As soon as Yu Qingzi appeared, Yunlou laughed!

"Friend Yuqing, don't come here unharmed!"

"Hehe, Daoist Yunlou came here, really making Jinglingzong Pengxun shine!"

Yuqingzi also smiled!

"Haha, how dare you!"

"Haha, it's true!"


The two of them laughed twice and were silent collectively!

Gazed at each other for a long time!

for a long time!

"Ahem! Daoist Yunlou came to my Jinglingzong, I don't know what is going on?"

Yuqingzi finally broke the silence!

Your sister!

You finally asked!

Yunlou sneered, but smiled slightly on the face!

"Jing Lingzong refining tools are unique. I just got a treasure a few days ago. I would like to invite Daoist Yuqing to taste it! By the way, see if I can exchange something useful!"

As Yunlou spoke, he took out a small flag embroidered with flowing clouds from the storage bracelet with a proud face!

I don’t know what material it was made of. The flowing clouds on it actually seemed to be real, and they swayed back and forth with the shaking of the flag!

And it's full of aura, and it's not Fanpin at first sight!

At the lowest level, it must be a middle-grade artifact!

According to the differentiation of the cultivation world, refining tools are divided into magic tools and spiritual tools!

The magical artifacts are divided into upper, middle and lower grades, corresponding to Jiang Fan, from black iron to bronze!

The so-called middle grade is somewhere in between!

The spirit tools are also divided into upper, middle and lower grades, from silver to gold!

And above, there are the legendary fairy artifacts, but those things have never been seen before!

At least Yuqingzi has never seen it before!

The same applies to the West, which is divided into magical tools and inheritance tools, and above, there are legendary sacred tools. There is no difference in the level of the two, but the name and the forging process are different!

However, compared with Huaxia's cultivators, the level of Western craftsmanship is obviously incomparable, and not only in the West, in the entire world, when it comes to ironing, there is no one that can compare to cultivators!

And Jiang Fan had spotted this, and only then did he want to do business with cultivators!

After all, the things they cultivated can be exchanged for cause and effect!

As for the use, not to mention whether Jiang Fan is not cultivating or not, just to see that the magical artifact of Yuguangzi was broken by Dou Jinyang when he was hitting the Dou family. You know that the quality of this thing is really worrying!

And the system produced is basically two grades!

Jiang Fan didn't want to use his own life to test the reliability of this thing!

However, there is only one Jiang Fan in this world who can have such a high vision!

Seeing Yunlou took out this small flag, Yu Qingzi's eyes lit up, and he stretched out his hand unconsciously!

"Good thing! Good thing! I'm afraid it is at least a medium-grade artifact!"


Yunlou opened Yuqingzi's hand!

"Haha, Daoist Yuqing, this is not a middle-grade, but a top-grade magic weapon!"

Top grade artifacts, equivalent to bronze level!

Yunlou looked smug!

"Huh! A trivial high-grade artifact! What the hell!"

When someone slapped her hand away, Yu Qingzi was obviously a little angry!

He flipped through the storage bracelet and directly took out a pair of horns!

Then, he looked at Yunlou with a smug look on his face!

"Take a look, what is this!"

This time, before Yunlou had waited to speak, the few Qingyunmen disciples behind him couldn't help it!

"Hehe, Uncle Yuqing, you, are you planning to use this pair of... horns for this Liuyun flag?"

"This claw horn has a unique shape, and it looks like a good pair of goat horns!"

"Uncle Yuqing's hobby is really unique, it seems that Jinglingzong really has nothing good!"

"But no matter how poor it is, it can't be like this, tusk..."

Several Qingyunmen disciples sneered!

The square face behind Yuqingzi was blushing, and he was embarrassed to die on the spot!

Uncle Master, so are you. What do you take out a pair of horns to show off?

Using this gadget to pretend to be a magic weapon, are you really a bunch of fools when you are Qingyunmen?

Zheng Fang just thought of this, but he immediately jumped up when he saw Yunlou!

Suddenly burst out a scream of ecstasy!

"Change! Change now!"

While he was talking, he stretched out his hand to grab the pair of horns!

Unexpectedly, Yu Qingzi unceremoniously slapped Yunlou's hand away, and then lay lazily on the chair!

"Daoist Yunlou, what are you saying stupid? Just your little broken flag, you want to change my baby?"

Everyone was stunned!


"Uncle Yuqing, don't be kidding! This broken horn is also called a baby?"

"Our master just teased you!"

"Hehe, that is, do you think our master is a stupid? Use Liuyun flag for ram's horns?"

Several Qingyunmen disciples laughed loudly!


"Fart! You guys are stupid!"

Yunlou was furious and threw his big mouth directly onto the faces of several disciples!

"A bunch of idiots! Look carefully! What kind of horns is this! These are the horns of Western demons!"


"Western demons?"

The disciples were all stunned!

Even Fang Fang was stunned!

"Yes! The biggest feature of Western demons is that many demons have horns!"

"Moreover, this thing is definitely not the horns of ordinary demons, at least it's a kind of big demons!"

"This kind of monster is born at level ten! Looking at the color of this horn, this great demon is definitely above level 13!"

"If you are lucky, you can definitely make a spiritual weapon! Good thing! Good thing!"

Yunlou's eyes gleamed, staring at the pair of demon horns!

Spirit weapon!

Even the most **** magic weapon is much better than magic weapon!

"Hehehe, you know the goods!"

Yuqingzi smiled triumphantly, and threw away the devil horns in his hand!

"Friend Yunlou, you can afford to change this thing, or can't you not afford it?"


Yunlou hesitated!

The material of the spirit weapon level, this is also a good thing for a sect!

Although his Yunlou is expensive as an elder, he is a spiritual weapon when he is full of money!

And this thing was given to him by his master before his death!

In the realm of comprehension, it is very easy to make a lower-grade magic weapon, but if you want to make a high-grade magic weapon, it not only requires strength, but also luck!

And if you want to make a spirit weapon, strength and luck are even more indispensable. The most important thing is that you have to have the materials!

Those top big sects naturally have methods to collect materials!

However, if you want high-level materials, you can only trade with the big sects except for luck!

Just this pair of devil horns, let alone Yun Lou's reluctance to take out the master's relics, even if they were taken out, it was not enough to replace them!

"Friend Yuqing, where did you get this pair of devil horns?"

Yunlou's eyes rolled, and he looked at Yuqingzi with a smile on his face!

Yuqingzi, this bastard, is so lucky to get such a good thing!

The point is, this thing looks absolutely fresh!

In other words, it is definitely Yuqingzi who just got it!

If you know where he got it from, if you rush over now, maybe you can still pick up a leak!

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