
A few people just got ready to bugger!

"Where are you going?"

Jiang Fan has already spoken with a smile!

"Hehe, teacher, we, let's go back to class!"

"Not bad, this mentality is worthy of praise!"

"Then, then we're leaving?"

"Don't worry! In view of your serious study attitude, this time, the average score of the few of you has increased very well!"


Lu He's eyes widened!

"What are you kidding?"

"How is this possible!"

"The average score increases by ten, that is, almost every subject will have to add ten!"

"We are notoriously poor! Have you made a mistake!"

Several people looked annoyed!

"Is the poor grade still justified? Okay, then I will go to the class and say, let everyone increase by ten!"

Jiang Fan nodded!

"It's almost the same!"

Lu He smiled triumphantly!


"Almost a fart!"

Feng Jin roared!

"You two have long brains! If those guys knew that it was because of us that the goal of the total score increased by ten, what would they do to us!"

As soon as Feng Jin spoke, Lu He and Liang Kuan were silly!

That's right!

If you let Class Three know that you don't need Jiang Fan to do anything, those angry guys will definitely kill them!

"Jiang Fan! You, you are ruthless!"

"Ten is ten! You wait for me!"

"Huh! Don't be proud of you! When we get sixty points in the test, we will look good with you!"

Several bear children screamed hard and screamed and ran away dingy!

Oh shit!

This time it was a big loss!

Seeing a few bear kids running away, Jiang Fan suddenly smiled comfortably!

But before he entered the school, the phone rang!

Jiang Fan picked it up, and Ding Xuan's voice suddenly sounded!

"Brother Jiang!"

"Big Brother Ding? What's wrong?"

"Well, what do you think of the Ding's information?"

Ding Xuan's voice has a hint of urgency!

"I've finished reading it!"

"Then, do you have any ideas?"

Ding Xuan asked hurriedly!

"Could it be the Ding family contacting you again?"

Jiang Fan asked curiously!

"That's not true, but I was contacted by the family's eyeliner just now. Ding Fang told me about the previous things after returning. My father and the others were quite annoyed! I'm afraid that next time I come over, I will take action!"

"Don't worry, as long as you are in the realm of Los Angeles, no one can hurt your son unless you are a grandmaster!"

"This... OK, OK!"

Ding Xuan really couldn't calm down because of his son's safety!

At this moment, Ding Xuan suddenly heard two knocks on the door!

Then there was a whisper!

It took a full minute before Ding Xuan's voice sounded again!

"Brother Jiang, people have been killed in the mansion here, I have to deal with it, and I'll take care of the Ding family's affairs!"


Jiang Fan was stunned, and an extremely absurd idea suddenly flashed through his mind!

He couldn't help but said, "Is the person who died called Wang Pengfei?"

"Oh? How do you know?"

Ding Xuan exclaimed, and then quickly lowered his voice!

"Brother Jiang, shouldn't you do this thing?"

"Hehe, if I did it, no one would be able to find the corpse! It's not me! You hurry up and deal with it!"

"That's good! I'll hang up first!"

The two ended their conversation, but Jiang Fan's mouth gradually twitched!

"Interesting! So interesting!"

He suddenly turned and left school!

For a whole afternoon, no one knew where Jiang Fan was!

And at this moment, the capital!

"Look, this is my home!"

Song Yue triumphantly pointed at a mansion!

This is a single villa on the Liyun River in the capital. In the golden capital, the price of this piece of land alone has exceeded 500 million!

"very beautiful!"

Gal, who followed Song Yue, nodded in satisfaction!

"Come in! My chef is specially hired from Suzhou, and the craftsmanship is nothing!"

Song Yue went straight into the yard as he said!

Gal followed one step into the villa!

But at this moment, he became stiff, and suddenly looked at the man in the villa yard who was grooming the flower garden!

The man's expression sank likewise, and he slowly turned around!

A look of surprise appeared in the eyes of the two at the same time!

"Huh? What are you doing in a daze?"

Seeing that Gal was motionless, Song Yue was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the man trimming the flower garden!

"Uncle Chen, this is a friend I met in Citi, and his name is Gal!"


Song Chen frowned and looked at Gal!

"How did you meet my lady?"

"A chance encounter on the plane!"

Gal smiled and said, the color of arrogance on his face had completely disappeared!

He never expected that a gardener who he saw would be so tyrannical!

He is a master at level fourteen!

And this man is actually at the fourteenth level!

Huaxia is indeed Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, it seems that he is still a bit low-key!

"A coincidence? How could it be so coincidental?"

Song Chen sneered!

"Uncle Chen! He was just invited by me to be a guest. Why are you asking so much?"

Song Yue grabbed Gal impatiently and walked quickly toward the hall!

"Parents! I'm back!"

Song Yue yelled as he walked, but his parents didn't come out, but an old man who was quite young came out slowly!

"Miss, the master and madam are back to the old house!"

The old man spoke slowly without rushing!

When he saw this old man, Gal was shocked again!

This old man actually reached the fourteenth peak!

"Miss, didn't the lord have instructed you not to lead you to the house casually? The point is, why did you bring back a foreign devil?"

The old man looked at Gal with dissatisfaction!

Song Yue was obviously a little afraid of the old man, and suddenly smiled!

"Uncle Hong, he is my friend, he is not familiar with his life in China, so I have to bring him back!"

"Unfamiliar with the place of life? Not necessarily!"

Hong Bo looked at Gal coldly!

"Hello, sir, my name is Gal, Gal George! I came to China to find someone, Miss Song just wanted to help me!"

Gar hurriedly spoke!

Although they are both at level fourteen, the fourteenth level and the fourteenth peak are completely two states!

The latter definitely has the strength to kill the former!

"George? Are you from the George family in Citigroup?"

Hong Bo frowned!

"Yes it is!"

Gal nodded hurriedly!

Hong Bo looked at Gal carefully, and suddenly spoke!

"You are looking for someone? Who are you looking for?"

The status of the George family in Citi is the same as the status of the seven giants in China!

If they could owe a favor, it would be worth it!

Song Yue looked at Gal immediately!

Gal hesitated, finally took out the picture of Jiang Fan and handed it over respectfully!

Uncle Hong glanced at the photo and suddenly raised his brow!

"Why are you looking for him?"

"Do you know him?"

Gal looked overjoyed!

"you have not answer my question yet!"

Hong Bo's expression sank!

The aura burst out suddenly!

George felt that he couldn't even breathe for a moment, and his body was almost stiff!

However, he still clenched his teeth!

"Yes, sorry sir, it's the secret of our George family, I, I can't say!"

"Since you don't say anything, let's go!"

Hong Bo suddenly grabbed his momentum and waved his hand directly!

But at this moment!

"Uncle Hong! You can help him! Okay!"

Song Yue hugged Hong Bo's arm and shook it vigorously!

Hong Bo frowned!

"Miss, do you know who this person is in the photo?"

"I know, it's Jiang Fan!"

"He is one of the Jiang Feng, the big and young of the Jiang family!"

"So what? Our Song family is still the seven giants!"

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