This item should be very high. After all, it is not possible to hide between quartzstones and golden stones.

Zhao Yunxiang carefully used a chisel to cover the gold and quartz stone of the object, and finally bamboo with bamboo pieces.

It seems that this seems to be a unknown leather, leather is curling, nothing.

Zhao Yunxiang's stable ratio, did not touch this leather with his hand, and the ghost knew that there was any poison?

"True eyes!"

In the face of unknown things, Zhao Yunxiang has always been cautious. He must feel with his hand after seeing.

The true eye has been conclusively: A picture depicting a block of continent.

Leather: Sheepskin.

Depicting lines: ink juice.

"This Nima ..." Zhao Yunxiang first spitted, and then opened the map.

Zhao Yunxiang geography is not good, only knows that Huaxia is like a rooster, other countries, don't know ...

And this map in front of it is quite strange, which depicts some coordinates, may be the sea coordinates of the ocean.

"What are you doing?" Han Qian fell over, squatting around Zhao Yunxiang, smashed his head staring at Lao Zhao's hand.

That map looks in some years, it looks very retro.

"I don't know which big brother puts the map to the golden stone!" Zhao Yunxiang pointed to the huge golden stone before, which is a ore group composed of high purity gold and stone stone.

This huge stone looks very normal, not like artificial post-production.

"This map ..." Han Qi fell out of the small hand, grabbed the map, and then looked at it, then whisper.

"Oh, is there any place to be?" Zhao Yunxiang thought about what the Ni, the old, and the old Zhao felt, this map did not seem to be known in the mainland.

Is it the monoglore from the sea to swallow? ?

"Not Huaxia ..." Han Qian fell, smiled slightly.

"Oh ..." Zhao Yunxiang smiled, this mother said not nonsense!

The map was collected by Zhao Yunxiang. This sheepskin needs to be preserved, in case it is used.


Everything is ready at all this moment!

Zhao Yunxiang moved the table to the coconut tree. In fact, it can be a small shack as a restaurant, and eat in the daytime can be shade. It is also unique.

Of course, it seems that it doesn't have to look forward to rain in a short time, because the island looks like a dry season!

To know, the dietary duration may have been a long time, more than a few months, few weeks.

Under cool, a pottery bowl is full of lychee, the least out of the shelter is this, and the lychee that is stacked, up to a few hundred pounds.

"A lot of lychees, everyone eats, strong!" Zhao Yunxiang now saw that the lychee has contradict it, and the lychee has been eaten to eat the sweetness of the scorpion, and it is necessary to drink water.

It turns out that not only the salt is neutralized with protein, but also the same.

"Little brother, don't you say that you have to do lychee wine?" Lin Qingyu asked, "I don't know how long it takes about lychee wine."

Lychee wine, this wine does not know how high is high, it is suitable for girls who have just been adult.

In fact, Lin Qingyu's most hope is Zhao Yunxiang drunk, then violent **

"I don't know, I have no experience, I have to be a few weeks?" Zhao Yunxiang also thinking that the fermentation of the wine requires a crop rotten deterioration, and finally forms a special substance, converting solid state into liquid.

If the food is to convert the starch into a sugar, the fruit does not need this conversion, because it itself is sweet!

That is to say, the fruit wine is faster than the wine brewed!

"How is the child care about the wine?" Han Millennium is the teacher of Lin Qingyu, she doesn't advocate students drinking.

Especially the girl, once the girl is drinking wine, the boy from the peers is easy to lose.

If a girl can find a loss, you can find a place, the boy is losing, so it can only be referred to.

"Teacher Han, I am also a big pressure. I have said that I have been adult. It is nothing to drink." Lin Qingyu is very vomiting, and I have a sorry expression.

"There is no homework here, you press the big yarn?" Lin Qinghe as a twin sister, often hears his sister.

"Oh, in these few days here, I am really not as good as going home." Lin Qingyu is also helpless, "At least the home is electric, hot water, ice cream, there is mother's autumn trousers ... "

and also……

I may not meet the little brother, I will not fall in love with him ...

I don't want to dismantle him with Han, but I always think about it, if I encounter him first?

If there is no teacher ...

hateful! !

How can there be such a damn idea? ?

Mr. Han is very common, I can like him silently, watching him far away ...

Lin Qingyu's brain is flying quickly, and the eyes are staring at Zhao Yunxiang.

Old Zhao feels feeling, this girl is also my body!

rub! !

I feel that my situation is very bad, dangerous!

"Let's work, work for a long time, your stomach is hungry!" Lin Caix Today's workload is very large, first accompanying your sister to make a sanitary paper together, more than 2 hours, all repeat a move, boring .

It's good in the two people's mind, and I have finished the sanitary paper, at this moment, there are probably thousands of sheets of paper in a bamboo basket.

The windlings in the back of the roller's fish have been dealt with by Zhao Yunxiang. The front of the mouth is also broken by Zhao Yunxiang.

Now the side of the flag of the flag of the fish has been baked, golden, grease rolling, and flowers.

The grilled fish was cut into a large piece, put on a huge leaves, and the banana leaves became a tray.

It has been cut around 10 pounds, which is evenly distributed into four, and each person will eat about 3 pounds of fish.

For the sisters, 3 pounds will eat, but for Zhao Yunxiang, three pounds are up to 7 points.

I want to know that the food of Lao Zhao is very big!

Starting to taste, the first is the outermost layer, the flag fish does not have a fish scales, cut the flower in the fish skin, after a long baking, the fish skin is blooming, the knife is roast crisp golden, it is very simple, taste super delicious .

However, the inside of the flag, the meat is relatively firm, full of mouth feelings, with the chewing of the big mouth, the mouth is abnormal.

In this way, the flagfrique is about one tenth of the meat to be eaten by a few people. This big fish does not have much fish, the meat is extremely .

Several people have finished eating, ready to take a break, just hear a shout outside, listening to the sound is a girl.

Zhao Yunxiang looked at the rare bamboo fence and found that Zhang Wei, who is exclaiming, is a huge beast!

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