Blood Jade Minor Coin (Black Iron Grade): This is the coin used by ancient alchemists to contact the Yinling, but it seems that it has been soaked in blood!

Note: With this item, you will randomly summon a helper from the evil spirits, evil spirits, evil soldiers, ghost generals, and ghost kings!

Tip: The summoned object needs to continuously **** the host's essence to exist. If the host's essence is insufficient, the summoned object will disappear automatically! The host can also cancel the summoning state by itself!

Actually, the highest can summon the ghost king?

The strength of the evil spirit in the Zhongmao Building is only about level five, but it has already caused the entire Luocheng Feng Shui master to be overwhelmed!

What kind of strength does the ghost king who is at least two to three grades higher than it?

However, Jiang Fan shook his head as soon as he saw the evaluation of the Black Iron Rank!

The system's item classification is extremely fair!

Since the system gives a black iron rating, it proves that if you want to summon the ghost king, the probability is not only low, it is even more difficult than the two-color ball in the tenth period!

Otherwise, the evaluation of this thing must be at least Silver!

However, anyway, it is something for nothing!

Jiang Fan smiled, put away the Blood Jade Ming Coins, and immediately restarted the food delivery!

"Didi! You have a new takeaway order!"

"Didi! You have a new takeaway order!"


Today’s orders continue to flow, and Jiang Fan is refreshed!

Soon, it was ten o'clock!

"Okay! Close work!"

After eating a fried rice on the side of the road, Jiang Fan was about to go home at this moment!

"Come on! Someone robbed!"

The scream of a man suddenly sounded!


Jiang Fan raised his eyebrows, and suddenly saw that, not far away, a thin man ran past!

Behind him, a thin man was yelling and desperately chasing after him!

Under the illumination of this bright street lamp, he dared to grab it!

Jiang Fan stepped on the bicycle and pedaled!


But within three breaths, he has already chased behind the robber!


Jiang Fan kicked it out, and the robber suddenly screamed and hit the big tree on the side of the road!


With a muffled sound, the hapless guy rolled his eyes before he even screamed and fainted!

Jiang Fan, on the other hand, tilted the handlebar lightly, and the bicycle took a turn and stopped steadily!

"So handsome!"

"This little brother's skill is really neat!"

"Is it a veteran?"

"I think it's the king of soldiers!"

The crowd applauded!

Applaud to Jiang Fan!

"Sir, thank you, thank you!"

At this moment, the man also chased up panting, with a grateful expression, looking at Jiang Fan!

"Hey? Are you a foreigner?"

I saw that this man was twenty-seven or eighteen years old, with short blond hair and handsome features, especially those sky-blue eyes, like gems!

This is a really good foreign guy!

"I am Italian, my name is Andrew! Andrew Elisandro! Thank you, sir!"

Andrew looked grateful!

However, probably because of excitement, what he said was actually Italian!

"You're welcome, it's a trivial matter! See how little you have!"


Andrew took his backpack from the robber and immediately checked it carefully!

"Thank God! The money is here! Paintbrush, magnifying glass, tweezers, tape measure..."

Andrew double-checked it again, and he was relieved!

"It's all here! Hey?"

Andrew was taken aback!

"You, how can you speak Italian so fluently?"

The crowd reacted at this time!

"What did the little brother say to this foreign devil? Why can't you understand a word?"

"It seems to be, Italian!"


"Really? The current takeaways not only deliver food, they also catch thieves! Even if they catch thieves, they can even speak Italian!"

"No wonder I didn't pass the registered rider some time ago. It turns out that the requirements for delivery of food are so high!"

The crowd was shocked!


In the past, it was difficult to find the police. Now, if you have difficulty, order a takeaway!

"It's just a little bit! Since you have a lot of stuff, goodbye!"

Jiang Fan said, ready to leave!

"and so on!"

Andrew hurriedly stopped Jiang Fan!

"Sir, you have helped me so much, these money is for you!"

As Andrew said, he directly drew a thousand yuan and handed it to Jiang Fan!

"No need! Acting bravely for righteousness is the fine tradition of our Huaxia people!"

Andrew was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes lit up!

"It's a great Huaxia! Your quality is too noble!"

"But! Our family has never liked to owe favors! Please let me, invite you to have a cup of coffee, and express our gratitude!"


Jiang Fan nodded!

Soon, the two came to a cafe!

"Sir, your Italian is really great!"

"I have never seen anyone who can speak up to your standards!"

As soon as the two of them sat down, Andrew looked at Jiang Fan with admiration!

"Where is it! Your Chinese is also very good!"

"Yes! Because I have admired Chinese culture since I was a child! So, I started to learn Chinese at the age of five! I can not only speak, but also write!"

Andrew looked excited!

"Then what are you doing in China now?"

Jiang Fan was suddenly curious!

"I am a lecturer in the Department of Fine Arts at the University of Los Angeles! At the same time, I am also an expert in oil painting appraisal!"

Andrew looked proud!

However, he immediately changed his face to fear!

"Originally, I just helped a gentleman to appraise oil paintings today, and I was about to go home. Unexpectedly, this happened to me!"

"Fortunately to meet you, otherwise, I will be in trouble!"

"By the way, I don't know yet, your name!"

"My name is Jiang Fan, I'm a takeaway!"

The two chatted a few more words. Seeing that it was not early, Jiang Fan said goodbye immediately!

Seeing Jiang Fan disappearing on the street, Andrew showed a hint of a meaningful smile!

"Jiang Fan...hehe! Unexpectedly, things will go so smoothly!"

Early the next morning, Jiang Fan washed up, but did not return to Lanying, instead, went straight to the suburbs!

Today is Friday, it is the day for the selection of venues in the Seven Kingdoms Contest!

Soon, Jiang Fan came to the Wonderland in the suburbs!

Strange Fun Park is the largest amusement center in Los Angeles. It not only has all kinds of top game equipment, but also a large venue for various reality shows!

Its overall land area is like a small town!

However, the owner of this place has a mysterious identity, and no one has ever seen it!

When Jiang Fan rushed to the Seven Kingdoms Tournament, many people had already arrived here!

Murongcui, Hong Lei and others are actually there!

"Hey? You guys didn't go to class well, why did you run out?"

"Hey! Today is the day of the lottery after all, so why don't we look at luck too!"

"Whatever you get is nothing! Anyway, the overall situation is determined!"

Jiang Fan smiled confidently!

"Hey hey hey! Jiang Fan, this is not the time to pretend to be forceful!"

"Yes! The venue is very important!"

"If we draw a terrain that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, we can increase our chances of winning a lot!"

A group of students were talking babbledly, and a young man with good looks suddenly walked up on the podium not far away!

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