eager Danqing Pavilion Master who loves his son doesn't know what wrong he will make.

After a brief discussion, the Danqing Pavilion dispatched Han Chang, the second pavilion master.

Han Chang is seasoned and scheming, and he is absolutely foolproof!

It's a pity that Danqing Pavilion doesn't know at all. For Jiang Fan, it is the same for anyone who comes!

Under the leadership of two Jingling Sect disciples, Han Chang soon came to the Jingling Sect hall.

With just one glance, he saw Jiang Fan who was sitting on the chair under Yu Xuzi with a smile on his face.

Han Chang took a deep breath and first bowed to Yu Xuzi:

"Sect Master Yuxu."

The other party has done enough rituals, and Yu Xuzi also hurriedly stood up and returned a gift.

Han Chang looked at Jiang Fan again and gave the same salute:

"Mr. Jiang."

Jiang Fan laughed:

"Pavillion Han is a guest from afar, please take a seat."

The two sides sat down again, and Jiang Fan immediately waved:

"Come on, watch the tea!"

Yu Qingzi immediately served a cup of good tea.

As soon as he smelled the aroma of the tea, Han Chang immediately knew that it was definitely the best!

However, just as he was about to take it, he suddenly remembered Jiang Fan's "great achievements" in the past. With a trembling of his hands, he hurriedly smiled:

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang, not thirsty, not thirsty."

A look of disappointment flashed in Jiang Fan's eyes, but he immediately showed a smile again:

"Pavillion Master Han is here, why is it?"

what do you say?

Han Chang rolled his eyes, but said:

"I heard that Ye Wanwan, the master of the third pavilion of Danqing Pavilion, had some misunderstandings with Mr. Jiang, so I brought some modest gifts and came to apologize."

As he spoke, he had already taken out a storage bracelet.

But the bracelet was not given away.

If you don't see a rabbit and don't throw an eagle, how can you give something before you see a person?


Jiang Fan shook his head again and again:

"Why are you so polite, it's just a little misunderstanding, how can you deserve the word apology?"

Han Chang smiled slightly, and was about to say a few words of courtesy, but who knew that Jiang Fan would immediately change the conversation:

"Is it a million?"

Han Chang was almost not suffocated to death, he coughed several times in succession, and then reluctantly spoke:

"Haha, a million, a lot!"

"Danqing Pavilion atmosphere!"

Jiang Fan stretched out his thumb, then immediately waved:

"Come here, invite the three pavilion masters out!"

Soon, Ye Wanwan, who was vain and pale, was led into the main hall by two disciples of the Pure Spirit Sect, and behind Ye Wanwan, was Zhu Aotian, who looked cold and warm.

Han Chang breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the two of them.

Fortunately, it seems that although Ye Wanwan was seriously injured, it did not hurt the foundation. As for Zhu Aotian, he was alive and kicking, but there was nothing wrong.

Not daring to stay too long, Han Chang threw the bracelet towards Jiang Fan and immediately supported Ye Wanwan:

"Mr. Jiang, that's it, if you have the opportunity in the future, please go to the Danqing Pavilion to sit down."

As he spoke, he was about to leave with the two of them.

But right now!

"and many more!"

Jiang Fan laughed.

Han Chang's face changed!

He turned to look at Jiang Fan:

"Mr. Jiang, do you have any other orders?"

"I didn't have any orders. I just wanted to say goodbye to Young Master Zhu."

Han Chang's expression relaxed.

It turns out that Zhu Aotian not only didn't cause trouble, but he actually had a relationship with Jiang Fan?

I can't see it, this kid can do it!

Zhu Aotian was stunned:

"Talk to me?"


Jiang Fan nodded with admiration on his face:

"Zhu Shao dared to assassinate me for the sake of Bomei's smile. Jiang really admires it!"

As soon as Jiang Fan's words came out, Han Chang was stunned!

Ye Wanwan's expression froze too!

Zhu Aotian was stunned for a moment, but he reacted immediately, looked at Ye Wanwan with a dull face, and then smiled slightly:

"Where, I, Zhu Aotian, don't have anything else, I'm just bold enough!"

Jiang Fan, you are indeed a good friend, this is obviously to impress me in front of Ye Wanwan!

Thank you!

Han Chang's whole body trembled, and suddenly looked at Zhu Aotian:

"Young Pavilion Master! Don't talk nonsense!"

Zhu Aotian smiled proudly:

"I, Zhu Aotian, are proud! Since I have done it, I am not afraid to admit it!"

You admit Nima!

Do you know what you're talking about, you idiot!

One Ye Wanwan is one million flying swords. Does the sect want to make another million flying swords for you idiot?

Han Chang's back was covered in cold sweat for a moment, and he laughed dryly:

"Mr. Jiang, I'm afraid there is some misunderstanding here?"


Jiang Fan looked at Zhu Aotian with admiration:

"Zhu Shao killed the Jingling Sect, fought with me for 300 rounds, and almost killed me! That's a majestic one! The whole Jingling Sect can testify!"

"Fight you for 300 rounds?!"

Han Chang's eyes widened!

You, Jiang Fan, are really shameless to the extreme, this kind of **** can be deducted!

Zhu Aotian fought with you for 300 rounds? In one face-to-face, he will be torn apart by you!

"Hehe, Mr. Jiang is joking. Our young pavilion master has always been timid as a mouse, and he can't do anything if he can't succeed in writing. With his three-legged cat skills, how can he dare to stab you?"

Now, no matter what Jiang Fan says, he will try his best to belittle Zhu Aotian!

The more unbearable Zhu Aotian said, the safer Danqing Pavilion would be!



Zhu Aotian's face flushed:

"Why am I being timid? I, Zhu Aotian, are a daring genius! If it wasn't for Jiang Fan's too many helpers, I, Zhu Aotian, would have killed him long ago!"

Your uncle's Han Chang!

How dare you belittle the old man!

Jiang Fan holds me so much, how dare you dismantle me!


Han Chang almost spit out a mouthful of old blood!

Ye Wanwan's whole face is even more stunned!

Han Chang was at a loss:

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! The young pavilion master is a waste! Jiang Fan, don't talk nonsense!"

"Nonsense? How dare you say that Jiang Fan is talking nonsense!"

Zhu Aotian is furious:

"Jiang Fan, show him my confession!"

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