
The rabbit's cage was hit, and the hare in the cage was hit with the brain, followed by biting with a plate.

Look at it seems to be a bit painful!

"Zhao Yunxiang, is this rabbit crazy?" Han Qianlu is very unsubstant, usually she gives the rabbit to brevize, and the teacher does not dare to touch the hare, because this guy bite!

That's right!

The rabbit is a rodent, and the ancestors are meat. Later, it tried wild grass because of various reasons, and finally the branch evolved into the current rabbit.

Even now the rabbit, eat meat, just like a dog grazing.

Usually this pregnant hare is very quiet, in the cage, quiet mix, etc.

What happened today?

Is it going to take advantage of the moonlight, jailbreak? ?

"I am afraid that it is not crazy, but it is necessary to produce!" Zhao Yunxiang has discovered that a place in the rabbit has begun to expand.

It seems that it looks like it, so it will cause it to hit the bite.

"Want ... born ??" Han Qi Lu is staring at the cage, the hare in the cage is very painful, and the lips do not say, but also reveal the swaying big broth, still calling "".

"The rabbit is born !!" Lin Qingyu and Lin Qinghe also heard the news, watched the rabbit students.

This is a textbook!

I will definitely get it in the future!

In civilized world students are generally hospitals, because the hospital's level is a little higher, the doctor will help you with a child, and it will take a little unexpectedly to take medical means.

However, if you can't go, and you are pregnant, it is dangerous. After all, here is a wasteland, and you will rely on your own.

"Come on!"

"For force!"

"Head came out!"

Three sisters are standing next to the cage, looking at the female rabbit, the rabbit is not embarrassed.

Zhao Yunxiang is not interested in these, just thinking, in a few months, the shelter has a constant rabbit meat!

To know that the bread of rabbits is super fast!

It is said that in a country, I don't know why, some people brought a few rabbits from the field, and finally because she accidentally caught the rabbit to escape, the rabbit was flooding in that country.

The rabbit is impossible to flood on the island, because there are too many natural enemies, the creatures such as the lizard, the snakes will control the growth of rabbits.

The sisters are watching the rabbit, and Zhao Yunxiang continues to smelting!

For ten minutes, the gold inside the kiln is melted!

The wind of the kiln is opened, and the sea breeze is protractive, and the temperature of the kiln at this moment is high, about a thousand degrees.

In the process of burning kiln, Zhao Yunxiang found a thing, that is, the same wood, the temperature after burning is different!

Like the wood firing after the texture of the texture, the flame temperature is up to 800 degrees, and it is blown by the sea breeze, and it is not a thousand degrees.

However, a very hard wood, is particularly slow, but the temperature can be as high as 900 degrees, the sea breeze blows the moment!

However, the melting point of gold is about 1,000 degrees, a lot of 1400 degrees in iron.

The golden water in several pottery containers is inserted into the mold made of clay mud.

Soon, about a dozen gold bars were filled with gold water, while four containers were empty and needed to fill the gold block again.

Just so, it is about more than an hour, and the ground is full of golden bars. These gold bars have not been completely plastic, and they need to wait until complete cooling.

The huge golden stone has not completely exploited, except for a large quartz stone, there are many golden distributions.

These gold is difficult to exploit, Zhao Yunxiang intends to give up, anyway, this goods also made a hundred gold bars!

After completing the gold bars, Zhao Yunxiang is very comfortable to hold a coconut, lying on the hammock, and swaying in the sky.

Sea breeze ...

The benefits of bamboo leaves in the bamboo leaves, the benefits of being built in the bamboo forest are in that, you can smell the faint bamboo fragrance, this gas smells when it is really a heart!

A cool and sweet coconut under the belly, the cool coconut juice is hot, now only feel the refreshment!

The sisters observed that the rabbit produced is close to the end!

Lin Qingyu's record is, "use force, bite the umbilical cord, and pick a few cubs, continue to produce, bite the umbilical cord, the circulation is still ..."

The record of Lin Qingyin is, "I am too bored with a child, I don't have children."

The Korean monarch is, "The product requires twins or Zhao Yunxiang to help, cut the umbilical cord, can you recover after a child?"

When Zhao Yunxiang drifted, he looked at the yacht outside, which has been loaded with a lot of broken ships, and I don't know if it is like a boat.


Every morning!

The sun just rises from the East, the sky is only revealing a white fish, and the birds in the forest are not finished.

A bird seems to have a berries grown in monkeys, and those red fruits are not attractive to these birds.

The special color of plant fruit and the smell will tell the bird, the fruit is familiar, you need your spread!

In order to reproduce the next generation, the plants attracted the spreaders with the color of the odor, and the plants were attracted to the birds, because the birds act as a communicator was hundreds of millions of years earlier than humans.

Now, the most successful communicator is human!

However, these berries are not eaten to birds, but they are enjoyed by monkeys, sometimes I occasionally pick some people.


Several birds watched for a long time, did not find danger, so flying up, preparing to eat those red tempting fruits.

But, next second ...

Several green tentacles suddenly appeared, wrapped around the birds, a bird flew away, and another luck was not so good, it was bundled in a moment in an instant.

A large number of feather clamps are dropped from the vine gap, which will be absorbed by the special digestive system of this plant.

"Monkey, your small chapter, is true!" Maltose sit on the small tree house made of monkeys, two white calves shake alternate in the air.

"Well, I don't know what this guy will change, can you leave the soil?" The monkey is very confused.

"Do you know that the ghost is not a ghost?" Maltose suddenly asked.

"Nature is knowing!" The monkey nodded, "I admire Ning Caichen, facing it, I can go to *!"

"No!" Malt sugar shook his head, "I am talking about the ghost!"

The monkey looked at the little octopus, and then he thought about it. After a moment, I sighed. "I have to let you ... Hey, let the small chapters be careful to be a man called Tang Hao!"

"Oh ..." Malt sugar is uncomfortable, "Reassure, you can easily and soily exist, the little Tang Tang is not allowed."

The monkey didn't pick up, but grinned a fishman walked to the bamboo forest. .

"The guy smashed the sister next door for a long time, actually did not start." The monkey smiled.

"Walk, will go!" After the maltose saw the fish, he suddenly came.

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