As Dou Liankui raised his hand, a jet black smoke with a strong smell of fishy smell suddenly filled the entire hall!

This is a unique skill that can only be mastered by the children of the Dou family, the corpse poison is really Qi!

Extract the corpse poison from the zombies, inhale it into the body through a special mental method, and then spit out with the true energy!

A living person will become a walking dead in a few minutes at most!

Moreover, even if the master is one level higher than the Dou family's children, there is a risk of being beheaded by them!

The Dou family was able to dominate Xichuan for many years because of corpse alchemy and this corpse poison innocence!

Even the seven giants and the four largest families will not easily provoke them!

Seeing the corpse poison squirt out, the Bao family suddenly started to **** in fright!

"Don't! Forgive me!"

"We were wrong! We were wrong!"

"It's Jiang Fan! It's all Jiang Fan's idea!"

"We are all victims!"

"Please, let us go!"

The Bao family cried loudly for an instant!

There is no longer the arrogant arrogance before!

The Pang family's group of people was even more shocked. The eyes that looked at Dou Liankui already brought a trace of fear and ecstasy!

Facing the Bao family begging for mercy, Dou Liankui just sneered!

Soon, except Bao Zhenrong, everyone in the Bao family turned black and convulsed all over!

At the same time, the eyes are even more red, and the mouth is full of saliva!

"Spare, spare..."

Bao Zhenrong groaned desperately!

"Hehe, I didn't expect your resistance to corpse poison to be so strong!"

There was a sneer at the corner of Dou Liankui's mouth!

"But the stronger the resistance, the more painful it will only be! Remember, don't do wrong things in your next life!"

"I, I... kill, kill... Jiang... Fan..."

Bao Zhenrong trembled all over, looked to the north steadily, and finally roared, completely losing his mind!

His vitality has been cut off and he has completely become a walking corpse!

"Huh! Now, do you still want to kill me for Jiang Fan? You guys are really affectionate and righteous!"

"But! The next one I want to kill is him!"

"You just wait to meet in hell!"

Dou Liankui sneered!

Then waved!

next moment!

These walking corpses suddenly howled in pain, and their whole bodies began to dry up!

Then countless corpses rushed out of their eyes, ears, nose, and nose!

Dou Liankui opened his mouth and swallowed the corpse qi directly!

A black air suddenly appeared on his face, and then gradually disappeared!

"Yes! Normally, there is no such opportunity to speed up cultivation, but the Bao family deserves it. If you use them to practice qigong, even Tianding Shiji can't fault it!"

Dou Liankui smiled triumphantly!

"What the third brother said is, anyway, these **** should be damned, it is better to practice the functions for the third brother!"

Dou Guizhi nodded repeatedly!

"Well! Guizhi, Shifang, the next thing is left to you! I need to digest these corpses, don't disturb me for now!"

"I know the third brother!"

The two nodded quickly!

"As for that Jiang Fan, when I absorb these corpses, I will kill him!"


Dou Guizhi and Pang Xiwen looked happy!

"Humph! Jiang Fan! Wait for your death!"

"Hehehe, Jiang Fan, I want to break all your bones!"

The eyes of the two are full of sternness!

Only Pang Shifang, hesitating to speak but stop!

But seeing Dou Liankui with an arrogant face, and his excited wife and children, he was clever not to speak!


Los Angeles!

Jiang Fan hung up the phone and his face suddenly became gloomy!

The Dou family came far faster than he thought!

According to Jiang Fan's previous speculation, at least three days will be left before they arrive!

It seems that the Dou family attaches more importance to Dou Guizhi than he thought!

But it's okay, then a quick fight!

Besides, Ding Xuan has to hurry up!

Jiang Fan had a faint hunch, an inexplicable danger seemed to be approaching!

After thinking about it, Jiang Fan suddenly took out a silver ring!

There is also a pattern of thorns engraved on the ring!

This thing is exactly the ring of thorns given to him by Isaac, the leader of the "Sword of Thorns" at that time!

Owning the Ring of Thorns, the position in this power is the "Lord of Thorns" second only to Isaac!

You can mobilize two "hands with swords" at any time!

However, according to what Douglas brothers and sisters said before, the "hand holding the sword" is at least the thirteenth level, and once they find that the strength of the thorn lord is not enough, they will replace it!

Jiang Fan put on the ring and turned it slightly!

The pattern of thorns on the ring suddenly lit up with a red light!

It's just that the red light was fleeting, and the entire ring returned to its usual appearance again!

"The strength is still too weak. With this amount of manpower, it is the limit to barely eat a second-class first-class family! It is far from reaching the point where it can truly destroy the Zhou family!"

Jiang Fan shook his head, frowning!

Before facing the Zhou family, he seemed to have the upper hand, but in fact it was just the Zhou family's rat avoidance device!

He didn't want to take the entire Zhou family for such a desperate man!

What's more, the masters of the Zhou family are all in retreat. As long as one exits, Jiang Fan will not escape!

And Jiang Fan also took advantage of the situation to force Zhou Yuanwang to sign the contract in exchange for three years!

Within three years, Jiang Fan is absolutely confident to create a terrorist force that will crush the Zhou family!

It's a pity that all this was disrupted by Zhou Ning!

Fortunately, Zhou's family still underestimated themselves, and didn't expect that only the Grand Master could really threaten them!

In other words, the period of time until Zhou's family discovered that except for the Grand Master could kill him, it was a period of steady development for his own!

You must make good use of it!

This is why Jiang Fan is anxious to take action against the Dou family and the Ding family when he is still young!

People must be gathered as soon as possible to become stronger!


And just when Jiang Fan turned the ring!

On an unknown island!


There was a blast, and suddenly resounded across the sky!

Immediately afterwards, an unusually burly man with a height of two meters suddenly rushed out of a rainforest and ran to a sandy beach!

This brawny man weighed at least three hundred catties visually!

It's almost like a humanoid tank!

And his aura has reached a full thirteenth level!

But at this moment, this big man is covered with fine scars, his face is horrified!

It was as if something terrifying behind him was chasing him!

"Damn it! The ship! Where is the ship!"

The strong man suddenly roared!

At the same time, he looked behind him with more horror!


Suddenly there was a sound of fine footsteps in the rain forest!

Immediately afterwards, a sweet voice suddenly sounded!

"Hehehe! Big man, your men are all dead, how can you think of running for your life?"

Accompanied by this sound, a little boy who seemed to be only about eight or nine years old, suddenly walked briskly out of the rain forest!

This little boy has short blond hair, and his eyes are like two green gems. He is wearing a set of short-sleeved shorts, just like a pupil in a noble school!

Only when he saw this boy, the burly man trembled all over!

"Don't come over! Don't come over!"

Such a strong man is actually fearing this child!

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