Several of Spider Man's subordinates let out a low growl, and suddenly rushed towards Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan frowned!

Suddenly, kicked out!


The man who rushed up first did not even have time to make a scream, and was kicked more than ten meters away by Jiang Fan!

Everyone was stunned! Swallowed and spit, and stopped at the same time!

The spider man was also startled, but, the next moment, there was a hideous look in his eyes!

"Damn it! Even my people dare to fight! There is a kind! I will let you know today that I will offend Lord Lang!"

As the spider man said, he sneered and walked towards Jiang Fan!

He is Feng Lang's number one thug!

With one punch, you can blast a two-centimeter thick plank!

I don't know how many people have their bones broken alive by him!

This time, Feng Lang deliberately called him from Qingjiang in order to deal with Jiang Fan!

Seeing that the spider man is coming aggressively, a group of subordinates are suddenly overjoyed!

"Hey! Boy, Brother Qiang makes a move, you are dead!"

"Yes! It's just a bit strange! In front of Brother Qiang, it's vulnerable!"

"Dare to offend Lord Lang, no matter where you are, there is only one dead end!"

"Brother Qiang! Blast his leg first! The brethren will be responsible for knocking him out!"

"Yes! Let him know, offending Lord Lang, offending Shao Ma, what the **** is going on!"

A group of men are extremely arrogant!

Jiang Fan's face gradually sank!

It turned out that it was the group of people in Qingjiang City!

At this moment, Zhu Qiang had already walked up to Jiang Fan, gave a weird smile, and slapped Jiang Fan with a sullen slap, and he pushed him over!

However, Jiang Fan's eyes were cold! A slight charge of the right hand, a slap in the backhand, directly throw it out!


A loud noise!

Zhu Qiang's whole person was like being blown by a hurricane!

The whole person, spinning upside down, traversed a group of men, like missiles, and smashed into one of the Mercedes-Benz vehicles!


There is another loud noise!

The Mercedes-Benz shook suddenly, and the windows of the entire body burst at the same time!

Then, even more, suddenly slipped out!

The whole ground that was rubbing against, burst out a shrill scream!


Benz kept sliding and hitting the big tree on the side of the road before it stopped!


The big tree shook suddenly!

Mercedes-Benz, finally stopped!

At this moment, half of the Mercedes-Benz body has been completely deformed!

And Zhu Qiang, the whole person was embedded in the door of Mercedes-Benz, half of his face was broken!

The lower body, even more so, is completely incontinent!

Zhu Qiang's men were dumbfounded!

The customers at the roadside stall are stunned!

Even the people who come and go, passing by to watch the excitement, are also stunned!

Is this really a human?

Isn't this a tyrannosaurus?

And definitely, it's still a mutant tyrannosaurus!

"Too, too exaggerated?"

"Nima! I dare not make movies like this!"

"Fuck! Too fierce! Peerless macho!"

"Brother macho! Accept me as a disciple! As long as you are willing to teach me this skill, I will introduce my sister to you!"

"Brother macho! Don't listen to him, my niece is three years old this year, as long as you teach me the skills, in twenty years, my niece will be yours!"

"Brother macho! People are lonely now, and they lack a strong man like you! Come on! Don't pity me just because I'm a delicate flower!"

The crowd is boiling!

Several of Zhu Qiang's men were sweating profusely, and their legs were shaking like chaff!

Even the courage to escape is gone!

It's too fierce!

Are Feng Lang and Ma Chengfeng stupid? Don't they know to investigate first?

What kind of people dare to offend?

Thinking of the provocation against Jiang Fan just now, a group of people almost almost peeed!

"You guys, the yelling was so fierce just now!"

Jiang Fan shook his hand casually, and looked at Zhu Qiang's men coldly!


A group of people kneel down at the same time!

"Big, big, big brother! I, we, we are just a bunch of chores!"

"Yes, big brother! Please, oh oh... please, let us go!"

"We, we are just eating a meal!"

"Yes, yes! It's all Feng Lang, and Ma Chengfeng, I, we, we are innocent! Uuuuu..."

Several men, howling and crying!

Looking at Zhu Qiang's appearance, in the second half of his life, apart from a wheelchair, there is probably nothing more suitable for his transportation!

They don't want to be like this!

"One person, one leg! Climb out of Los Angeles for me!"

Jiang Fan was completely indifferent to the pleading of several men!

Instead, grinned!

It's like a brutal monster looking down on the ants!


A group of men were stunned!

However, before they could react, Jiang Fan had already aimed at one of them and kicked it out!


There was a bang!

The man kicked by Jiang Fan suddenly spouted blood!

Half of the chest, almost collapsed in!

The man couldn't even make a scream, just two strange screams of "Hoho", rolled his eyes, and didn't know whether he was alive or dead!

Everyone gasped!

Too ruthless!

There is no such thing as his own, and he is qualified to bargain with him!

A few men didn't dare to talk anymore, they just picked up the tables and chairs of the roadside stall, smashed them on their legs!

"Boom boom boom!"

Several men smashed their legs desperately, but they didn't even scream half-heartedly!

The crowd onlookers looked at this scene in disbelief, they couldn't believe their eyes!

With the "click" sound keeps ringing!

Almost all of the men fainted!

Until then, Jiang Fan dismissed it with a smile and left leisurely!

Only left, a group of admiring passers-by looking at his back!

at the same time!

29 Honghe Road!

This is a single-family courtyard!

On the gate, there is also a plaque with the four characters "Dao Fa Natural"!

"Lu He, this is the place you said?"

Feng Jin asked with a puzzled look!


Lu He nodded hard, and at the same time, a ruthless look flashed in his eyes!

Since he knew that he was going to Zhongmao Building, he came here specially to prevent Jiang Fan from raising moths, and he first asked for a few safe charms!

Unexpectedly, this talisman paper is not useful for fart!

On the contrary, if it weren't for Jiang Fan, a few of them would definitely be dead!


Lu He knocked **** the courtyard door!

After a while, a teenager came to open the door!

"Huh? Mr. Lu, you..."

Before he finished speaking, Lu He pushed him aside, aggressively, and rushed inside!

At this moment, in a room inside!

"Master Huang, please also take care of it!"

A fat-headed, extravagant man with a respectful face, looking at an old man on the opposite side!

This old man is well-proportioned, with a clear face, three long beards under his jaw, and looks like a fairy bone!

It is really a well-known zodiac in the Fengshui world of Los Angeles!

"Boss Wang, don't worry. Speaking of Xiangzhai's exorcism, I don't dare to belittle myself, but I have some skill. You can just take care of me!"

The Zodiac said with a smile!

"Master You Lao!"

Upon hearing this, Boss Wang was overjoyed!

Directly, beckon to the next man behind him!

He brought a suitcase directly!

When you opened it, they were all piles of hundred-dollar bills!

Full of hundreds of thousands!


Master Huang smiled with satisfaction!

Just prepare and ask someone to accept it!


At this moment!

The door of the room was suddenly kicked open!

"Old liar! You **** dare to be here!"

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