Zhang Wei is sitting on a stone, looking at the land to help her. Yu Longfei.


I didn't expect a high school student who graduated from a university, it was a waste of this only Ino!

Although the waste, Zhang Wei is still very cool, she likes to see a teacher who can't see it.


"Zhao Yunxiang, I don't know if you have time now?" Han Millennium is standing in front of the hammock, behind the hands, slightly asking.

"Do you do it?" Malt sugar asked, "Do you want to borrow?"

"..." Han Millennium is naturally ignored by maltose, which has been in contact with her, has had a certain antibody to the old driver.

The beautiful teacher is looking at Zhao Yunxiang, waiting for his reply.

Old Zhao was eating lychee, drinking coconut juice, but Han Millennal suddenly invited, he is not refused.

"There is time, there is a lot of time." Zhao Yunxiang stared at the exquisite and delicate body of Han Qianru, and he could not help but think of it.

"This is the case, I really want to go to the roof to see the night, just the moon tonight, let's take a look, can we look good?" Han Qianya smiled.

"Hey, old Zhao, you won't you lose myself here?" Maltose lost, sure, men are big pig hooves!

"You go to find a monkey to play!" Zhao Yunxiang took the roof with Han Qi.

The two people climbed to the roof along the bamboo ladder of the bamboo house.

The height of the three-story sea villa is around 6 meters, and the two rely on the bamboo wall behind it.

Zhao Yunxiang can smell the taste of Han Qi, which is a fragrance similar to a lilac flower.

This taste comes from the wrist of Teacher Han.

It's amazing!

"Sure enough, the girl is the cutest, fragrant creature in the world." Zhao Yunxiang said with a sentence.

"Hey ??" Han Qianru asked, "Isn't a boy in the world's cutest creature? I have seen a lot of beautiful boys in TV."

"No ..." Zhao Yunxiang's little movement was more obvious, grabbed the wrist of Han Qi, and heard it, "Yes, the scent is from here."

"Well ..." Han Qian's noddion of the weak mosquito.

The next scene ...

The not described on the roof ...

Maltose was driven away by Zhao Yunxiang, Xiao Nizi is very speechless, and she is the most good or monkey!

The monkey is in the forest, and it is a big watermelon. From the beginning of the seeds of watermelon, the monkey is busy cultivating.

After half-day cultivation, it has continued 4 generations of watermelon, from the wild weigh of green as cucumber, to the white melon, now the watermelon's melon has 60% red.

I believe that tomorrow will cultivate sweet and juicy watermelon.

The monkey did not in the cultivation garden of ordinary plants, but in Zu'an.

Since the last time it was protected by the plants similar to the octopus, it has changed many, often tired of that plant.

"Monkey!" My maltose was bought into the botanical garden, staring at the monkeys who were packed by the small octopus.

"Is it?" The monkey looked up and immediately started packing up again.

For maltose, the monkey is not surprised. This big mud often comes here when the night is coming.

"What am I you?" Malt sugar asked.

"You are my mother!" Said the monkey.

"..." Maltose is not satisfied with this answer, and it feels that the monkey has changed.

These people have changed!

Sometimes, play a happy friends together, you will feel very strange.

When I was young, my students got friends, I looked at the other side, and the temper was relatively.

However, after grew up, the friendship between the students became useful to her, she would have a good relationship, and mixed will have a variety of show.

Malt sugar feels at this moment, is you changed, or I didn't grow up?

"Monkey, I am very empty, I am so lonely!" My maltose saten, she feels that monkeys will definitely come to comfort themselves.

After all, he is a monkey!

They used to come, of course, now!

Sure enough, when the monkey heard the maltose and said lonely, he was slowed over, and the mortar gum suddenly lit.


Or monkeys are good!

At the very least than Lao Zhao, the guy is the animals with no humanity!

Only guy dominated by the next half!

"Come, this is given to you!" The monkey took a huge root in his hand and handed a maltose.

"Lying!" Maltose directly unable to vomit!

"Who wants this, I said my heart is very lonely."

"Oh, talk about it!" The monkey simply ignored the little chapters, but sat with maltose.

"Monkey, what is our relationship with Lao Zhao?" Maltose suddenly asked, this question recently showed.

"The pet is the same as the owner!" The monkey said very lightly.

"Do you know the magical baby, in fact, I am very envious of the relationship between Pelicun with Xiao Zhi, do you think they are the main servant relationship?" Maltose asked.

"The relationship is not as good as the main servant!" The monkey replied.

"Why?" Malt sugar asked.

"Do you know the Rockets?" The monkey looked up at the sky, and the stars tonight were beautiful.

"I know, two tears around the Galaxy, often take the feelings of good feelings." Malt sugar replied.

"Just talk to you!" The monkey thought about it, "said the thinking," Xiao Zhi, when they eat, it is eaten on the table, Pikacu can only eat under the table, explain, the identity is wrong, It is like the current people's dogs. "

" ??" Malt sugar is thoughttaking, "" You said it very reasonable. "

"And the Rockets are all eating with pets on a table." The monkey boosted the boat, "We used to summon him as Lao Zhao's summoning, it was good."

"Do you feel happy?" Malt sugar asked.

"Happy, there are flowers and grass can be planted, how can I be unhappy?" The monkey launched maltose and reached out to a large cluster plant in front of it.

"Well, I know ..." Maltose nodded, indicating that he understood, she could have a serious card, and the psychology was not very happy.

It seems that tonight is going to hunt!

Now there is only a singer to give yourself experience, with experience values ​​to improve the level, become stronger.

The value of a person is reflected in his mastery, the more important, the more important, and the value is also.

Now there are many people chasing stars, always talking about the star, the author said that it is not blindly chasing the star. If you admire who, that is, Yuan Longping and Zhongnan Mountain Academician.

Chasing them more than chasing stars!

The sea breeze blows, the plants are awkward, like the sunshine and moisture of thanks to nature.

For plants from different regions, monkeys are treated separately.

Zu'an's plants are growing slowly, and now there is a lot of plants, and there are still many unable to show it, this takes time to test slowly. .

Just when the monkey was talking to maltose, there was a noisy voice behind him, and the two looked back, it was a pair of unusual and a guy with a little green flame.

I saw this guy, maltose and monkeys were instantly excited.

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