Death Speed ​​is about the extremely **** show called Death Speed ​​in Jidao Prison!

Criminals are racing in vehicles that have been modified and equipped with countless weapons!

Although the fatality rate is extremely high, as long as you win five times, you can be free!

Frankenstein, who had been a racing champion for four times, died in the last race against Joe Cannon because of the warden's conspiracy!

In order to increase the ratings, the warden sent criminals to kill the wife of the former famous driver Jason, and blame Jason, let him enter the prison disguised as the new Frankenstein!

For the sake of freedom and daughter Jason, under the threat of the warden, he can only obediently obey!

So, an ultimate game for freedom and revenge began!


Jiang Fan reappeared, already on a spacious track!

At this moment, the two cars are speeding in tandem!

It's just that one of them is actually facing the front of the car behind, and it is actually driving backwards!

And unlike normal racing cars, these two cars are more like two mobile firepower platforms than cars!

"Da da da da!"

"Boom boom!"

Both vehicles are equipped with heavy machine guns, and they are firing at each other violently at the moment!

Almost for an instant, there were countless deep bullet marks on the bulletproof armor outsourcing of the two cars, and sparks spattered everywhere!

It's just obvious that the firepower of a reversing car is not as good as another car!

Not only the bulletproof armor has cracked, but there are countless cracks on the bulletproof car windows!

Seeing, a car window burst is a dead end!

And Jiang Fan finally knows what time period is coming!

According to the original plot, it is Jason and Pechak who are fighting at the moment!

The reason why Jason came to the prison was precisely because the warden Hennessy instructed Pechak to kill Jason's wife and frame Jason!

In the face of killing his wife and his enemies, Jason hated Pechak!

Killed Pechak at this time!

But looking at the current situation, it is obvious that Jason is not Pechak's opponent at all!

"Hahaha! You are dead! You are dead!"

Pechak, with three "7s" tattooed on his forehead, laughed wildly!

"Jason! You trash! I not only killed your wife, but now I am going to kill you!"

"Go to hell! You trash! Hahaha!"

Pechak pulled the trigger frantically!

But Jason's face was pale at the moment, and Natalie on one side was even more pale!

"Jason! Hurry up and avoid it! Can't continue to bombard!"

"His weapon is too strong, and the armor is heavier than ours!"

"Go on, we will definitely die!"

Natalie screamed!

"No! The front of the car is stuck and can't move!"

Jason hit the steering wheel hard, but it was useless!

At this moment, there was a crisp sound on the bulletproof car window!

That's a signal that the bulletproof glass is about to explode!

Faced with Pechak's powerful firepower, once the car window shatters, the two will definitely die!

damn it!

I have no revenge yet!

Really unwilling!

Can anyone help me!

Jason was desperate and could only wait to die!

At this moment!


A fast indescribable light and shadow suddenly jumped out of the diagonal, and slammed into Pechak's car!

next moment!


Pechak's car was hit and flew sideways, rolling in the air several times, and then with a "boom", it hit the ground heavily!

Everyone was stunned!

At this moment, the warden Hennessy, who was watching the big screen, screamed!

"what happened!"

A group of her subordinates suddenly started playing the video upside down!

Soon, after slowing down by 32 times, everyone was shocked to see that at the moment Jason was about to be smashed into the car window, a bicycle that did not know where it came from was like a cannonball , Slammed into Pechak's car!

At the moment when the two collided, the armor on Pechak's car suddenly twisted, and the windows of the next few cars exploded almost at the same time!

The next moment, his car flew high and rolled in the air for a full eight times before it hit the ground helplessly!

"Since, bicycle?!"

"Are you **** teasing me?"

Hennessy's eyes were bigger than Niu Bao!

The rest of the staff is even more confused!

"Well, what kind of bicycle is this?"

"Difficult, does Pechak want to touch porcelain?"

"What a joke! Obviously it was destroyed by violence!"

"Oh my God! The bicycle crashed into a heavy firepower car. Did I take drugs too much?"

"The point is! Who is the one who rides the bike with his back to us?"

Everyone looked at the screen blankly!

Hennessy roared suddenly!

"Within three minutes, I need to know what brand this bike is!"

"Also! Check it out for me! Who the **** is this biker!"


A group of people trembled!

At this moment, the most daunting ones are undoubtedly the two Jasons!

It's too fierce!

Is this really a bicycle?

Could it be a cruise missile in the shape of a bicycle?

The two looked at the front blankly, their big eyes filled with the confusion of facing life!

At this time, Jiang Fan had already got off the bike and came directly to the dumbfounded Jason and Natalie!


Jiang Fan tapped the car window lightly!

Only then did Jason react, opened the door and rushed out!

"Thank you! Thank you so much!"

Jason looked at Jiang Fan with gratitude!

"Thank you! Handsome guy!"

Natalie also looked grateful!

If it weren't for the cyclist who suddenly rushed out, they would be dead!

The key is that this man is so handsome!

It just made her heartbeat!

"a piece of cake!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Benefactor! I don't know what you call it yet!"

"My name is Jiang Fan!"

"Jiang Fan? You, you are from Huaxia!"

Jason looked excited!

No wonder it was so fierce that a bicycle could be used to knock over a car!

And looking at Hennessy here through the monitor was even more shocked!

This kid is actually a Chinese!

This bicycle is definitely a new secret weapon developed by China Huaxia!

Moreover, it must be a super individual weapon!

No wonder it's so powerful!

Produced by Huaxia, it must be a boutique!

Hennessy is excited!

"Contact Huaxia! I want to order a bicycle!"

Hennessy spoke proudly!

If you use this bicycle race, you can definitely create a new audience rating!


At this moment, there was a muffled noise from Pechak's car!

Immediately afterwards, Pechak, who was dying, barely crawled out of the car!

He is not dead yet!

"You bastard! You dare to hit me!"

Pechak stared at Jiang Fan fiercely!

"I want you to die! I want to kill you!"

"Unfortunately, you have no chance!"

Jiang Fan sneered and suddenly looked at Jason!

"Go! Get revenge on your wife!"


Jason's eyes went red when he saw Pechak!

Hearing Jiang Fan's words, he suddenly rushed to Pechak and grabbed Pechak by the neck!

"Jason! Are you crazy?"

"This is in the arena! You can't kill me!"

"Otherwise, Hennessy will not let you go!"

"Don't forget! Your daughter is still in her hands!"

Pechak looked sulky!

Jason suddenly became stiff!

Like the god-level takeaway from the world, please collect it: ( The literature of the god-level takeaway from the world is the fastest to update.

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