The zodiac trembled all over, tears, saliva, snot, and blood all over his face in an instant!

But by the way, I couldn't even say a word!

His mind is blank now, and even his soul seems to be completely broken up!

And as the Zodiac received a heavy blow, the formation was immediately broken without attacking!

Xiao Hu on one side was completely dumbfounded!

It's so cruel!

Actually, the master's Xiang has been typed out!

It's simply a beast!

No way!

Run quickly! Otherwise, I am afraid that I will be implicated in a while!

Xiao Hu thought of this, and ran out of the door!

However, when he arrived at the door, he suddenly bumped into someone!

"Damn! Are you blind?"

The visitor was staggered when he was hit, and he was furious!

Lift a foot, directly, kick the little Hu out!

This man is stocky and sturdy, with seven or eight rings on his carrot-thick fingers, with a fierce look on his face!

"Master Tu?"

Xiao Hu shook his whole body in shock!

This person, named Tu Kang, is a famous figure in Los Angeles!

People who know him call him, butcher!

Just because he is brutal, just like a butcher who kills pigs!

Once, he directly used both hands to squeeze the bones of a person who offended him!

"That's right! Find your master, let him give it to Lao Tzu, do the math!"

Tu Kang looked gloomy!

"Me, my master..."

Xiao Hu was crying and frightened, looking at Jiang Fan!

Tu Kang frowned suddenly, followed Xiao Hu's gaze, and looked over!

However, when he saw Jiang Fan, Tu Kang was stunned!

Damn it!

Too ruthless!

At this moment, Jiang Fan has a hideous look, and his whole body is full of endless tyrannical aura!

Cooperating with the miserable zodiac on the opposite side, it is extremely cruel!


Who is this kid?

Actually, the zodiac's **** was shot out!

It's more cruel than yourself!

Tu Kang's arrogant look, disappeared, completely clean! Two drops of cold sweat appeared on his forehead!

"Help, help..."

Seeing Tu Kang's arrival, the Zodiac, reluctantly, groaned out!

Tu Kang frowned when he heard the zodiac call for help!

Although he was cruel, he was an out-and-out dutiful son!

His father was seriously ill and time is running out. The last wish of the old man is to find a treasured land of geomantic omen!

Today, he made a special trip to find the Zodiac, Xiangyin Zhai!

Therefore, the zodiac cannot die!

However, even though Jiang Fan is wearing the clothes of a takeaway, he is full of momentum and is obviously not a good crop!

If you want to save the zodiac, you must offend the other party!

Tu Kang hesitated again and again, and finally gritted his teeth!


Tu Kang shouted!

Then he waved his hand suddenly!


The footsteps sounded one after another, and a dozen or so men rushed in directly outside the gate!

These people are all thugs brought out by Tu Kang, and their strength is far beyond ordinary gangsters! One pick five, absolutely no problem!

The most important thing is not the strength of these people, but the people behind them!

Tu Kang, but the leader of Los Angeles, Lu Zhenglong's henchmen!

Even if Niu Xinghe, the boss of Underground Black Fist, sees him, he must be respectful!


However, Jiang Fan looked at Tu Kang with a smile, and then looked at the Zodiac again as if nothing had happened!

"Old guy, no one can save you without my permission!"


"This kid, dare to be so presumptuous!"

"Asshole! Do you know, who are we?"

"This is the famous Tu Kang in Los Angeles, Tuye!"

"Moreover, Master Tu is still Elder Lu's confidant! As long as Master Tu says a word, the entire city of Los Angeles will tremble!"

"Boy, you really took the courage of the bear! No matter who you are, today, we will teach you how to behave!"

A group of big men, furious, prepared to rush towards Jiang Fan!

At this moment!

"A bunch of bastards! Shut up for me!"

Tu Kang suddenly shouted!

Everyone was stunned!

Looking at Tu Kang blankly!

"What's wrong with Master Tu?"

"I don't know, look at him, his complexion seems particularly ugly!"

"It must be mad at this kid!"

"So, his old man, does he want to do it himself?"

"That's right! It must be like this! Master Tu made a shot, then, there is a good show to watch!"

"Huh! Who made this kid so rampant? Hey!"

A group of gangsters were suddenly excited!

After all, squeezing the bones with bare hands, only a ruthless character like Tu Kang can do it!

For a while, make sure that this kid, like the zodiacal, has a flow of excrement and urine!

"Great! Master, you can help!"

Even Xiao Hu has a happy face!

However, beyond everyone's expectations!

Tu Kang unexpectedly faced Jiang Fan directly and owed his body!

"This gentleman, your subordinates are ignorant, don't be surprised!"

Tu Kang's voice is surprisingly respectful!

A group of big guys were stunned!

Open your mouth, incredible, looking at Tu Kang!

It was the first time they saw Tu Kang like this!

Before, even in the face of Lu Zhenglong, Tu Kang was very arrogant!

However, they didn't know at all. Just now, Jiang Fan almost didn't scare Tu Kang to pee!

What kind of look is that!

It was like a prehistoric tyrannosaurus with sharp teeth, lazily looking down at a mouse!

Even Lu Zhenglong never had such a look in his eyes!

Especially when Jiang Fan was watching, he only felt that his heart had stopped beating!

The opponent is definitely, the real, the strong!

"No wonder, nothing to do with you, let's go!"

Jiang Fan replied lazily!

"Thank you sir, thank you sir!"

Tu Kang, wiped the cold sweat on his forehead vigorously!

After that, he hesitated for a while, unexpectedly, put on a smiling face!

"This time I accidentally offended Mr., I'm willing to pay one million, and make money for Mr.'s alcohol to make a penalty!"

"It's just that, sir, my father is seriously ill. I'm afraid he won't live long!"

"This time, it is his old man, hoping to find a cemetery!"

"Sir, please, for the sake of the old man's short-term life, let go of the Zodiac for the time being!"

"As long as the husband can agree, I Tu Kang, I am willing to do anything for him!"

With a humble smile on his face, Tu Kang looked at Jiang Fan cautiously!

A group of big guys are completely stupid!

"Tu Ye, he was right, is this person so respectful?"

"Moreover, unexpectedly, he took the initiative to apologize for losing money?"

"The most terrible thing is that Master Tu, who was scared, has become civilized!"

"Even Master Lu, Master Tu dare to go up and shout!"

"My God! Could it be that the background of this takeaway is bigger than Lord Lu?"

"How is this possible? He is just a takeaway!"

A group of big men, full of horror, looked at Jiang Fan!

"You mean, want this old guy, give it to you, Xiangyin House?"

Jiang Fan looked at Tu Kang curiously!


"Okay! If you think you are a filial son, I will help you!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

Everyone, immediately, they all breathed a sigh of relief!

Especially the Zodiac!

Suddenly a fierce light appeared in this old guy's eyes!

Humph! Boy, if you don't kill me today, it's you, the biggest mistake in this life!

Actually, dare to beat me like this! If you don't want your magic weapon, I will let the master come over and kill you!


Just when the Zodiac thought triumphantly!

Jiang Fan's expression sank suddenly!

Suddenly, a punch blasted out!

In the middle, the zodiac's heart!


The clothes of the zodiac's upper body suddenly exploded and shattered!

The whole person, even more so, was hit by this punch, flying upside down, blasting through the wall!


There is another loud noise!

Starting from the wall that was smashed by the Zodiac, countless thick cracks, in an instant, covered the entire house!

Then, in the horrified eyes of everyone, the house collapsed!

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