God-level desert island survival system

143 Xiaofei's small action

"Oh ..." Zhao Yunxiang was very satisfied with their performance, and the two were amazed at this moment, and they contaminated many golden yellow in their hands.

"Lao Zhao, you are a real dog!" Maltose took a slightly ridicule, and then the time turned, and the expression of a slide, "But I like you."

"Oh ..." Zhao Yunxiang is clear, "Your leg is still strong, not I like."

"I can scrape it!" Malt sugar is a serious way, "although it will still be long after it is scraped, it will take it as long as it is shaved."

"I have a doubt ..." Zhao Yunxiang stared at the maltose.

I have a word, I don't know how to talk.

Out of you may stab your self-esteem, but ...


You have no self-esteem!

In this way, Lao Zhao did not worry, he is an angry maltose, this goods are not red, and the heart does not jump.

"!" Malt sugar blinked, why is the old Zhao want to do it?

"You have a girl's family, why do you want to be so overbearing legs?" Zhao Yunxiang intakes, maltose, the image of the goods, it seems that it is about 8 years old, the doubles tail is meticulous, the smart eyes are flashing , Very cute.

Summary with a sentence, that is, the porcelain doll of powder carving is this leg ...

Emmmmmm ...

"It's so told you!" Malt sugar, and then, "Do you know your human baby?"


Of course, I know that it will only cry one night.

A partner of Lao Zhao is getting married early, and it is a child, remembering someone, the family has sent a friend circle.

Top this is described!

I hate the child, I hate everything about the child, I am still a child, how to take care of the child, ah, ah, ah, ah (crazy) ... I hate everything about the child!

At that time, Lao Zhao was very calm commented: Do you hate your child?

Answer: This doesn't hate ...

"Don't follow me, you are still a baby, who is often in the wheat field in the wheat field?" Zhao Yunxiang did not think about it.

Can only be embarrassing ... Malt sugar, the car skills of the goods, and often spitting fragrance, the thief is

"Hey!" Malt glyce dismissed, "I am the baby's fetus!"

Fetus, this thing is brought out, no one is, but it is a long problem.

Of course, this is not the key, the key is the fetal hair of maltose ...

"Your fetal hair is on the long legs?" Zhao Yunxiang helpless.

"Hey!" Maltose is very angry, cold, "Don't give up me, ugly ducks have always become white goose, when I will make you can't lick!"

" ... Men are big pig hoops, pull * ruthless!"

"..." Zhao Yunxiang delivered a long-awaited maltose, caught in meditation.

Now, I'm finished, I have to go back to eat!



Zhang Wei followed Long Fei was cleaning his hands, and the golden yellow in his hand has been washed, but ... with a heart, the people who have a heart will always sound the scene.

I have to wash!

"That disgusting guy, actually this yin me!" Yu Longfei's impression of Zhao Yunxiang is not good, he always thinks that the animals have given his goddess to the arch!

"It's so annoying!" Zhang Wei is staring at his hands, sniffing sniffing, then frowning, "How is it so stink!"

"There is a morning and evening, I have to kill him!" Yu Longfei evil.

"Hey!" Zhang Wei said, "You also play your mouth, have your ability to go!"

"I ..." Yu Longfei.


The hot face is cooked, it is placed in the pottery bowl, covering a layer of thick cucumber with a huge .

"The rice is just doing well, hurry to eat!" Han Qian fell to a mear head, wearing a snake skin vest, dressing arbitrarily, looking like a virtuous wife.

Zhao Yunxiang suddenly made straight, he couldn't help but sigh, Han teacher is awesome!

The facilities in the shelter are some original, no tables, no chairs, eat on the stone, because it is much more burning, it is in front of the fire.

Now, a few people can only hold the bowl, sitting on the stone.

"Eat first, wait until I have time, I have to be a table with chair." Zhao Yunxiang took the lead to pick bamboo chopsticks and started to eat. "

Noodle soup is used as seafood, a large number of octopus silk and shark bacon be cooked, there is a strong smell in the soup, more or smoked flavor, the taste is more near barbecue.

"Good!" Zhao Yunxiang has been in the sea to eat, this is the first time to eat, but still hands.

"It's the taste of my mother!"

The combination of instant noodles with the hand is perfect, the strength is blur, the aroma is full, with the fragrant seasoning, plus the fragrant octopus silk with shark, eat soup, full of soup.

Just try it slightly in the mouth, and the fresh incense in the octopus is full of mouth.

Several people are in a deck.

"Well, delicious!" Zhao Yunxiang admired his thumbs, "Han teacher is really delicious!"

"I often do it in the future!" Han Millenni smiled and smiled and smiled.

This random dress makes the old Zhao have some difficult to hold. He once used a lot of Royal Sister Loli, and only did not have exposed to Han Millennium.

Think * her!

"You taste the , cook for a long time, it should be cooked." Han Millennal reminded.

"it is good!"

Zhao Yunxiang is also the first time to get into the , this egg is very huge, probably fist, it is estimated that in addition to ostrich eggs, the biggest egg!

After the , reveal the egg whites of white gluca, it looks very q bomb, the protein is very tender, the egg yolk is very huge, and it is extremely fragrant, and there is a ham of ham.

Moreover, the egg yolk is somewhat scattered, with obvious granular shape, very delicious.

After a meal, a few people were very satisfied and touched their stomach and the stomach was filled again.

The feeling after eating is very comfortable, I always want to lie down and quiet to be a beautiful man ... well, is a salted fish.

"Zhao Yunxiang, there is still the rest of the soup, let us feed the pig?" Han Qianru asked with a white face.

"Yes, feed pigs!"

The foundation of the pig is basically eaten. It is like a cracked vegetable soup to eat. The wild boar's living conditions are naturally more than home pigs. After all, they live on their own.

This afternoon, Zhao Yunxiang is making bamboo chairs and bamboo tables.

When I finished finish, it is already at night. At this moment, the sun sets, the West is rendered again into purple.

At this time, Yu Longfei came out from the shelter, and slowly approached Zhao Yunxiang asylum.

The maltose in the sea in the sea witnessed all this, and this guy grinned from the sea to the shore.

"This is a teacher, it seems very fun ..."

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