Seeing Lee Jae-gyeong hung up, everyone just felt relieved!

Especially Du Minjun, with a grateful expression, looked at Jiang Fan!

Once Lee Jae-kyung died, even if he didn't have him, Cheon Song Yi would not be in danger!

"Benefactor! Thank you!"

Du Minjun bowed deeply to Jiang Fan!

It's a pity that he will leave the earth soon!

Moreover, I have to trouble Jiang Fan to take care of Qian Songyi for a while!

I really don’t know how to repay Jiang Fan!

"Don't rush to thank you, eat the fried chicken first!"

Just now, Do Minjun just drank beer, but he hasn't eaten the fried chicken yet!

If the takeaway order is not completed, Jiang Fan can't go back!


Du Minjun opened the takeaway, and suddenly, a strong fragrance rushed directly into everyone's nostrils!

"It's so fragrant!"

Do Minjun can't control it at all!

Eat desperately!

"It smells good!"

"Strange! How can this fried chicken have a strange power!"

"No! I feel that my body is getting better!"

"The feeling of weakness is gone!"

Do Minjun looked shocked!

Then, suddenly looked at his flower pond!

There, a piece of green grass that had withered so much, actually, visible to the naked eye, was reborn!

That green grass represents his life!

The rebirth of the grass proves that there is no life crisis anymore!

"Oh my God!"


"Benefactor, your takeaway can actually affect time!"

Du Minjun was completely stunned!

Jiang Fan, he must be a person of the tenth dimension!

Otherwise, the fairy character of China!

However, Jiang Fan was slightly startled when he heard Du Minjun's words!

Can your own takeaway affect time?

Jiang Fan has always known that his takeaway has a magical ability!

The bonus to the characters in the plot is simply outrageous!

And although his talent for awakening has only been used twice, it has something to do with takeaway!

However, he did not know the reason!

Hearing Du Minjun's words now, he suddenly thought of a possibility!

Could it be that the takeaway and yourself carried the energy of the time when they were crossing?


However, this is not the time to study this!

"Du Minjun, from now on, you can be with Qian Songyi forever!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

Do Minjun trembled all over!

And Qian Songyi, also bursting into tears, looked at Jiang Fan!


They can finally live with their lover!

This is all because of Jiang Fan!

"Thank you!"

The two bowed deeply to Jiang Fan!

"You're welcome!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

After the order is completed, it's time to return to see the rewards!

But at this moment!

"Ouba! Wait!"

It was actually Liu Shimei who spoke!

"Is there a problem?"

"Oba, you can save even Professor Du, so can you help me?"

"I want to ask you to make Hwigyeong fall in love with me!"

Liu Shimei, with a look of expectation, looked at Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan was slightly startled!

Liu Shimei is a completely tragic character!

Although he has been black for a while, he is still a kind person after all!

But, until the end, she didn't get that true love!

"Ask what love in the world is, and teach life and death!"

"Semi, if you don't let it go, you will never get it!"

Jiang Fan gently patted her hair!

"If you don't let go, you will never get it?"

Liu Shimei slowly chewed these two sentences, suddenly burst into tears!

"Ouba! Thank you! I get it!"

Liu Shimei smiled and suddenly hugged Jiang Fan hard!

Damn it!

This is the first time that the customer is so excited!

Jiang Fan patted Liu Shimei on the shoulder in embarrassment!

"You're welcome! I wish you all happiness!"


Jiang Fan waved his hand, the next moment, a white light shone, Jiang Fan completely disappeared!


Jiang Fan has returned to the system space!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 463 causality points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the worship of Qian Songyi-the halo of the heroine!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for receiving Liu Shimei's gratitude-Female No. 2 counterattack!"

"Ding! Because Du Minjun's gratitude to you exceeded the extreme value, you got two ability draw rewards!"


Jiang Fan's eyes lit up!


The chance of getting a mind control is definitely greatly increased!

However, the main thing is behind!

Jiang Fan first took out the "poisonous nail ring"!

This thing is completely a silver ring formed by twisting and coiling a nail!

Poison Nail Ring: Bronze Jewelry

Level requirement: Level 5

Additional attribute: death mark

Whenever you turn the ring, you can mark the target you want to kill! The marked person will have a flaw between 0 and 3 seconds!

This effect is refreshed every 24 hours! And as the opponent's level increases, the effect diminishes!

Remarks: Ha ha! Five cents for a nail! But I surrounded him, and his value skyrocketed!


Jiang Fan frowned!

This is the first time I have gotten jewelry equipment!

Moreover, the effect is so powerful!

Putting on the ring happily, Jiang Fan looked directly at the rest of the rewards!

The halo of the heroine is a crown that exudes dim brilliance!

Heroine Halo: Want to become a heroine? Just beautiful!

Note: Use this item, you will have the heroine aura!


Sure enough, women are the most unreliable!

This thing is useless!

Jiang Fan looked at the counterattack of the female number two again!

This thing is a white windbreaker!

The counterattack of the female number two: this is the treasure that all female number two dream of!

Note: With this item, the female number two will replace the protagonist in an instant!


This prop is kind of interesting!

Jiang Fan vaguely felt that this thing might be of great use in the future!

Next, it's the highlight!

Jiang Fan directly called out the ability draw!

Suddenly, a big disc appeared in front of Jiang Fan!

On the disc, it is written teleportation, mind control, flight, time stationary, sensory enhancement, danger prediction, and so on!

And below the disc, there is a red arrow!

As long as you turn the disc and the arrow points to it, you can get which ability!

Jiang Fan eagerly fists, and then suddenly turned against the disc!


The disc spins quickly!

Jiang Fan looked forward to it!

Soon, the speed of the disc's rotation became slower and slower, and finally, it stopped on one grid!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for extracting the ability-danger prediction!"

Danger prediction: The host will vaguely sense the impending crisis!

From the perspective of the entire film and television world, although Du Minjun's abilities have a wide variety, their strength is obviously the lowest category!

Therefore, the ability to predict danger, which should have been very powerful, was directly weakened to the extreme!

It's ok!

One more time!

Jiang Fan looked expectant and turned the disc again!


As the speed of the disc decreases, the pointer is getting closer and closer to the control!

Jiang Fan was very excited!

As long as you get mind control, even the lowest mind control, your own strength will appear once, a qualitative leap!

Seeing that the speed of the disc has been as low as its limit, it is about to coincide with Mind Control!

But at this moment!

Probably because of inertia, the disc suddenly trembled!

Mind control and pointer, suddenly passed by!

"Lao Tzu's mind control!"

Jiang Fan howled miserably!

At this moment, I felt my heart was breaking!

However, this is fate!

Fortunately, the way to get control of mind is not only this one!

Take a look first and get what it is!

Jiang Fan looked at the disc with disappointment!

But the next moment, he opened his eyes directly!

How come, get this ability? !

Like the god-level takeaway from the world, please collect it: ( The literature of the god-level takeaway from the world is the fastest to update.

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